Bible-Code Prophecy
in the Heavens
and on the Earth
Election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
Pope Benedict XVI
Why did the election of the new Pope occur on the
very day and hour of the anniversary that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a
donkey, when He was heralded as king and then entered the Temple to
cleanse it?
How is it significant that the Day of Atonement was exactly
3.5 years earlier (1300 days)?
How does this agree with the other precise
numeric regarding Pope John Paul's death?
And what is significant about the day of his election
being 1150 x 3 years (Daniel 8) to the very day when Israel
chose for itself the Passover lamb that was slain 4 days later on Passover
How does this fit in with the Lion of Judah Picture Bible Code,
as He bears the scepter/cross?
Does the 360-calendar of the prophets tell
us anything?
Why is he a German?
Is it significant that he receives his
official seal at his inauguration on the first day of Passover---the anniversary
of when they left Egypt 1150 x 3 years ago?
Is it significant that the hand bible code
was put on the Internet on Tishri 10 and 15th, 2001, exactly
3½-years before the Pope's election and inauguration?
news reported the following:
"The crowd screamed, cheered and waved flags Tuesday
as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, elected the new pope, made his
first balcony appearance and addressed the faithful as "dear brothers
and sisters."
Soon after Pope Benedict XVI began speaking, the crowd
fell silent for a moment, listening. Some wept in joy. Then the crowd began
chanting again: "Viva il Papa!" "Long live the pope!...
Tens of thousands of people rushed toward an already
packed St. Peter's Square when the announcement came that a new pope had
been selected. Some broke into a run....
As the minutes ticked by the uncertainly grew, and at 5:55
p.m. Amy Turnipseed, 21, from California, said: "It looks really white,
but I'm not sure."
There was a brief flutter when the bells rang at 6
p.m., but the cheers died down when they stopped ringing. Minutes
later, they began in earnest and the crowd erupted....
Elsewhere in Rome, people started heading toward Vatican
City from all directions, many of them running to try to catch a glimpse of
the new pope as he made a balcony appearance."
The 78-year-old Ratzinger told cheering crowds in St.
Peter's Square as he made his first appearance: "After the great Pope
John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me, a simple, humble worker
in the Lord's vineyard."
(Reuters) "He will attend a private Mass with
cardinals in the Vatican's magnificent Sistine Chapel on Wednesday morning
at 9 a.m. (3 a.m. EDT)."
Compare the election of this Pope as king and
priest of all Roman Catholics to that of Jesus Christ on the exact anniversary
to the very hour of when He, too, was heralded as king (Head)---Jesus
in Jerusalem, the Pope in Rome---each entering their magnificent temple.
"And they bring the colt unto Jesus,
and cast on him their garments; and he sat upon him. And many spread their
garments upon the way; and others branches, which they had cut from the
fields. And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, Hosanna;
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Blessed is
the kingdom that cometh, the kingdom of our father David: Hosanna in
the highest. And he entered into Jerusalem, into the temple; and when he had
looked round about upon all things, it being now eventide, he went out unto
Bethany with the twelve." (Mark 11:7-11)
"Now in the morning, when he was
returning to the city...when He entered the temple..." (Jesus
then cleanses the temple, Matt. 21:18a, 23.)
1.) Why did the election of the new Pope occur on the
very day and hour of the anniversary that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a
donkey, when He was heralded as king and then entered the Temple to
cleanse it?
God is identifying this new Pope as one that has received
a scepter (staff) that rightfully belongs to Jesus Christ alone. He alone
deserves the praise and adoration. He alone is King and Head of the Church.
And He will again cleanse His temple! (Details)
2.) How is it significant that the Day of Atonement was exactly
3.5 years earlier (1300 days)?
Jesus cleansed the temple 3.5 years after He began his ministry,
which likely began on the Day of Atonement, (AD 26-30). (The Day of
Atonement was when the temple and all things were cleansed by blood). This
day, in a way, also marked the jubilee year. (See bible
numbers site: 30 x 49 years [490 x 3] from the first
"Day of Atonement"---held in 1445 BC---in partial
fulfillment of Daniel, etc.)
