Bible Prophecy Codes
When will the next event occur?
(Ongoing correspondence between Sept. 7-10 and December, 2007.)
Updated for 2008
Also see, 2008 hurricane season
13 predictions for Tornadoes predicted for 2008
The Updates on the Below Speculations
Last update: Dec. 2 to 9/10th
Last storm of the season occurs 1260 days after Balance
Bible Code as predicted.
(For other hurricanes such as Charlie and Katrina,
see "Summary of Hurricanes"
of notoriety and timeline.)
Why this is written? The purpose of these series of articles that detail the rhyme and reason for when these events (including events surrounding Saddam Hussein from the time that the Twin Towers fell) is to demonstrate that God has everything timed. It is to prove that God alone can predict things like a storm years in advance. He alone is God!
We are not saying that this is the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Instead, what we are saying is that God is now revealing the kind of numeric patterns that He uses when He "determines" world events. These numeric patterns can be studied and learned from in order to prepare the yet future generation to come who will actually see the final and culminated fulfillment of all things in a future period often referred to as "The Great Tribulation Period". This work is to prepare that future generation. The only claim that I am personally making is that the work in the Picture Bible Codes and numbers is a partial fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel:
God began revealing these things to me since 1991. Each revelation is also timed, using the numeric revealed in the above prophecy of the 1260/1290 and 1335 days/years. These revelations were accompanied by a steady stream of personal signs that goaded me to further study. (Also see "How my Prophetic Calling Works".) |
Someone whom I have had
correspondence with over the past few years and have met personally to
discuss bible numbers in my house, suggested back Sept. 7th that I
plainly put out what are the potential dates for hurricanes (and other
such events) in the still future as based upon the patterns revealed
already in the past. I did this, and according to the pattern I have
been studying for a number of years now, and as based upon two major
picture bible codes, I said that September 13th would be the next
hurricane, and so it was. Hurricane Humberto was the first to hit the
USA in two years.
Also, there were two approx. magnitude 8 earthquakes --- very powerful earthquakes --- just as the Jewish New Year was commencing around the world with trumpet blasts. This was also the same day of the predicted event. (A day begins in the evening prior to midnight according to both Jewish reckoning and according to the Bible-prophecy 360-day calendar.) Please note that these future dates are presented as 'potential' events. Only God knows for certain what will happen. These are based upon past patterns as revealed in the Bible, and so far they have proved to be incredibly accurate. But do keep in mind, even as I strenuously say throughout my documents, these events are only a sign of what is to come. They are not the main event yet, but are simply and collectively telling a prophetic story or parable of what is to come in the very last days. They are warning us of the coming 'storm' and distant thunder --- the coming tribulation period, and that we should be ready! What we have followed so far... (The last three occurred as predicted by numeric pattern after the dates were already recorded on this webpage, that is, after Hurricane Dean.) 490 days from 390th day (Storms
Wilma, Alpha,
Beta) (For other hurricanes such as Charlie and Katrina,
================ 1150 days from 390th day of Ezekiel's siege
Hurricane Dean) 1260 days from 390th day of Ezekiel's siege (Dec. 2 to 9/10th) Hurricane-like winds hit parts of states, esp. the area of "Olympia", and the last Tropical Storm of the season ("T.S. Olga") forms very late on the very last day of the prophecy, the 8th day, on Dec. 10th, against the odds because the season was officially over).
Also see Bible Prophecy Forum for important details and how it was predicted years ahead of time as posted on the internet. |
Someone else wrote: (My response follows)
"I feel they have bourn little fruit, and I find this fact to be very grievous. "
I hope God feels differently.
I have a question though. Since the bible codes do make predictions as you say in your recent updates and it becomes increasingly easier to predict some events like the fires and the storms, why do you not set it out as you see it before hand as a prediction?
Do you see the end game and just hint at what you see?
The number patterns seem to run on into the future at least highlighting certain days as potential "events " to be seen thru spiritual eyes as they happen. Consider the latest hurricanes and the one forming off the coast right now. The fall feast days are almost upon us.
Because you know the numbers don't you have expectations about days that you could post that wouldn't make you a false prophet? You could use the blog?
You saying that these codes area prediction and a warning. Let people use their own discernment.
I believe that the work you have been doing will be part of the "curriculum" once the Lord returns so don't loose heart!
Dean's response...
Off the bat, the next significant timing would be 30 days after Dean formed and landed/died.
The problem with the means of God speaking is that it draws a vague image that applies most obviously to Christ and to the Tribulation period. (It applies to these most clearly because we know some of those details already so the picture code is easy to decipher in regard to those two events. However, how they apply to the immediate is not so easy, There are many ways they could apply. And unless a pattern emerges I can only watch and see like anyone else, the only difference being that I am experienced in watching for them, and the Lord brings them to my attention.
What do you think? Do you think I was too negative in my opening on that article? I was just trying to be honest and not over or understate the significance of the codes.
Thanks brother,
Reply email to me...So then the 30 days after Dean hits Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Not sure what will line up with the Feast of Tabernacles....
