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Bible-Code Prophecy

Signs in the Heavens
and on the Earth

Part 1 of 3 parts


 An audio-visual look at the record 5 comets in 2004,
and their amazing prophecy!

(Updated: "The 12 comets")

"There shall be signs in the sun and moon and stars..."
(Luke 21:25)



Note: When I refer to the 12 constellations on my website, I am simply showing that God providentially guided men over the centuries to construct these imaginary images in the sky as they are known today so that He could use them as a back drop for heavenly signs. I am opposed to horoscopes, but open to the general imagery and what the constellations portray when a comet passes by them.


"Yet this is an auspicious circumstance, as Machholz became the fifth naked-eye comet of 2004. Twice before, in 1911 and again in 1970, four comets managed to reach naked-eye brightness within a single calendar year. But when Andrew Pearce of Noble Falls in Western Australia saw Comet Machholz without any optical aid on Nov. 19, it put 2004 into the books as a record year for naked-eye comets." (MSNBC)


Lion of Judah in Jacob's prophecy.


According to some Jewish traditions, it is thought that the 12 sons of Jacob parallel the 12 constellations in the heavens. This is most evident when Jacob prophesied over his 12 sons as recorded in Gen. 49, assigning each son the emblem of an animal. (See, "Jacob's Bible Prophecy Acrostic", about which this article has its origin.) While the Zodiac is not from God (especially as used today in astrology), nevertheless for His mercies sake it seems that God is using the traditional understanding of Gen. 49 as still held today by many Jews so as to open their eyes to see that Jesus {Yeshua} is their Messiah as evidenced by heavenly signs meaningful to them. "Jews seek a sign..." 

See "Why Would God Use the Zodiac for a Sign?"

And, "What is the Purpose of These Signs?"


Why this is written?

The purpose of these series of articles that detail the rhyme and reason for when these events (including events surrounding Saddam Hussein from the time that the Twin Towers fell) is to demonstrate that God has everything timed. It is to prove that God alone fulfills predictions like predicting a storm years in advance. He alone is God! 

Dan 9:26 "And after the sixty-two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, and shall have nothing; and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with an overflow (flood), and unto the end, war, --the desolations determined."

We are not saying that this is the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Instead, what we are saying is that God is now revealing the kind of numeric patterns that He uses when He "determines" world events. These numeric patterns can be studied and learned from in order to prepare the yet future generation to come who will actually see the final and culminated fulfillment of all things in a future period often referred to as "The Great Tribulation Period". This work is to prepare that future generation. The only claim that I am personally making is that the work in the Picture Bible Codes and numbers is a partial fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel:

Dan 12:4, 9 And thou, Daniel, close the words, and seal the book, till the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. ... And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for these words are closed and sealed till the time of the end.

Dan 12:10-13 Many shall be purified, and be made white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the continual sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand, two hundred, and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days!}

God began revealing these things to me since 1991. Each revelation is also timed, using the numeric revealed in the above prophecy of the 1260/1290 and 1335 days/years. These revelations were accompanied by a steady stream of personal signs that goaded me to further study. Beyond this I make no other claim. (Also see "How my Prophetic Calling Works".)





Audio and Manual Slide Presentation

Erandanus---river of judgement---The dragon will be thrown into its fiery stream.Note: Images of comets like this one here was taken from my astronomy software and do not necessarily represent their actual brightness in the sky. This what my astronomy software hoped for. Although most were bright comets, and all were naked-eye comets, however, their brightness was much less to the naked eye than here depicted. Nevertheless, the timing, location, and direction of their tails remain the same.



Lion Bible Code Acrostic


(Note: The first part of this audio is rather rough, 
but the second and third parts are more clearer!
 So please listen through!)


Click here for, Audio: Part One


Slowly roll curser over images to read 
what the code reads in each image!

(In Internet Explorer)

Picture Bible Code of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah bearing His cross, staff, rod, and sword! "His star" shines at top! All pretenders to the throne will be crushed.

In the above image, the tail of the comet reads: "The scepter/comet of man is among them!" The star reads, "His star" 4x, and the Lion, in part, reads, "'"I AM" (is) the Lion of God!", "...of Judah" (5x). The head reads, "The scepter". The legs read, from right to left,  "Judah,  His Son, Levi, Judah",  etc...


Click on images to enlarge!
 (May take 10 sec. if listening to audio also)


(Note: If you cannot enlarge images, then click here.



Picture Bible Code of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah bearing His cross, scepter/comet, rod, and sword! "His star" shines at top! All pretenders to the throne will be crushed.

The scepter at 153 skips also reads, "Moab." (It is also the acrostic of the scepter that reads: "The scepter(s) of Edom is among them!" The 153 reminds us of the 153 fish that Peter brought ashore after Jesus was risen from the dead.) "Moab" was a son by incest.

4Picture Bible Code of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah bearing His cross, scepter/comet, rod, and sword! "His star" shines at top! All pretenders to the throne will be crushed.

Scepter in Hebrew is also the word for comet. Hence it is here colored blue for a comet.

Out from the mouth horizontally also reads, (from actual text), "Rulers staff from between---his feet." The staff here is doubtlessly part of the "leaping lion" (see below) where the staff indeed comes from between the 'feet.'

7At the hind of the lion, so as to attach itself to the tail, says, "I AM" a term found frequently in the picture bible codes, and refers to the "I AM that I AM" of the burning bush. Here it means, "I am the lion of the tribe of Judah---the lion of God!"

8The scepter running into the lion below tail reads, "The scepter shall not depart (from Judah)," part of the actual text.

9Background blacked like the dark sky. The top of the comet/scepter reads, "His star," and "when the star appeared," each 2x.