From the Day of Atonement in (Sept.) 2001 until now are
1300 days, (3.5 years). "1300" is the number of curse, and 1300 days
also happens to be an exact 3.5 years on the Jewish calendar at this
time! Daniel 9:24-27 also refers to "the abomination that causes desolation" as
lasting 3.5 years, and that passage also infers the Day
of Atonement and of the cleansing of the temple. Thus it is fitting that the
abomination that causes desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, should
likewise occur on either the Day of Atonement (Tishri 10), or on the evening
of Nisan 10 (Abib), which is the same day the scepter passed to the new
Pope. For one should expect the false to copy the true, and the antichrist
the Christ. (Interestingly, the new Pope is 78 year old; = 6 x 13 = 'man' under 'curse'.)
3.) How does this agree with the other precise
numeric regarding Pope John Paul's death?
were 1300 days
(3.5 years) from the fall of the Twin Towers (a type of the fall of Babylon
"in one hour," as per Revelation 17) unto the Popes
death. This identifies the Roman Church with "Mystery Babylon"
of Rev 17. And the 1300 days (3.5 years) from the Day of Atonement to the
election of the so-called "Vicar of Christ" identifies the Papacy
with the false prophet of Rome, (Revelation 13:11), and of the "abomination
that causes desolation"---"one standing in the holy place,"
(Matt. 24:15). (I do not say that it identifies the present pope as specifically
the false prophet of Revelation 13:11---but simply as a false
prophet like that one to come.) (Details)
4.) What is significant about the day of his election
being 1150 x 3 years (Daniel 8) to the very day when Israel chose for itself the
Passover lamb that was slain 4 days later on Passover evening?
Jesus was that Passover lamb selected and tested 4 days
till the Passover, (Nisan/Abib 10-14). This is why he rode into Jerusalem on
this day and then was tested, tempted and tried of men 4 days till his death
as the Lamb of God. Before the scepter comes the cross. As said in other
documents, the number 1150 days
or years comes from Daniel 8, where it describes the cleansing of the
temple after Antiochus Epiphanes (168-165 BC) (a foreshadow of
anti-Christ) polluted the temple by the said "abomination that causes
desolation," (Daniel 8:13-14). Antiochus had set Himself up as
king---a false Messiah. Thus the number 1150 is again
connected to the theme of 'the cleansing of the temple' from an
'abomination,' and of the 'enthronement of a king', (Daniel 8:11, 25). (Details)
5.) How does this fit in with the Lion of
Judah Picture Bible Code, as He bears the scepter/cross?
As the bible
code itself tells us...The Pope illustrates for us how that the scepter is
once again passing to one whom it does not belong, (Genesis
49). However, the Lord God Almighty assures His elect that it
belongs to Christ alone, and that one day His rule in heaven will extend on
earth from sea to sea. The catholic staff/cross you see in this image reads,
"The staff of Edom (and Moab) is among them!" But his star will
soon fall. (Details)
6.) Does the 360-calendar
of the prophets tell us anything?
It places this day, April 19, 2005, as 1150 x 3 years from
'the middle of the week of the covenant' of Mt. Sinai, (Ex. 24:16). (See
"the middle of the week" of the "covenant" of Daniel
9:24-27 as mentioned earlier.) (On the 360
calendar, April 19, 2005 equals "3rd month, evening of 8th
day.") Hence, the interpretation is consistent---the breaking of the covenant
in the middle of the week of seven days or years---here we have both.
(I.e., 3.5 days and years.) (Details)
7.) Why is he a German?
Germany is leader of the emerging revived Roman Empire
(European Economic Community). This fits well into the prophecies from
Daniel and Revelation on this subject. God provokes thought by associating this Pope to that
little antichrist, Adolph Hitler. The association lay more between
the office of the Pope to Adolph Hitler than it is to the new Pope
personally. The connection to Germany is just another indication of what God
thinks, as spoken by Jesus around the same time as the Triumphant Entry:
"Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers."
(Matt. 23:27-39) "Woe
unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited
sepulchres, which outwardly appear beautiful, but inwardly are full of
dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear
righteous unto men, but inwardly ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye build the
sepulchres of the prophets, and garnish the tombs of the righteous, and
say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we should not have been
partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye witness to
yourselves, that ye are sons of them that slew the prophets. Fill ye up
then the measure of your fathers.
Ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape
the judgment of hell? Therefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and
wise men, and scribes: some of them shall ye kill and crucify; and some of
them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city:
that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the
blood of Abel the righteous unto the blood of Zachariah son of Barachiah,
whom ye slew between the sanctuary and the altar. Verily I say unto you,
All these things shall come upon this generation.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killeth the prophets, and
stoneth them that are sent unto her! how often would I have gathered thy
children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings,
and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say
unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is
he that cometh in the name of the Lord."
There is coming a day that smoke will indeed rise over
Rome, but it will not signal another Pope! It will foretell this, that,
"The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of
His Christ. And He shall reign forever and ever!" The Lord Jesus Christ
will take what rightfully is His---the Shepherds staff. Jesus is the Head of
the Church. On that day the city on seven hills will go up in smoke, for
great is the Lord God Almighty who judges her, (Revelation 13-20). The blood she
spilled will be required of her, and the cup she lifted will be poured out
upon her. And the black smoke of her torment rises forever,
for never again will there be a pope. For there is one Holy Father, and He
is God---the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Details)
8.) Is it significant that he receives
his official seal at his inauguration on the first day of Passover---the anniversary
of when they left Egypt 1150 x 3 years ago?
Signet and a Staff!
At the inaugural mass on Sunday, April 24, 2005, Pope
Benedict will receive the insignia of his office, including the
Fisherman's Ring used by popes to seal apostolic letters. Benedict will receive a ring made with the image of Peter, whom Roman Catholics regard as the church's first pope. It
will be given amidst great pomp and ceremony with 140 international
leaders and 36 heads of state invited, along with half-a-million
spectators---and watched by way of television by all the world. It happens
that April 24, 2005 is Nisan (Abib) 15th, which is the first day of
Passover week. It is also the anniversary of when Israel left Egypt in
1446 BC---exactly 1150 x 3 years ago. This very day is also 1260 +
1260 years from the Passover referred to in the book of Ezra, in 516 BC,
after they completed rebuilding Solomon's temple that had been destroyed
by the Babylonians. (Details)
(Also see, Zerubabbel's
signet ring.)

The numeric identifies the Pope as one that holds 1.1
billion souls in bondage while the temple of the Lord lies in ruins. But the
final exodus of the Lord draws nigh---and He shall revive His people---the
temple---and shall deliver both houses of Israel, but each in their time.
The day is coming when the abomination that causes desolation will be
removed and the Lord Himself will sit and take His signet ring---to whom it
belongs---and usher in His reign of everlasting peace and righteousness.
Seals will be opened by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah---the Passover Lamb!
(Revelation 5-6.) (Jesus entered Jerusalem at the Triumphal entry as the lion/king
of Judah, on Nisan 10, and Jesus died in Jerusalem on Passover as the
Lamb/priest of Levi, on Nisan 14/15. Jesus was from the lineage of Judah and
perhaps Levi as well since Mary was related to John the Baptist---a Levite.
In any case, Jesus was king and high priest "after the order of
Melchizedek," (Heb. 5:10). The picture bible code of the Lion of Judah
also brings this out. The Pope is simply mirroring these things.) (Details)
9.) Is it significant
that the hand bible code was published in its entirety on the internet
on Tishri 10 and 15th, 2001, exactly 3½-years before the Pope's election
and inauguration?
The hand-bible code
was first discovered on Pentecost, 2000, and published
in its entirety, as
said, on the Day of Atonement (Tishri 10) and Tabernacles (Tishri
15), 2001. Pope
Benedicts election and inauguration occurred on these very same two
days exactly 3½ years later (1300 days). (We have
already pointed out that the death of Pope John Paul was 3½ years after the
fall of the Twin Towers in New York.)
This is not the first time that God has pointed out with
His hand who is Babylon and who is "the one being put to death."
There was a series of events 3½-years after the day when the mene-tekel
bible code and the hand code was first discovered that marked their partial
fulfillment then. Now this three-and-a-half-year pattern has been repeated
again as a second witness. This time the 3½ years starts from the time that
the hand code was published on the internet until Pope John
Paul's death, and of the election and inauguration of the new pope.
The hand-bible code was put on the internet Tishri 10 and
15th, 2001. Tishri 15 was 3 weeks after the fall of the Twin Towers on Sept.