Did you hear that for Ethiopia on a different calendar this will be the year 2000 for them on 11 Sept.
There is a partial solar eclipse on 11 Sept that coincides with the new moon at midpoint.
You have always sought to glorify the Lord so there is much fruit in that!
Anything you can do to highlight the conclusion: "like thunder ahead of an approaching storm"
You could say: heads up! 30 days from Dean could be significant. and coincides with Rosh Hashanah etc....
Dean's response...
The 30 days from the week of Hurricane Dean would be Sept. 13-20/21. Sept. 13-20/21 is 1150 days from the end of the Ezekiel's 390 days that he lay on this side, forwarded to the present by 1260 +1335 years.
(The 360 calendar has two parallel calendars that are exactly the same except separated by one month. Hurricane Dean formed and then landed seven/eight days later on land on this first month, and perhaps another major hurricane will fall on this next parallel month, 30 days later? Especially seeing as it would be the 6th or 7th month, the 15-21/22nd day on the 360 calendar, and the 7th month, 15-21/22 is exactly "tabernacles" on the prophetic calendar.)
But this is speculating, because not enough of the pattern has emerged this year yet to be reasonably sure, and I do not have a sure word in my heart, only that I am confident that He will back up His word some how as always.
P.s., I will be in Orlando Florida and on the east coast of Orlando for a family vacation on Sept. 17-27 of this year. I'll be watching!
Perhaps I will post this email on my website?
Reply email to me...Feel free to post. What is the feast day on the Jewish calendar? Since it does not represent the feast day on the Jewish calendar.
On the regular Jewish calendar tabernacles (Feast of Booths) runs Sept. 27-Oct. 3/4. However, the pattern of the 1150 days does not relate to the regular Jewish calendar, but to the 360 calendar, which falls on Sept. 13-20/21 this year.
Then they sort of overlap on the 13th. The 30 day count that is.
Dean's response...
Interestingly, though, Sept. 13, 2007 happens to be Rosh Hashanah this year, that is the regular Jewish New Year. Thus, Sept. 13 is the Jewish New Year on the regular Jewish calendar, but the first day of the feast of Tabernacles on the 360 calendar of the prophets.
Reply email to me... (after tropical storm Humberto)
When you get back. I have an idea for how to illustrate how the timeline is forwarded to our time in a way that shows more of our current time versus showing just the dates in the past. Your timelines mostly show B.C. dates versus showing the corresponding ad dates. You could make a template of sorts with several possibilities based on the various rules you have observed. Then watch as it actually plays out. It was very exciting to see how Humberto turned out!How is it you know that coming up the dates get more frequent like birth pangs?
Dean's response...
I know that the bible numbers do suggest birth pangs because of the increasing shortness between events towards the end of the 3.5-year period, (1260 days etc). However, what if God cuts it all short in some way? The bible says that "unless those days were shortened no flesh would be saved."
IF the entire pattern plays out to the end, and because everything is being timed from the 390th or 430th day of Ezekiel's siege, and because there is a one-month gap between the two calendars, therefore, 1260 + 30 (= 1290) + 45 (= 1335) days, this plus the 40 days between the 390 and 430 days of Ezekiel's siege, and with the 30-day gap in the two calendars of 360-day calendar --- this causes the latter events to happen more closely together and therefore more intense.
The following pattern begins from June 20-27, 2004 (especially June 27th, which is when God showed me the Balance Bible Code that predicted these storms, some by name). Or as from 'plus 30 days' because of the "plus-the-extra-month" starting position, (i.e., as from August 20-27, 2004 instead of June 20-27, 2004). The first position (June 20-27) is the main one, with June 27th being the most important.Also note that these dates are not limited to hurricanes. But whatever happens will be symbolic and prophetically significant, just as Ezekiel's siege was symbolic and prophetically significant, foretelling the actual literal event that was yet to come, (Ezek. 4). Indeed, anything after the "1260 days" is already far outside of this hurricane season.
490 days from 390th day (Storms Wilma, Alpha, Beta)
490 days from 390th day (plus the extra month) (Storms Gamma, Delta)
490 days from 430th day (Storm Epsilon)
490 days from 430th (plus the extra month) (Storm Zeta)(For other hurricanes such as Charlie and Katrina,
see "Summary of Hurricanes" of notoriety and timeline.)
1150 days from 390th day of Ezekiel's siege (See Hurricane Dean)
1150 days from 390th day (plus the extra month) (Earthquakes, Humberto and "TD10", etc. See this page)
1150 days from 430th day of Ezekiel's siege (Jerry, Karen, Lorenzo, Melissa forms, lands, etc.; but more importantly see "Red Sea Volcano and the KJV Bible Code")
1150 days from 430th (plus the extra month) (Oct. 23-30/31. Gulf storm kills 18, Oct. 30/31, the next tropical storm/hurricane ("Noel") hits Haiti and Cuba, greatest loss of life on those days so far in the season.)1260 days from 390th day of Ezekiel's siege (Dec. 2 to 9/10th) Hurricane-like winds hit parts of states, esp. the area of "Olympia", and the last Tropical Storm of the season ("T.S. Olga") forms very late on the very last day of the prophecy, the 8th day, on Dec. 10th, against the odds because the season was officially over).