Lion of Judah leaping toward its prey, as according to what the actual surface text is reading! (Gen. 49.) The head reads, "A Lion is coming...Fear because of me!" The tail reads, "The scepter." The body reads, 5 x "Judah." The mane reads,  "I AM the God (Mighty One) of Judah!"

(Lion of David opens seven seals.) Seven intersecting circles read forward and backward in alternating directions. Click on the flying lion several images down to read what circles say, (at right of that image.)
12The staff from between his feet reads: "Rulers staff from between---his feet." The vertical staff is here shown show it's position so that it can be compared with the postion of the same staff(s) seen in the first lion image, where it was seen coming forth from the mouth.
13The scepter running into the lions' mouth reads, "The scepter shall not depart (from Judah)," which reads from the actual text. 14
The mane reads,  "I AM the God (Mighty One) of Judah!" ("I AM" is circled red.)
15Background blacked like the dark sky. The comet can read, "The comet/scepter will not depart (from Judah)." It is positioned toward the lion as the comet is toward the constellation of Leo (Lion). This is also true of the Balance Bible Code and the constellation of Eridanus, (the river of the judge.) 16
Picture Bible Code of flying Cherub/Lion. The body of it too reads, "5x "Judah," (including the legs). The tail reads, "His staffs," (in agreement with, "His star"). The head reads, "Fear! Behold, the Lion will appear!"
17The comet can read, "The comet/scepter will not depart (from Judah)." It is located in same postion to Leo (Lion) as the actual comet that appeared in the sky. 18
Here we only have three intersecting circles; however, the reading seen at the right of this image is taken from the seven intersecting circles found several images earlier in the "leaping lion". The circles read forward and backward in alternating directions.
Background blacked like the dark sky. The comet can read, "The comet/scepter will not depart (from Judah)." It is located in same postion to Leo (Lion) as the actual comet that appeared in the sky.


Click on images to enlarge!
 (It may take 10 sec.'s)

Slowly r
oll curser over images to read what the code says in each image!
(In Internet Explorer)

Three naked-eye comets during solar eclipse of April 19/20, 2004. The 4 eclipses of 2004 form a 2-week patterns pointing to a day that signifes 1922 BC/AD,  when Jacob was married.

The two comets as seen from coast of China, April 20, 2004, just after the eclipse.

All three naked-eye comets visable in sky at once. A rare event. (April 2004.)
Movie: April 10-24. 3 comets at 2-day intervals
    (1-day intervals)

The two comets as in the two picture bible codes---an impossible coincidence---not to mention Jacob's acrostic prophecy!

Comet shines into Leo's mouth like Bible Prophecy Code! See Picture Bible Code of Lion with comet that reads, "The comet/scepter will not depart (from Judah)." It is located in same postion to Leo (Lion) as the actual comet that appeared in the sky.

Erandanus---river of judgement---The dragon will be thrown into its fiery stream.
Comet-linear, path at 3-day intervals

Comet shines into Leo's mouth like Bible Prophecy Code! Three frames superimposed---each one week apart. Note the comet disappears over "The Great Bear."
Movie: Comet Neat, Apr. 1 - May 21, 2004. 3-dy intervals

Raven pecks at comet! Arafat dies same day.

Picture Bible code. Hell, sheol, grave---The dragons ultimate fate.

Raven eats comet!  Bible Prophecy Code! Three frames superimposed---each one week apart.

Movie: Comet Linear. 3 dy intervals (Oct. 6 - Dec. 8)

River-scepter-star-bible-code-prophecy. "My glittering scepter." The comet/scepter is positioned toward the river of judgment in the bible code just as the literal comet was in the sky toward the constellation of Eridanus, (the river of the judge.) This was at the same time that the other comet was positioned toward the constellation of Leo (Lion), just as it was in the lion bible code!
  River-lamp-balance-tree-bible-code. The comet/scepter is positioned toward the river of judgment in the bible code just as the literal comet was in the sky toward the constellation of Eridanus, (the river of the judge.) This was at the same time that the other comet was positioned toward the constellation of Leo (Lion), just as it was in the lion bible code!

5th comet of year, seen here over plaiedes---as in dream and bible code prophecy.
Movie showing path of comet

Click here for full article on this comet

Eclipse-weighed in balance like picture bible code prophecy. The eclipse occurred in Libra ("The Balances"). The major star, Zebenelgenubi was also eclipsed by the moon at the very same time as the lunar eclipse. Zebenelgenubi means, "Insufficient Price," i.e., "weighed and found wanting." While the total eclipse was seen in Egypt and Jerusalem, the image is from the vantage point of below Africa where the star also was eclipsed. (The star below that, Zebeneschamali, means, "The price that covers.")

Movie: May 4 2004-Libra-Eclipse

Balance Bible Code can also take shape of an Altar, which is also true of the balance in the sky (Libra).
    Menorah-balances-scales-bible-code picture.

Sagittarius-Dec. 27-2004---Blast. 1,260,000 days from the Exodus in 1446 BC. The day, in turn, symbolized the 'year' when Israel entered Egypt 430 years, 1876 BC.  An incredible display of numerics and perfect timing! The code reads: "Did He miss the mark? No!"  A perfect bows-eye by Sagittarius, who aims at the scorpion (Scorpio)!34At the Olympic opening ceremony, the gods of Babylon were honored. Here we see the Centaur throwing his spear---but God declares that He missed! Yes, Bel missed the mark! Centaurus loses!

Judge-flawless-arrow-silent-bible-code. Christ's mark.