11, 2001, which was the beginning of the fulfillment of this great
encoded prophecy. Three weeks after Sept. 11, 2001, was, as said, Tishri 15,
which is the first day of the feast of Tabernacles. Tishri 15, 2001 was Oct.
2, 2001 on our solar calendar. This is important because 3½-years later on
our regular calendar was April 2, 2005, which was the day that Pope John
Paul died. Hence, Tishri 15, 2001, when the hand-code was published on the
internet, was 3½-years on our normal solar calendar until the death of
Pope John Paul, but also 3½-years on the Jewish calendar to the
inauguration of his successor!
But this three-and-a-half-year pattern doesn't stop there
since the middle of Passover 2005 is when the leader of Russia visited
Jerusalem on a supposed peace mission. This event also relates to the hand
bible code. (Click
here for that discussion.) Hence, in this application, the bible
code speaks of two things: The papacy of Rome and the coming Russian
invasion of Israel. These two things are more related than first meets
the eye. What doesn't make complete sense now will become clearer as the
prophecy races towards its ultimate fulfillment.
The following is the mene-tekel bible code and the hand
bible code and the events 3½-years later that partially fulfilled their
prophecies. Below this is part of the hand-bible code
in particular, put on the internet Tishri 10 and 15th, 2001.
(Note: codes, of course, are not on
par with the bible, and I certainly do not claim divine inspiration as bible
prophets did. The bible codes simply reinforce the bible, and never the
other way around.)
The words that make the form/outline of a hand read:
(Especially see notes about the
middle line of code below!)
Hand of Jehovah!"
Note: 'mene-tekel-peres' was applied
by Daniel to Babylon and her king;
the bible code repeats this application, though with a subtle application
to Christ as well.
Babylon, spiritually speaking,
is Rome.
However, in its broadest sense it applies to all of God's
line consecutively
starts from a finger |
Notes |
"Jehovah? |
Forms thumb (ELS +14);
the remaining four lines below read along the fingers (ELS +1). |
Is it the hand of Jehovah? He Himself went to
war. He put him to death! |
Or, to make the before mentioned acrostic,
it can leave out the last letter of the first line and read:
"Jehovah---Did the hand of Jehovah go to war? Even I put to
death!" (See Deut. 32:39) |
goes to war against her (i.e., 'Babylon'),
and the arrogant one! (or, 'succulent one') |
Isaiah 5:17.
"...and the Suckling Lamb," i.e., Jesus! (The
Passover lamb was chosen on Nisan 10 and eaten on
Nisan 15th, the anniversary of the new Pope's election
and inauguration, etc.) |
Jehovah goes to war against
her, and the rebellious one! |
Or, "...and
the rebellious ones,"
or "...The Rebellion," or "...the Sorrowing One,"
i.e., Jesus! |
Jehovah goes to war against
her, and the one being removed!" |
Or, "...for he shall
be removed!" or, "...and the one being shaken." I.e., a play on words:
for fear when he saw the hand that foretold his removal from
being king, and was put to death that same night, see Daniel 5. |
Also see The
timing of Premier Silvio Berlusconi of Italy (Rome) handing
in his resignation---the day after the Pope was elected as religious head of 'Rome'!
(Also see, 1335
days from Fall of Twin Towers, on the forum.)
"Seven times seventy years (490)
is the length of time God has set for freeing your people and your holy
city from sin and evil. Sin will be forgiven (i.e.,
Atonement) and eternal justice established, so that the vision
and the prophecy will come true, and the holy Temple will be rededicated.
Dan 9:25 Note this and
understand it: From the time the command is given to rebuild Jerusalem
until God's chosen leader comes, seven times seven years will pass.
Jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses, and will stand
for seven times sixty-two years, but this will be a time of troubles.
Dan 9:26 And at the end of
that time God's chosen leader will be killed unjustly. The city and the
Temple will be destroyed by the invading army of a powerful ruler. The end
will come like a flood, bringing the war and destruction which God has
Dan 9:27 That ruler will
have a firm agreement with many people for seven years, and when half this
time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The Awful
Horror will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain
there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared
for him." (Lit. "middle of the
week.") (GNB)
(Audio/visual) 5 comets in 2004
interpreted by Bible
purpose of these signs
look at the Pope's
of St. Malachy
see slide-audio of
' Balance' Bible-Code
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