TS Olga makes a rare landfall the next day at 2 pm, Dec. 11, 2007. About 35 were killed when authorities opened a dam to alleviate pressure. It sent a 66 foot wall of water crashing down. The next day TS Olga dissipates from a TS status. The likely reason why God delayed this last named storm by one or two days (or three days with time zone difference with Egypt) was to make exactly 1260000 days from Tishri 14, 15 (Tabernacles) of 1447 BC, when the plagues of Egypt began, unto a two or three days after the Balance Bible Code, plus the said 1260 days more to Dec. 11/12, 2007. (Thus, 1260-thousand days plus 1260 days more equals Olga.)
God also delayed because Dec. 11th and 12th were the seventh and last day of Hanukah.
We have discussed the 1260000-day pattern before. (Some scholars calculate that the plagues lasted half-a-year, or 180 days on the 360 calendar, Tishri 14/15, 1447 BC, to Nisan/Abiv 14/15, 1446 BC of exodus.) See the following articles:
Bible Code and timing of the tsunami (1260000 from exodus)
What happened 1260 days after the tsunami? (It occurred 1260 x 1000 days after Passover of the Exodus)
Answer: The Great Flood of 2008 in the United States
Note: the span of the hurricanes ended after the above 1260 days.
Click here for the intricate numeric pattern created by this.
1260 days from 390th day (plus the extra month) (Still future at time of writing, and all...)
1260 days from 430th day
1260 days from 430th (plus the extra month)
1290 days from 390th day
1290 days from 390th day (plus the extra month)
1290 days from 430th day
1290 days from 430th (plus the extra month)
1335 days from 390th day
1335 days from 390th day (plus the extra month)
1335 days from 430th day
1335 days from 430th (plus the extra month)
TS Olga
(Last storm of 2007 hurricane season)
1260 days from 390th day of Ezekiel's siege (Dec. 2 to 9/10th) Hurricane-like winds hit parts of states, esp. the area of "Olympia", and the last Tropical Storm of the season ("T.S. Olga") forms very late on the very last day of the prophecy, the 8th day, on Dec. 10th, against the odds because the season was officially over).
TS Olga (last storm of 2007 hurricane season) made a rare landfall the next day at 2 pm, Dec. 11, 2007 at the Dominican Republic. About 35 were killed when authorities opened a dam to alleviate pressure. It sent a 66 foot wall of water crashing down. The next day TS Olga dissipates from a TS status. The reason why God delayed this last named storm by two or three days was to make exactly 1260000 days from Tishri 14, 15 (tabernacles) of 1447 BC, when the plagues of Egypt began, unto a few days after the Balance Bible Code, plus the said 1260 days more to Dec. 11/12, 2007.
God also delayed because Dec. 11th and 12th were the seventh and last day of Hanukah.
But the main reason for the delay was to emphasis the regular Jewish calendar. The week of the Balance Bible Code discovery was from June 20 to 27, 2004 (with that additional 8th day as well). However, on the regular Jewish calendar used throughout the world today among Jews (i.e., not our 360 calendar), June 20-27 was Tammuz 1-8. It happens that exactly 3.5 years later on the regular Jewish calendar is Dec. 10-17, 2007, which is Tevet 1-8. All the effects of the storm, from beginning to end, fell precisely between these days, with the storm finally exiting the east coast of North America on Tevet 9 (Dec. 18).
Thus, Olga was timed to begin at the very end of the predicted week forwarded by 3.5 years of 360 days (i.e., 1260 days) from the code, but which was also the very start of this same week when forwarded by 3.5 years on the regular Jewish calendar!!! (For your own study, also see exactly 45 years ago, and 1260 + 1290 + 45 years from the start of the siege of Jerusalem in Dec. 589 BC, etc.)
(Update: Tammuz 1-9, 2011, which was exactly seven years after the code on the regular Jewish calendar, God gave a personal sign. My wife and I spent our 25th wedding anniversary at Messiah College, Gratham, PA. USA, for a one-week Messianic conference that happened to occur during this very week. On the third day, a message was present about the numeric significance prophetically of the Olive and Fig trees. That message helped explain that aspect of the Balance Bible Code, which is also an image of a tree being cut/circumcised by an axe at the root. The speaker, of course, did not have my code in mind whatsoever.)
Later, a cold front merged with the remnants of Olga to spawn 16 tornadoes.
We have discussed the 1260000-day pattern before. (Some scholars calculate that the plagues lasted half-a-year, or 180 days on the 360 calendar, Tishri 14/15, 1447 BC, to Nisan/Abiv 14/15, 1446 BC of exodus.)