The Pope held religious ceremonies with a great many religious leaders including witches, shaman, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, etc. On one occasion He even shared His pulpit with them! Contrary to the bible, Catholicism preaches a salvation by human works and damns all that believe in salvation by faith aside from works. In practice, Mary is worshiped as co-redeemer; the Church's litany of heresies pile up to heaven, and the martyrs blood cries from the ground. "Come out from her my people, lest you be a partaker of her plagues!" (Rev. 13.)

Pope in manger in Bethlehem, March 22, 2000.

Grasping for the scepter on Purim! (Shepherds Staff). Bethlehem, March 24 (23?), 2000. The king stretched out his scepter to Esther in mercy, and so she and her people were spared from an antichrist---Haman.  Pope and staff.

Priince Charles and wife to-be.    Prince Charles' personal standard.

Royal-standard---over England-Ireland-scotland.

Bible Prophecy numbers chart put on net 5 years ago.

Partial solar eclipse in Virgo (The Virgin) on Oct. 14, 2004. The 4 eclipses of 2004 form a 2-week patterns pointing to a day that signifes 1922 BC/AD,  when Jacob was married. See bible numbers website for more.        Heading into total lunar eclipse in Aries on Oct. 28, 2004. The 4 eclipses of 2004 form a 2-week patterns pointing to a day that signifes 1922 BC/AD,  when Jacob was married. See bible numbers website for more.

         Venus passes in front of sun May 8, 2004 like a crown upon the head of the bull (Torus).
Venus eclipse (transit) May 8 2004


The flames of the menorah are also shaped like an arrow.      The various weapons and things intersect with the river, so as to read in yet another code.    The Genesis Project emblem.

Ezekeil's flying cherub covered with eyes.Genesis Project. Bible code and fall of Satan/Lucifer.
Movie of fall

Here is a bible-code picture of a menorah shaped like a snake. Riddle: Who is this bible code about?



Balance Bible Code


(To continue, click here for part 2)





Also see...

Jacob's Bible Prophecy Acrostic



Please see the above images for more on
the first four comets, #1 to #5.


Comets #1-3

The 3.5-years of comets are reckoned as commencing from the Passover evening of April 5th (the start of Nisan/Abib 15th), which includes the next 7 days of Passover to April 13th, 2004, which day begins the evening prior according to Jewish and biblical reckoning. Depending on night conditions, it is possible that comet Neat was visible to the naked eye a week before this at mag 6, thus close to the religious New Year of Abib, (Ex. 12:10). 

At any rate, it was during Passover week that all three comets were faintly visible and increasing in brightness, with Neat at about mag 5.5 at that time. Three comets visible in the sky to the naked eye at the same time somewhere in the world is a very rare event, and from a biblical perspective, especially when it happens at Passover and Easter!

Recall that the comet/staff with "His star" at top is in the form of the cross. Thus, Passover/Easter is appropriate for the commencement of the sign of the 12 comets in keeping with the image of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. (This is explained in detail in the audio, and below. Click to enlarge!)

Picture Bible Code of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah bearing His cross, scepter/comet, rod, and sword! "His star" shines at top! All pretenders to the throne will be crushed.
(Also see "Comet Lovejoy" of seven-years later.)


And over the next 1290 days exactly (3.5 years, Dan. 12) there would be 12 naked-eye comets (likely a record), ending with the unexpected, bizarre, sudden, and spectacular explosion of comet Holms on Oct. 24-25, 2007. It would remain visible for many months after that.

(Mag 6.5 or 6 is considered to be the very borderline where vision is possible to the unaided eye.)



(NEAT) C/2001 Q4  

(Mag. 2.8 in May of 2004, but visible to the naked eye early April or even late March)

Movie: Comet Neat, Apr. 1 - May 21, 2004. 3-dy intervals




(Bradfield) C/2004 F4

 (Mag. 3.3 in mid April 2004, but first seen by naked eye between April 8-12)

(Also "Easter" was April 9-11)


(Linear) C/2002 T7

(Mag. 2.2 in spring of 2004, but first visible to naked eye in Southern Hemisphere around April 9)


"For comet enthusiasts, the potential to glimpse three different naked-eye comets within a span of a few weeks is an anomaly. (National Geographic News)


Three naked-eye comets during solar eclipse of April 19/20, 2004. The 4 eclipses of 2004 form a 2-week patterns pointing to a day that signifes 1922 BC/AD,  when Jacob was married.
Click to enlarge!

Movie: April 10-24. 3 comets at 2-day intervals
    (1-day intervals)



Comet #4 (Linear) C/2003 K4 

(A dim mag. 6) (Early autumn of 2004)

Raven eats comet!  Bible Prophecy Code! Three frames superimposed---each one week apart.
Movie: Comet Linear. 3 day intervals (Oct. 6 - Dec. 8)



#5,  Comet Machholz C/2004 Q2

(the fifth naked eye comet in 2004)

(Mag. 3.5 in Dec. of 2004)

5th comet of year, seen here over plaiedes---as in dream and bible code prophecy.
Click to enlarge!

Movie showing path of comet

Click here for full article on this comet




We continue with the rest of the seven comets after the following discussion.




Update on comets over the next 3.5 years
 from the time that the first comet appeared in 2004

This is essentially the same  3.5-year period of the sign of the hurricanes,
and about which more than a dozen articles were written.


Jesus said: 

"And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

(It is from this time when Jerusalem fell in {593 to} 586 BC {see Ezekiel 4} that we are counting to the present 3.5-year period under study here. From the fall of Jerusalem when "Jerusalem began to be trodden down" unto the present are 1260 + 1335 years as per the prophecy. This has been explained in detail in dozens of articles and so we will not detail the numeric again here. The point is that verse 25 and 26 are very much connected numerically. The sign in the 'heavens', 'distress of nations', and the 'hurricanes' are tied to the previous verse about 'the fall of Jerusalem' which makes the timing of these events all the more astonishing.)