See the following articles:
Bible Code and timing of the tsunami (1260000 from exodus)
See #13 in below chart for "1260000" days from exodus, plus 1260 more.What happened 1260 days after the tsunami? (It occurred 1260 x 1000 days after Passover of the Exodus)
Answer: The Great Flood of 2008 in the United States================
The 3.5-year pattern from the Balance Bible Code
(Also see, "Predicting the Next Hurricane")
1150 days from 390th day of Ezekiel's siege (See Hurricane Dean)
1150 days from 390th day (plus the extra month) (Earthquakes, Humberto and "TD10", etc. See this page)
1150 days from 430th day of Ezekiel's siege (Jerry, Karen, Lorenzo, Melissa forms, lands, etc.; but more importantly see "Red Sea Volcano and the KJV Bible Code")
1150 days from 430th (plus the extra month) (Oct. 23-30/31. Gulf storm kills 18, Oct. 30/31, the next tropical storm/hurricane ("Noel") hits Haiti and Cuba, greatest loss of life on those days so far in the season.)1260 days from 390th day of Ezekiel's siege (Dec. 2 to 9/10th) Hurricane-like winds hit parts of states, esp. the area of "Olympia", and the last Tropical Storm of the season ("T.S. Olga") forms very late on the very last day of the prophecy, the 8th day, on Dec. 10th, against the odds because the season was officially over).
TS Olga makes a rare landfall the next day at 2 pm, Dec. 11, 2007. About 35 were killed when authorities opened a dam to alleviate pressure. It sent a 66 foot wall of water crashing down. The next day TS Olga dissipates from a TS status. The likely reason why God delayed this last named storm by one or two days (or three days with time zone difference with Egypt) was to make exactly 1260000 days from Tishri 14, 15 (Tabernacles) of 1447 BC, when the plagues of Egypt began, unto a two or three days after the Balance Bible Code, plus the said 1260 days more to Dec. 11/12, 2007. (Thus, 1260-thousand days plus 1260 days more equals Olga.)
God also delayed because Dec. 11th and 12th were the seventh and last day of Hanukah.
We have discussed the 1260000-day pattern before. (Some scholars calculate that the plagues lasted half-a-year, or 180 days on the 360 calendar, Tishri 14/15, 1447 BC, to Nisan/Abiv 14/15, 1446 BC of exodus.) See the following articles:
Bible Code and timing of the tsunami (1260000 from exodus)
See #13 in below chart for "1260000" days from exodus, plus 1260 more.What happened 1260 days after the tsunami? (It occurred 1260 x 1000 days after Passover of the Exodus)
Answer: The Great Flood of 2008 in the United States
Note: the span of the hurricanes ended after the above 1260 days.
Click here for the intricate numeric pattern created by this.
1260 days from 390th day (plus the extra month) (Still future at time of writing, and all...)
1260 days from 430th day
1260 days from 430th (plus the extra month)
1290 days from 390th day
1290 days from 390th day (plus the extra month)
1290 days from 430th day
1290 days from 430th (plus the extra month)
1335 days from 390th day
1335 days from 390th day (plus the extra month)
1335 days from 430th day
1335 days from 430th (plus the extra month)====
Update, July 20, 2011:
What was the conclusion to the above?
(Remember, each new day begins at 6 pm, the previous evening!.)
As the hurricane season ended, the tornadoes began --- setting many records.
There were 230 tornadoes reported in the United States in the month of February,[1] of which 147 were confirmed. That set a new monthly record for February. February is the central month of our calculations!
The following table is not in chronological order, but thematic order according to the 1260/1290/1335-day pattern as from the Balance Bible Code, plus its leap month, and plus the "430th day. The color red marks the 390th day, and black marks the 430th day. (See "Predicting Hurricanes from 2004-2011" for explanation of the "390" and "430" days, etc.)
The following chart includes confirmed tornadoes only.
1260 days from 390th day Dec. 2-9/10, 2007
See above about Tropical Storm Olga. Later, Olga spawned 16 tornadoes on Dec. 15th.) The main reason for the delay was to emphasis the regular Jewish calendar. The week of the Balance Bible Code discovery was from June 20 to 27, 2004 (with that additional 8th day as well). However, on the regular Jewish calendar used throughout the world today among Jews (i.e., not our 360 calendar), June 20-27 was Tammuz 1-8. It happens that exactly 3.5 years later on the regular Jewish calendar is Dec. 10-17, 2007, which is Tevet 1-8. All the effects of the storm, from beginning to end, fell precisely between these days, with the storm finally exiting the east coast of North America on Tevet 9 (Dec. 18).
Thus, Olga was timed to begin at the very end of the predicted week forwarded by 3.5 years of 360 days (i.e., 1260 days) from the code, but which was also the very start of this same week when forwarded by 3.5 years on the regular Jewish calendar!!!
1260 days from 390th day (plus the extra month) Jan. 1-8/9, 2008
Very unusual outbreak occurs for this early in the year. 63 tornadoes and four deaths on Jan. 8-9.
Interestingly, Jan. 7 on the 360 calendar was 1260 + 1335 years to the day from when the siege of Jerusalem by Babylon began in Jan. 588 BC from which all our calculations are ultimately timed. Note events of + and - 30 days from this date as well. This is the middle point of the seven years that we are following from the Balance Bible Code.