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring." (Luke 21:25-26)



The 12 Comets: *Spring 2004 to Fall 2007*

"And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,  and on her head a crown of twelve stars." "And a great sign appeared in heaven:
 A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,
and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
(Rev. 12:1)

Compare the above verse to those below. Thus, for there to be 12 stars/comets in the heavens in keeping with the acrostic embedded within Jacob's prophecy about his 12 sons is most appropriate!

Gen 37:9 "And he (Joseph) dreamed yet another dream, and told it to his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed yet a dream: and, behold, the sun and the moon and eleven stars made obeisance to me.

Gen 37:10 And he told it to his father (Jacob), and to his brethren; and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?"


Are you aware that God has given many heavenly signs since the new millennium dawned? 

In this article we are not saying that we are in, or have just completed, what is commonly known in bible prophecy as "The Great Tribulation", which lasts 3.5 + 3.5 (7) years. What we are asserting with all confidence is that God has given a preview of what is to come so that we can study this period of time and learn from it as to what manner of time and what manner of display the final drama will look like. It is a trial run, so to speak. We are meant to learn from it in order to prepare us for the actual (main) fulfillment still to come. What we discover by studying this "trial-run" is that there are many layers of complexity in bible prophecy and numbers, yet not without simple guiding outlines both numerically and thematically. The study of this past seven years increases our understanding of all bible prophecy, not just the final end-time drama.

The revelation of these "time-of-the-end" mysteries must come in advance of their full and final fulfillment, otherwise how can they be prepared if the knowledge of it has not been shed abroad in advance? Nevertheless, the full and final application of this revelation awaits that specific people who will live "at the time of the end." For the climax of all things occurs "at the time of the end," in sweeping culmination of all that went before it. (See Daniel 7:3-7 with Rev. 13:1-2.)

We already know both the timing and the manner of the first coming of Christ (as the verse below explains), but what about His second coming? 

"Concerning which salvation the prophets sought and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: searching what time or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did point unto, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glories that should follow them." (1Peter 1:10-11)

(For more on bible prophecy numbers and their significance, see our website: 1260 Days/Years Bible Prophecy.)


How the 12 Comets Relate to the Lion and Balance Bible Codes:

Here we only have three intersecting circles; however, the reading seen at the right of this image is taken from the seven intersecting circles found several images earlier in the "leaping lion". The circles read forward and backward in alternating directions.Not counting the sign of "Deep Impact" (see below), there were 12 comets ("stars") within this 3.5-year period! (Spring 2004 to fall 2007.) 

The importance of this 3.5-year period was explained long before it commenced in spring of 2004. This is basically the same 3.5-year period of the sign of the hurricanes, and about which more than a dozen articles were written. It is therefore intriguing to observe 12 comets occurring within this same time frame, which span began the same year that this massive acrostic within Jacob's prophecy concerning his 12 sons was discovered (Gen. 49). The twelve comets, (or "stars", as understood in ancient times) corresponds to the twelve tribes of Israel. Background blacked like the dark sky. The top of the comet/scepter reads, "His star," and "when the star appeared," each 2x.Within the text where this acrostic is located are embedded images of 'the Lion of the tribe of Judah' along with several comets that form staves that proceed from the lion's mouth, with "His star" blazing at top. (Click images to enlarge.) The same can be said of the comet image (pictogram) embedded within the Balance Bible Code, also discovered that same year of 2004.

(Note: The word for comet also means staff/scepter in Hebrew, literally "a starry scepter". Keep in mind that the picture-code images are formed by what the Hebrew words of the code read. Picture bible codes in overlap. When it reads about a lion then it also forms a lion, and when about a scepter than that part of the code forms a scepter. Thus the code itself forms the image according to what the code reads. Moreover, there is a dating method that is encoded that enables each image to interweave with other picture codes to form layered images that interact with each other. Each image interprets the actual surface text of the bible where it is found. Signs normally follow the finding of each picture code, such as these 12 comets. I believe that the picture codes are partly the fulfillment of the prophecy from Daniel 12.) 

the 12 constellations in the heavens, that is, the ZodiacJewish tradition associates Jacob's prophecy in Gen. 49 with the 12 heavenly constellations, that is, the Zodiac. The acrostic is also encoded in Gen. 49 and spans the entire prophecy. The acrostic interprets Jacob's prophecy similar to Jewish tradition except applying the constellations to the Messiah (Yeshua) rather than applying the prophecy to his 12 sons! The prophecy is ultimately fulfilled in Messiah, who is descended from Jacob through his son Judah. This is why the lion reads, "The lion of God is the lion of Judah," (see Rev. 5:5.)

(The image at left is the Zodiac from an ancient synagogue floor, 6th Century. While the Zodiac is not from God {especially as used today in astrology}, nevertheless, for His mercies sake it seems that God is using the traditional understanding of Gen. 49 as still held today by many Jews so as to open their eyes to see that Jesus {Yeshua} is their Messiah as evidenced by heavenly signs meaningful to them. "Jews seek a sign..." See "Why Would God Use the Zodiac for a Sign?".) This is why it is appropriate for the 12 comets to symbolize the 12 sons of Jacob. It is a heavenly sign in accord with Jewish tradition. 

Note that a star is associated with Jacob's prophecy when one compares Gen. 49 with Balaam's prophecy recorded in Numbers 23-24. Notice that Balaam quotes from Jacob's prophecy. Keep in mind that "Edom" was Jacob's brother. (Edom is another name for Esau.) The acrostic has much to say about these two brothers. 


Compare Gen. 49 with Num. 24...