The event continued two more days, lasting 3.5 days. We have not counted the tornadoes on these last two days, but note the 1260000 days discussed about TS Olga. Numerically, it has the same significance here as 30 days ago. See #13 for "1260000" days from exodus, plus 1260 more.
1260 days from 430th day Jan. 11-18/19
Nothing significant! One tornado. 4.
1260 days from 430th (plus the extra month) Feb. 10-17/18
49 tornadoes in two separate outbreaks. 5.
1290 days from 390th day (Jan. 1-8/9, 2008)
REPEATS # 2. "Very unusually outbreak occurs for this early in the year. About 63 tornadoes and four deaths." 6.
1290 days from 390th day (plus the extra month) Jan. 31-Feb. 7/8
"Super Tuesday" tornado outbreak 87 tornadoes, 57 dead.
It was a deadly tornado outbreak which affected the Southern United States and the lower Ohio Valley on February 5 and 6, 2008. The event began on Super Tuesday, while 24 U.S. states were holding primary elections and caucuses to select the presidential candidates for the upcoming presidential election. Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, Alabama, and Tennessee were among the affected regions in which primaries were being held.
The storm system produced several destructive tornadoes in heavily populated areas. 57 people were killed across four states and 18 counties, with hundreds of others injured. The outbreak, at the time, was the deadliest in the era of modern NEXRAD Doppler radar. The tornado outbreak was the second deadliest outbreak in February since 1950. Damage from tornadoes was estimated at over $500 million (2008 USD).
1290 days from 430th day(Feb. 10-17/18, 2008)
REPEATS # 4. 49 tornadoes in two separate outbreaks.
8.1290 days from 430th (plus the extra month) March 11-18/19
"2008 Atlanta tornado outbreak" 45 tornadoes, 3 dead.
A significant sign because of where it occurred, and when. I wrote an article about this back in 2008, which is found at the start of this very page.
9. 1335 days from 390th day Feb. 15-22/23
Overlaps #4. However, during the parameters of this particular week, there were 32 tornadoes. 10.
1335 days from 390th day (plus the extra month) March 16-23/24
This week begins the day after the "2008 Atlanta tornado outbreak", but includes most of that outbreak. See #6. 41 tornadoes, 3 dead. (Overlaps part of #6.)
1335 days from 430th day March 26-April 2/3
34 tornadoes. 12. 1335 days from 430th (plus the extra month) April 25-May 2/3
82 tornadoes, 7 dead -- on May 2, the end of the predicted week. (Note: A week later there was another very large outbreak of 147 tornadoes, May 7-15, 2008. While we have not included this number into any of our calculations, nevertheless, it does fit into the pattern by returning back into its mirror, something discussed earlier. I.e., May 3, 2008 symbolizes as 683 or 653 BC, which back to itself in its AD "mirror" is 1335 days, and thus creates a plus and minus 8-day period from May 3. In other words, April 25 to May 3 = symbolic 691-683 BC or 661-653 BC, plus another 1335 days = as AD 645-653 or 675-683. May 3-11 = symbolic 683-675 or 653-645 BC, and thus back unto itself in its AD mirror, etc. Also see this double week pattern in #1 as well, with TS Olga. Thus, the 12 dates are bracketed by two double 7/8-day periods. But we have not included these in our calculations, even though 16 and 147 more tornadoes occurred during these extra 15 days.)
13 The other distinct pattern -- as from the 1260000 days from the Exodus, plus 1260 days more. June 3-11 was Nisan/Abib 10-17 in 1446 BC (360 calendar), plus the said 1260,000 days, plus the said 1260 more. Thus, less 1260 days to the Great Tsunami of Dec. 2004.
192 tornadoes, 7 + 11 dead -- 1260000 + 1260 days from the Exodus.
June 3 (after evening) to June 11, 2008 was Nisan/Abib 10-17 in 1446 BC (360 calendar), plus the said 1260,000 days, plus the said 1260 more. Thus, less 1260 days to the Great Tsunami of Dec. 2004. The Passover lamb was chosen for Passover Nisan 10th, and Passover itself was on Nisan 14th. The exodus from Egypt was the next day. Nisan 17th was symbolically the third day, about which Moses kept saying that he had to go "a three day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord".
Importantly, this also corresponds to the "Passion Week" of Jesus Christ, who also rose Nisan 17th, "the third day" after his death, etc.
Moreover June 9th, 2008 (that is, 1260000 + 1260 days from the Exodus) was Pentecost, 2008 on the actual Jewish calendar! (This is the anniversary of the giving of the law to Moses on Mount Sinai just 50 days after the Passover of the Exodus, which was the climax of Israel coming out of Egypt in the first place!!! Also see Acts 1.)
For more about the events of June 3-11, and the sign of the floods that peaked on Pentecost, as well as the tornados, see, "The Great Flood of 2008".