(Gen. 49:9-10) Judah is a lion's whelp; From the prey, my son, thou art gone up: He stooped down, he couched as a lion, And as a lioness; who shall rouse him up? The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh come: And unto him shall the obedience of the peoples be. (This is the location where the lions are encoded! The acrostic also runs through here, but includes all 12 sons!)

The comet can read, "The comet/scepter will not depart (from Judah)." It is located in same postion to Leo (Lion) as the actual comet that appeared in the sky.Picture Bible Code of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah bearing His cross, staff, rod, and sword! "His star" shines at top! All pretenders to the throne will be crushed.(Num. 24:9) He couched, he lay down as a lion, And as a lioness; who shall rouse him up? Blessed be every one that blesseth thee, And cursed be every one that curseth thee.

(Num. 24:17-18) "I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh: There shall come forth a star out of Jacob, And a scepter shall rise out of Israel, And shall smite through the corners of Moab, And break down all the sons of tumult.  And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also shall be a possession, who were his enemies; While Israel doeth valiantly." 

(The Hebrew word for comet in Hebrew is a combination of these very two Hebrew words, "star" and "scepter", as found in Num. 24:17-18. And these same two words are also found in the picture code, along with the names "Edom" and "Moab". The names form the starry scepter coming from the mouth of the lion. The name "Moab" appears as an acrostic within the staff that reads, "The scepter of a man/Edom is among them!" The top of the scepter reads "With a star", {twice}, and "His star". There are three lion images overlapping each other, each with an image of a scepter formed using different Hebrew words for "scepter". One lion is prowling, one is leaping, and one is flying. The flying lion agrees with the first phrase of the long acrostic, "Yeshua, you shall fly!" See audio for details on each of the first 5 comets. The remaining seven comets occurred after this recording, but all 12, as said, occurred within half a seven-year period.)




Movie: Comet Neat, Apr. 1 - May 21, 2004. 3-dy intervals


The audio goes into great detail (see below),
 but briefly said, the first five comets depict what the acrostic and images read. 
This includes the image of the comet shinning into the lions mouth. Compare the above two images.
What is written in this document is only a summary. However, as said, it is detailed in the audio and by the various links.



As said, five comets appeared in the same year as the acrostic was discovered. (It was discovered on the last day of the seven days of Tabernacles, the same seven days that bible prophecy students often associate with the seven years of the coming "Great Tribulation Period".)  And it so happened that the 5 comets that year corresponded to what much of the acrostic was revealing would happen in the constellations in the last days, as a sign about Christ. (See the audio contained on this page that explains all this in detail.)Picture Bible Code of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah bearing His cross, scepter/comet, rod, and sword! "His star" shines at top! All pretenders to the throne will be crushed.

Moreover, the 3.5-year time frame is the same time frame recorded within the passage about the 12 stars of Rev. 12. The 12 stars of Rev. 12 are normally interpreted as symbolizing the 12 tribes of Israel and/or the 12 apostles.

Recall the 12 sons of Jacob and Jacob's Bible Prophecy Acrostic about the 12 sons of Jacob, upon which our study is founded. The bible also mentions a 3.5-year period and "women" "with a crown of 12 stars". A 3.5-year period is 1260 days in Rev. 12 (and 1290 days in Dan. 12). Thus, 12 comets appearing within this 3.5-year period that began the same year that these codes were discovered is a most fitting sign in every way. 


Some of the 12 Comets Were Bright and Extraordinary:

Moreover, half (6) of these 12 comets can be classified as bright comets, being mag. 3.5 or brighter.

The 12 comets/star began and ended dramatically, with the 9th comet being the brightest in 40 years, and add to this "Deep Impact" in 2005!

(Three of these 12 comets had only borderline naked-eye status, having a mag. between 5-6. The lower the number the brighter the comet. Magnitude 6.5 is considered the very extreme fridge of viewing possibility with naked eye. The lower the number the brighter it is. Each number higher decreases in brightness by 2.5 times.)

This particular 3.5-year span is extremely important for many reasons. The Balance Bible Code and the Lion Acrostic Bible Code were both discovered in 2004, the year that this 3.5-year span begins. These two codes interpret the meaning of the comets! (Please listen to the audio for details.) Also, note that beginning in May, 2004 was a record-shattering year for tornadoes, and set many records for hurricanes as well. However, 2005 turned out to be a far more record-shattering year for hurricanes than even 2004! Many of these hurricanes were predicted by name and date over a year ahead of time in the Balance Bible Code as documented in great detail. Jesus said that there would be signs in the heavens and great storms on the earth! It was also a record year for forest fires. Note that the signs are in the "sun" and "moon and "stars", and that the eclipse of the 'sun' and 'moon' preceded the comets ("stars") over the said seven-year period. In conclusion, what we are saying is that these events are signs of what is yet to come, although His coming may yet be many years away.

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:25-28).

Bible prophecy code hand code prophecy mene tekel uparsinThe above prophecy by Jesus also foretells "distress of nations, with perplexity". This was also happening during this period of time, as foretold in two other picture codes, the Mene-Tekel-Peres Bible Code and the Hand Bible Code. To be perfectly clear, we are not saying that the events of the past seven years are anything more than a foreshadowing of the one to come. I believe that events since the new millennium are a trial run of what is to come. It serves as an object lesson of how the actual literal still-future seven years of tribulation might unfold. It is a learning tool of the Spirit of God to aid in our understanding of the numeric complexity of what is yet to come, and of the kind of events to expect, expect far more potent. So, when we say that Saddam Hussein was a type of antichrist, we mean just that, and no more, nor was it ever been more in the mind of the writer of this article. It should also be noted that these Picture Bible Codes are not just about these prototype events that foreshadow what is to come, but the codes also speak to the actual final tribulation to come about which bible prophecy has so much to code riddles

Numerous articles have been written chronicling the connection between the fall of the Twin Towers which led to the attack on Iraq (ancient Babylon), the death of Saddam's sons 3.5 years after the mene-tekel code, and the death of Saddam exactly 7 years after the same Mene Tekel code, as predicted and posted on the web ahead of the time. There were also numerous other events, such as the major and very unusual black outs in eastern North America (New York), Rome, London, and Iraq, as foretold by the Mene-Tekel bible codes, God thereby signifying types of "Babylon". Raven pecks at comet! Arafat dies same day.The reader can refer to the below articles along with the subsidiary links within each of these documents to further study this. We do not want to digress from our study of the comets, although they are intertwined. 


Grasping for the scepter on Purim! (Shepherds Staff). Bethlehem, March 24 (23?), 2000. The king stretched out his scepter to Esther in mercy, and so she and her people were spared from an antichrist---Haman.For example, Saddam died just as the brightest comet in over 40-years was beginning to brighten the night sky, in the same way the dimmest of the 12 comets was in the heavens when his co-hater of Israel, Yassar Arafat, died. And note that a rare "hybrid" full solar eclipse occurred the day the Pope was buried. The eclipse lasted 3.5 hours and was seen in Catholic South America. The Pope died exactly 3.5 years after the Twin Towers fell (as reckoned according to the lunar calendar used today in Israel). Arafat died 1150 days (Dan. 8) after the fall of the Twin Towers (about which he gloated and perhaps conspired). 

Saddam Hussein died 1260 plus 1260/1290 days (seven years) after Mene-Tekel Bible Code was discovered. The Pope was a friend of Arafat, and both actively sought to remove Jerusalem from the hands of Jewish autonomy. Saddam, Arafat and the Pope were foreshadowing Rev. 13. "Mystery Babylon" (the eagle) was attacking Iraq, which is ancient literal Babylon, (symbolized by a lion joined with eagles wings in Dan. 7:4), and was joined by the lion of Britain. By these animal emblems the Spirit of God was identifying American and Europe as the now-forming "Mystery Babylon" to come, with eventual shared currency, and with the religious head as Rome. God also used the great blackouts to identify who and where is "Babylon", as well as many other signs. We have been detailing these signs as they have unraveled over the past 8 years, with about 100 detailed documents written. The easiest way to find any particular event is to Goggle a key word that includes the search terms "bible codes". Below are some links to the Mene Tekel Bible Code that detail these things. 

Mene Tekel Bible Prophecy
Encoded about Saddam Hussein
  (Short version)

Saddam hangs on exact day predicted by Bible Code
seven years in advance, detailing both how and when!

20 Reasons Why the Code is Authentic     Flash visual of Bible Code

Important: Also see "The Symbolic Geneva Peace Treaty" of Dec. 1, 2003. It, too, relates to the Hand Bible Code (discovered on Pentecost, 2000) and the numeric of the seven years that span from Christmas/New Years ("Y2K") of 1999 unto New Years, 2006, which peace treaty was an important sign of the seven-years tribulation period to come.



Comet Tempel "Deep Impact"

(not counted among the 12 comets) 

(July 4, 2005)

Also see, "Deep Impact" Comet Bible Code"


NASA launched a space craft of "Deep-impact" and hit a small impactor module
 against the nucleus of comet (in Virgo) successfully on July 4, 2005
as foretold in the bible code a year earlier! 

The impact was not visible to the naked eye as expected, and so is not counted among the 12 naked-eye comets within the said 3.5 year period.




#6, Comet Pojmanski C/2006

(February 2006) (Mag. 5)


See bible-code article on Comet Machholz for comment made on comet Pojmanski

Comet Pojmanski has brightened unexpectedly and was visible as a faint streak to the unaided northern observer in the eastern morning sky.

"The comet moved on a northward path across the night sky, and reached maximum brightness around the beginning of March. Comet Pojmański reached the very fringe of naked-eye visibility at about magnitude 5, and was best visible through binoculars or a telescope. It could be found in the dawn sky within the constellation Capricornus, close to the horizon in the northern hemisphere, during late February, but viewing circumstances became better for the northern hemisphere as the comet departed southern skies and continued north."




#7, Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3

(May 2006) (Mag. 5.1)

An interesting and fragmented comet. The brightest fragment peaked at mag. 5.1 on May 11.
The comet was being a naked eye comet in May 2006 close to the Earth about 11 millions kilometers.

"This is a rare opportunity to watch a comet in its death throes—from very close range," 
says Don Yeomans, head of NASA's Near Earth Object Program at JPL.



#8, Comet SWAN

(October 24-26, 2006) (Mag. 4.2)

Although perihelion was Sept 28, 2006, the comet flared dramatically from seventh magnitude to fourth magnitude on October 24 2006, becoming visible with the naked eye.



#9, Comet P1 McNaught02

(Jan. 2007) (Mag *minus* 5.5)

Below, Comet P1 McNaught02 on January 23, 2007, 
became the brightest comet to appear in over 40 years.

The comet was brightening very rapidly, reaching naked-eye visibility in early January 2007. It was visible to northern hemisphere observers, in Sagittarius  (commonly depicted as a centaur drawing a bow), and surrounding constellations, until about January 13. The comet was visible in daylight about 5°- 10° southeast of the sun from January 12 to 14, with a peak brightness of magnitude minus 5.5.




# 10 Comet Machholz 96P

(April 4, 2007) (Mag. 1-2)
But visible only just before sunrise.