Wikipedia: "The June 2008 tornado outbreak sequence was a series of tornado outbreaks affecting most of central and eastern North America from June 3rd (after evening) to 11th, 2008. 192 tornadoes were confirmed, along with widespread straight–line wind wind damage. Seven people were killed from a direct result of tornadoes; four in Iowa, two in Kansas, and one in Indiana. Eleven additional people were killed across five states by other weather events including lightning, flash flooding, and straight-line winds. Severe flooding was also reported in much of Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa as a result of the same thunderstorms, while high heat and humidity affected much of eastern North America; particularly along the eastern seaboard of the United States from New York City to the Carolinas." Click for full detailed article on Wikipedia.
EF5192 109 63 14 5 1 0
This totals 361 confirmed tornadoes and 71 deaths for this period that covered 82 full days (excluding overlapped days between Dec. 2, 2007 and May 3, 2008.) (This does not include the tornadic effects of TS Olga, which occurred outside our parameters, nor even the 192 tornadoes of the separate "1260,000" pattern --- which should really be added to our statistical odds since we have been following this separate pattern since the start as well, but are here left out for arguments sake!) But it does include its nine days {#1}, which had zero tornadoes.) Thus, 72 days of this period was not covered by the pattern, or nearly half of the total 154 days inclusive from Dec. 2, 2007 to May 3, 2008.
The key three months of the numeric pattern were January, February, and March. These three months received ten of the 12 timeframes as laid out in the above table. (A 30-day gap exists at both ends of these 12 possible timeframes.) Since these three months are clearly the key months to examine, let's do so. As we shall see, the pattern landed on dates that were 33% more likely to be tornado days.
January: 84 tornadoes. The numeric, with its overlaps, increases this number by 80%, or 151 -- all things equal. (Average for this month, about 20 -- therefore nearly an eight-fold increase over the average, taking into account the overlaps.) (Calculations: With overlaps, 28 days and 127 tornadoes averaging 4.54 per day, which is 80% more than the actual 2.7 per day for this month of 84 actual tornadoes.)
February: Record 147 tornadoes. (The numeric, with its overlaps, increases this number by 22%, or 179 -- all things equal. Average for this month, about 20 -- therefore a nine-fold increase over the average, taking into account the overlaps.) (Calculations: With overlaps, 35 days and 217 tornadoes averaging 6.2 per day, which is 22% more than the actual 5.1 per day for this month of 147 actual tornadoes.)
March: 129 tornadoes. The numeric, with its overlaps, increases this number by 12%, or 145 -- all things equal. (Average for this month, about 50 -- therefore a three-fold increase over the average, taking into account the overlaps.) (Calculations: With overlaps, 24 days and 112 tornadoes averaging 4.67 per day, which is 12% more than the actual 4.16 per day for this month of 129 actual tornadoes.)
Total of all three months: 360 tornadoes. The numeric, with its overlaps, increases this number by 33.33%, or 480 -- all things equal. (Total average for these three months, about 90 -- therefore a 5.33-fold increase over the average, taking into account the overlaps.) (Calculations: With overlaps, 87 days and 480 tornadoes averaging 5.3 per day, which is 33.33% more than the actual 3.96 per day for these three months of 360 actual tornadoes.)
(Also see this double-week pattern in #1 as well, with TS Olga, and in #12. Thus, the 12 dates are bracketed by two double 7/8-day periods. But we have not included these extra days in our calculations, even though 16 and 147 more tornadoes occurred during these brief extra 15 days! But the double bracket is clearly intended by God, it is just that I did not personally foresee #12, and the double week of #1 was not explicitly detailed ahead of time, and so we leave it out in our calculations.)
All 154 days: 630 tornadoes. The numeric, with its overlaps, increases this number by 30%, or 820 -- all things equal. (Total average for these 154 days, about 300 -- therefore nearly a three-fold increase over the average taking into account the overlaps.) (Calculations: With overlaps, 108 days and 570 tornadoes averaging 5.3 per day, which is 30% more than the actual 4.1 per day for these 154 days of 630 actual tornadoes.)
In conclusion, the first quarter of 2008 showed an unusually high number of tornadoes, especially January and February, with February setting a record, and February is at the center of the numeric where most dates converge. These numbers are increased again by favoring those dates as calculated from the Balance Bible Code as per chart, so that there is a 30% increase over the full span, and 33% over the main three months, that is, the first three months of 2008. To have these dates converge at a record peak for tornadoes in convincing evidence for design, but add to this the said 33% increase of accuracy is overwhelming evidence that God planned these things in accordance to the pattern predicted before it happened.
End of update! Previous correspondence continues now...
leave you to do the math in pinpointing all the days on the calendar that
these fall on. Two of the dates overlap.
Keep in mind that this pattern already played out spectacularly for the
last seven hurricanes of the 2005 record season. The last seven (all
record breaking) were 490 days (that is, 70 x 7 days as per Daniel
9:24-27) from the said dates of June/Aug. 20-27, 2004. There were a total
of 28 named storms that year, 14
Tropical Storms and 14 Hurricanes! ({"14" is 7
x 2.})
This means that the last seven named storms were 77 days apart. (390 + 40
+ 30 {extra month} + 7 equals "77 days" from
Wilma/Alpha to Zeta.
Alpha to Zeta! ("A" to "Z") --- with Zeta
being the number "seven" in Hebrew as well!