#11, Comet LONEOS (C/20067F1 LONEOS)

(Oct, 2007) (Mag. 5)

Comet Loneos obtained a brightness of the 5th magnitude around October 28, 2007, 
but was also just visible to the naked eye up to about a week earlier (in the constellation of Bootes). This puts comet Loneos just days before and cotemporaneous with comet Holmes in our numbering of comets one to twelve. This means that the 12 comets began and ended with two or three comets visible in the sky at the same time.

(Magnitude 6.5 is considered the very extreme fridge of viewing possibility with naked eye. 
The lower the number the brighter it is. Each number higher decreases in brightness by 2.5 times.)



#12, The Amazing and Unexpected "Comet Holmes" (17P)

(Oct. 24-25, EST, 2007, to ...) (Mag. 2.4)

Comet Holmes --Oct. 23-25, 2007.

Forum Discussion on Comet Holmes
(Please keep in mind that the views of others on the forum do not necessarily represent mine!)

This distant comet suddenly and unexpectedly flared up 3.5 years (1290 days, see Dan. 12) after the 2004-comets appeared. It is the 12th naked-eye comet within this 1290-day period (3.5 years). 

(See our website: for the added leap month within this 3.5-year period, that is, the 1260 days of Rev. 12, plus 30 days equals the 1290 days of Dan. 12.) Comet Holmes happens to have a period of about seven years, (1260 + 1257 days). 

Comet Holmes remained visible to the naked eye for many months afterward.
This 12th comet was one of the most unusual ever witnessed, enlarging to a space much larger than the sun! It was also yellow like the sun.

Thus, the 12 comets/star began and ended dramatically, with the 9th comet being the brightest in 40 years,
 and add to this "Deep Impact" in 2005!

Comet Holmes, Bible Prophecy

On October 25 the comet looked liked a bright new star in the constellation of Perseus.

The constellation of Perseus reminds me of the story of David and Goliath because, here, Perseus stands with a sword in one hand and the head of his enemy in the other. And his feet have wings because the bible says that David "ran to meet Goliath" in the battle. I believe that God is sovereign enough to turn a pagan image around into a biblical sign!

Comet Holmes remained quite bright for many months, which means that the comet remained within the constellation of Perseus almost until April. (See below chart.)

A simulation showing the angular diameter of the expanding dust cloud for 120 days past the initial event on October 24. The surface brightness will continue to decrease over time.


2007-10-25 to 2008-03-09



These signs were capped off at the end of seven years
 by comets Elenin and Lovejoy in the autumn of 2011.

Click here for their astonishing story!



How rare was the 10 bright comets of the past 6 years?

According to one scholarly study, comets bright enough to be visible (without difficulty) to the unaided eye appear on average only about one per year, (or to be exact, 86 per century, plus or minus 6 or 7).

According to a Harvard study, here is another look at the averages for comets:

"One can see from this that, on average, we are able to view a comet that is brighter than fourth magnitude once every two years, a comet brighter than second mag once every 5.5 years or so, a comet brighter than first magnitude every 10 years or so, and a comet brighter than mag 0 roughly once every 15 years; of course, sometimes there will be two bright comets in a span of a year, while at other times there will be a 20-year interval between such apparitions."

Based upon my own analysis of two Harvard documents, ("The Brightest Comets Seen Since 1935" and "The Bright-Comet Chronicles" since 1800), clusters of comets seem to occur randomly about every 30 or 40 years and we have been in a rather rich comet-cluster the past 10 years or so. (120 years ago there was another period of unusually bright comets, 1880-1887. And to a lesser extant, there was a heightened period of comets 40 years ago, 1955-1965. The frequency of unusually bright comets, 1 and brighter, was more than double the average during these three periods of heightened activity.) 

Between 1996 to 2007 there have been 13 comets with a magnitude brighter than 3.5, and four of these were among the top 10 comets for brightness within the past 70 years! Surprisingly, 10 of these 13 bright comets have occurred within the past six years (between 2002 to 2007 inclusive). The new millennium saw a 3.5-fold increase in bright comets. For example, from 1975 to Christmas/New Years, 2000, (25 years), there were 10 comets brighter than mag 4, but it only took seven more years, from Christmas/New Years, 2000 unto 2007, to see the next 10 comets with a mag greater than 4! This makes the period of our study unusually rich in comets, the perfect environment for this sign from God as interpreted by the Balance Bible Code and the Lion Acrostic Bible Code

Moreover, these codes were found exactly in the middle of this seven-year period (2000 to 2007)! (The Balance Bible Code was discovered on June 27, 2004, which is exactly 3.5 solar years, 1279 days, after Christmas 2000, which was 2000 years after the traditional birth of Christ. The Lion acrostic was discovered 3.5 months later. See audio.) Also interesting to note is that Christmas of 2000 was marked by a partial solar eclipse, with a full lunar eclipse 2 weeks later on Jan. 9th, just two days after the Eastern Orthodox Christmas! (An eclipse of the sun and moon in this or like manner occurs about once every 30 years.) And there was a bright comet just appearing in Christmas 2001, the first comet of the new millennium! 

However, Christ's actual birth was likely in 5-4 BC. Amazingly, God marked 2000 years after the literal birth date of Jesus with two of the greatest comets of that millennium, comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp. {Click here for more on the significance of these two mighty comets in 1996 and 1997. Note that the above 2000-year numeric pattern back to the star of Bethlehem is nevertheless not the most important numeric. The more important one spans precisely back to the prophecies of Ezekiel!} By these signs, God is calling mankind to recall the birth of His Son, and to give Him glory.)

According to the Harvard document, the year 2004 began with the following "highly unusual" event: 

(Recall that 2004 began the second 3.5-year span: The two 3.5-year periods spanned from late Aut. 2000 to Spr. 2004, and then the second 3.5 years about which we will be describing in detail spanned from Spr. 2004 to fall of 2007.)