Also, because 770 + 490 = 1260, this means that there are 770 or 777 days
between these last seven storms of 2005 to those above four dates
mentioned for the 1260-day period.
"1260 days from 390th day
1260 days from 390th day (plus the extra month)
1260 days from 430th day
1260 days from 430th (plus the extra month)"
Also, 1260 days from the 390th day of Ezekiel's symbolic siege began the literal siege of Jerusalem, that lasted 900 days less one, (that is, 1290 days less one.) This means that there are seven years between the start of Ezekiel's symbolic siege unto the end of the literal one by the Babylonians, that is, a span of 1260 + 1260/1290 days from 593 to 586 BC. (See below charts.) (Moreover, 1290 years earlier is when the Israelites went into captivity 430 years, and it happens that 1290 is 430 x 3. Recall Ezekiel's 430-day siege, "A day for each year," (Ezek. 4).
Email to me...
(Sent about a month after the previous article --
emailed Oct. 7.
I have removed this email and my reply because it was confusing and not
part of the previous pattern.
It is at this link if you wish to read
Email to me...
Just noticed a 7.1 Indonesian earthquake, no hurricanes though (on Oct. 23, 2007, implied date inserted
by editor).
A Comet has now become visible to the naked eye.
17P/Holmes shocked astronomers today with a spectacular eruption. The 17th
magnitude comet has brightened by a factor of five hundred thousand or
more during the past 24 hours becoming a naked-eye object in the evening
sky. Look for a golden 2.5th magnitude fuzzball in the constellation
Perseus after sunset.
COMET ERUPTION: Whatever is happening to Comet 17P/Holmes, it's weird. "I've never seen anything like it! It almost looks like a planet," says Eric Allen who recorded this view through a 16-inch telescope at the Observatoire du Cégep de Trois-Rivičres in Quebec. The comet has no tail, a remarkable golden color, and yesterday it shocked astronomers with a spectacular eruption, brightening almost a million-fold from 17th to 2.5th magnitude in a matter of hours.
"This is unbelievable!" says Iranian astronomer Babak Tafreshi. "I was amazed to find Comet Holmes so easily with the naked-eye in the light-polluted skies of metropolitan Tehran." Click on Tafreshi's photo to pinpoint the comet:
If I'm not mistaken, Jewish historians always saw a comet as a VERY
negative heavenly sign. I believe there was a comet sighting prior to the
fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and I'm thinking that there was also a
sighting prior to the flood of Noah. Will have to watch this.
Update: Also see, "Signs in Sun and Moon and Stars" ("The 12 Comets")
Comet Holmes now the size of the sun!
here for ongoing discussion
about this event on the forum
Dean's response...
(Oct. 25, 2007)
Thanks for the information about the comet. A comet can be seen as good or bad. Many scholars believe that the star of Bethlehem was a comet, and therefore a very good thing. Perhaps the comet is signaling something to do with Israel with these upcoming peace talks – a sign to the Jews who seek a sign? I am sure they have noticed.
As far as the dates are concerned, this Gulf storm did happen on Oct. 23 (and also note the wind-driven fires in California):
Oct. 25 (Bloomberg) -- The collision of a Petroleos Mexicanos oil rig and a floating platform during a storm this week was the deadliest offshore accident in the Gulf of Mexico in 43 years, with at least 19 workers killed and four missing. turbulent seas.
Most of Mexico's crude is shipped from the Gulf ports of Dos Bocas, Cayo Arcas and Coatzacoalcos, which were closed on Tuesday morning as a severe cold front brought stormy seas and high winds. Temperatures plunged as far away as Mexico City.
Some of the fleeing workers were believed to have fallen into the sea, drowning in the huge waves as 80 mph (130 kph) winds lashed the platform.
But perhaps these storms have too loose a connection. After all, they are not named storms. But on the other hand, it was the Gulf, and it was the worst offshore incident in 43 years.
At any rate, it is the end of the seven days that was consistently used with the pattern of the 490 days, and not the start of the week as much. True, the start of the week has been used mostly this year with the +1150 days pattern, but maybe it all breaks down now and God has chosen to end this whole pattern at the 390 + 1150 mark so that then the next event will be 390 + 1260 days, and then no more?
I don't know.
However, there is something brewing now in the Atlantic Ocean that could take on a name or make landfall around Oct. 30/31. That would be the end of the said week (being forwarded 430 + 1150 days).
However, if no Atlantic storm makes landfall on one of those two days (or something like that), then I must assume that the pattern is over, except for perhaps the 1260. The 1260 is very special for many reasons and it is the one that I am watching more than anything else. And it will primarily have to do with Israel (rather than mere hurricanes) since not only is it the said 1260 days, but it is also 1260 + 1335 years to the day from when the Babylonian siege began on Jerusalem back in December of 589 BC. (That is, Dec. 2-9/10, and/or one-month later, Jan. 1-8/9, 2008.) The exact date within this week is Dec. 7, or Jan. 6 because the siege began on the 10th of the month of Tebeth (Tevet). Jerusalem fell 2.5-years later in the summer of 586 BC. These are the dates on the 360 calendar of Bible Prophecy. On the regular Jewish calendar, Tebeth 10th this year lands on Dec. 19th, 2007. God may use both calendar systems as a double sign because this is what I have often observed in the past. The timing of the death of Saddam Hussein was a good example of that.