"More from the ICQ archive: During 1950-2003, there were three documented cases of two comets being observed via naked eye at the same general time (though not necessarily from the same geographical location or same instantaneous time) -- all three cases being with both comets at total visual mag 5-6 at the time. There were more than a dozen additional cases during that 5-decade span in which two (or sometimes even three) comets were being observed at the same general time where both (or all three) comets were at mag 6.5 or brighter. Some of these may indeed have been detected via naked eye, though magnitude estimates are not available in the archive to substantiate this. The example of C/2001 Q4 and C/2002 T7 being both brighter than fourth magnitude during a period of time in 2004 April-May, joined unexpectedly and briefly by C/2004 F4, is thus highly unusual."


Apep (Apophis) was seen as a giant snake, crocodile, serpent, or in later years, in a few cases, as a dragon.Many Other Celestial Events Besides Comets:

Genesis Project. Bible code and fall of Satan/Lucifer.The Genesis Project emblem.To this unusually rich period of comets we can add the man-made spectacular fall of Genesis craft the morning after part of the Balance Bible Code to do with this event was put on the internet, and also the man-made event of Comet Tempel and "Deep Impact".




Sagittarius-Dec. 27-2004---Blast. 1,260,000 days from the Exodus in 1446 BC. The day, in turn, symbolized the 'year' when Israel entered Egypt 430 years, 1876 BC.  An incredible display of numerics and perfect timing! The code reads: "Did He miss the mark? No!"  A perfect bows-eye by Sagittarius, who aims at the scorpion (Scorpio)!And there were other celestial events during this time as well, such as the Record Solar Flares (Nov. 4, 2003) (this was one of a dozen signs occurring at that important juncture of time). Also, there was the warning at the same time as The Great Tsunami (Dec. 26, 2004) of a newly discovered asteroid called "Apophis" ("The Serpent of Darkness") as possibly on a collision course with the earth or moon in 2029. (It was later found to be a false alarm, but it nevertheless serves as a warning of the potential for such a disaster.) Also at this same time there was the greatest explosive pulse from a star by far every witnessed emanating from the constellation of Sagittarius. All this happened 1260 x 1000 days from the last and tenth plague on Egypt and the exodus. Moreover, also at this same time the comet of the tsunami was appearing. This comet was very unusual in that it was the 5th naked-eye comet in one year! (See audio.) ("Apophis" was seen as a giant snake, crocodile, serpent, or in later years, in a few cases, as a dragon.)5th comet of year, seen here over plaiedes---as in dream and bible code prophecy.


And then there was the series of signs/warnings between July 13 to Oct. 2, 2006, when Pluto was dropped as an official Planet. Pluto ("The Fallen King of Hell") and Apophis ("The god of Darkness"), were signs of the  Great Judgment to come! Numerous other signs at this time are also documented, some personal, most not. All this happening along two overlapping seven-years periods, each a year apart, each divided in half. They spanned from the end of 1999 to 2006 and 2000 to 2007. This we hope to explain further shortly.






Remarkably, there was a fifth comet in 2007, just as there was five comets in one year in 2004.
The fifth comet is not within the 3.5-year span (it falls within 3.75 years), 
but it does occur within the year 2007, on the very last day! This forms a bracket of 5 comets for the four years of our prophecy.

2004 -5 comets
2005 -0 comets 
(plus "Deep Impact")
2006 -3 comets
2007 -5 comets

Like Linear K4 in 2004, Comet Tuttle 8P was just on the border of naked-eye visibility at mag. 6-7 on the last day of 2007. 
It improved up to mag. 5 a few days later. Comet Holmes was also still (faintly) visible at this time, two months later.


Comet Tuttle 8P

Dec. 31, 2007 (Mag. 6-7)




Also see related 1260 days of, "2008 Atlanta Olympic Tornado"

Also see, "How the ministry of Christ lasted 1150, 1260, 1290, and 1335 days!"


Numeric of Lion/Star

Below image: Symbolic dates based upon letter position of lion's star-scepter are as AD 3220 (#7522.8) to AD 3261 (7563.9) for star. (Center of star is #75282, or as AD 3225.) And the Lion spans from as AD 3250 (#7552.8) to AD 3271 (#7574.4) for lion. All as from Creation 4304 BC, spring .

Click to enlarge.



Variations of the same Lion, which occupies the same text.

(Lion of David opens seven seals.) Seven intersecting circles read forward and backward in alternating directions. Click on the flying lion several images down to read what circles say, (at right of that image.)

Lion of David opens seven seals!

Click to enlarge.

These signs were capped off at the end of seven years
 by comets Elenin and Lovejoy in the autumn of 2011.

Click here for their astonishing story!


Passover-Tabernacle Blood-Moon Tetrads
and the Menorah of Time

  Did you know that Passover-Tabernacles lunar-eclipse tetrads first began around Noah's Flood? And that they also occurred the exact day when Israel entered Egypt, and again when Jacob died (and prophesied about our future); then again with Saul, David, Solomon, etc. those more well-known recent events?

Click Blood-Moon-Tetrad chart to enlarge.

First 8 cycles of Passover-to-Tabernacles blood-lunar tetrads, which span from the Flood to now.

All Passover/Tabernacles tetrads, including distant future. Click to enlarge.

All Passover-Tabernacle Blood-Moon lunar eclipse tetrads, spanning distant past and future. 



Balance Bible Code Acrostic

Predictions about 2012?

Baal-ape Atbash

Pope Benedict XVI
 Why was he elected on Triumphal Entry?

Pluto and Apophis (King of hell)

The purpose of these signs

A look at the Pope's death

Prophecy of St. Malachy

Also see slide-audio of
' Balance' Bible-Code


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