Update on the Above
(Seeing if they come true)
The first thing I should say is that on the Jewish calendar and on the 360 calendar of the prophets, the day begins on the evening prior --- just after dusk on the regular Jewish calendar (which today begins the New Year), but at 6 p.m. on the 360 calendar since that calendar is completely based upon even numbers made up of sixes. Thus, tabernacles begins on the 360 calendar, Sept. 12, at 6 p.m. (The above can be easily verified on the internet, and at
Since we are looking for the next hurricane (or related event), we note the following so far...
1) 8.4 Earthquake:
"Magnitude 8.2 (later adjusted to 8.4) Quake Hits Indonesia's Sumatra IslandSept. 12 (Bloomberg) -- An 8.2 (later adjusted to 8.4) magnitude earthquake struck near the coast of Indonesia's Bengkulu province on Sumatra island, prompting countries bordering the Indian Ocean to evacuate people from coastal areas amid fears of a tsunami.
The earthquake hit at 6:10 p.m. local time at a depth of 15 kilometers (9.3 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said. The Indonesian Meteorology and Geophysics Agency lifted its tsunami warning two hours later, though issued a second warning following a 6.6 magnitude quake in the same area at 9:40 p.m." (This second warning, therefore, was after sunset, and thus the New Year had just begun on the regular Jewish calendar.)
7.9 Earthquake:
" It could also be felt in neighbouring Singapore. The U.S. Geological Survey says the tremor had preliminary magnitude of 7.9 and was centered 189 kilometers from Bengkulu, a city on Sumatra Island, at a depth of 33 kilometers.
Hours earlier, another massive quake in the same area collapsed buildings, killing at least five people and sending scores to hospitals in Indonesia. Indonesian officials warn the latest quake has the potential to trigger a tsunami."
"The latest quakes, together with the 9.0-magnitude temblor in 2004 and an 8.7 quake in early 2005, deeply concern experts.
The fault, which runs the length of the west coast of Sumatra about 200 kilometers offshore, is the meeting point of the Eurasian and Pacific tectonic plates, which have been pushing against each other for millions of years, causing huge stresses to build up.
"There is a strong indication this foreshadows the big one," said Danny Hillman, an earthquake specialist at the Indonesian Institute of Science. "We all agree there is an 8.5 or stronger earthquake waiting to happen."
2) Hurricanes: Please note that the timing of either when a storm is named, died, or hits land ("died"), is what constitutes the timing of the storm as we have been following them, as practiced and documented a few dozen times already on this website. (See "Summary of Hurricanes".) We will see what happens after 6 p.m. today to 6 p.m. tomorrow. A Tropical Depression (TM) is like the "conception" of a storm that is only "born" if it grows and then is named as a Tropical Storm (TS). Also keep in mind that it is seven or eight days from now that is the more important timing that we are watching for. This seven days usually symbolizes the seven years of the coming Tribulation Period the bible predicts, and as such the climax is more important than the start.
Humberto is the first hurricane to hit the US in two years. Note the official statement made on the Hurricane center site for 11am, Sept. 13. (Well, we know why the hurricane happened, don't we! Therefore, although Humberto was not a powerful hurricane, it did set a record and will be remembered for its surprise and speed of development. The previous hurricane, Felix, set a similar record for speed. What is God saying? That His word will be fulfilled suddenly, when men do not expect it.)
"Edward Petty, 50, was clearing debris in front of his Beaumont home and said he was surprised by the quick turn.
"It was amazing to go to sleep to a tropical storm and wake up to a hurricane," he said. "What are you going to do? You couldn't get up and drive away. You couldn't run for it. You just have to hunker down."
Humberto made landfall near the same spot Hurricane Rita did in 2005, and areas of southwest Louisiana not fully recovered from Rita were bracing for more misery."
Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Humberto, the third hurricane of the Atlantic season, slammed into eastern Texas with winds of 85 miles (135 kilometers) an hour.
Humberto hit the Texas coast east of High Island at about 2 a.m. local time, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said on its Web site. At 4 a.m. today, Humberto was about 60 miles northeast of Galveston, and heading north-northeast at 8 mph. The system grew to a hurricane early today, less than 24 hours after developing into a tropical depression. The hurricane is expected to weaken to a tropical storm over land.
Forecasters are also monitoring a system that was about 930 miles east of the Lesser Antilles and had sustained winds of about 35 mph. The depression in the Caribbean may develop into a tropical storm today, the center said in a separate advisory.
``Some areas of our state remain saturated by summer floods, and many communities in this storm's projected path are at high risk of dangerous flash flooding,'' Perry said on his Web site. ``We will work with local officials to provide the state resources necessary to ensure the safety of all Texas residents as this storm moves over.'
"...the Galveston area was hit by two confirmed tornadoes spawned by the hurricane."
(Also, TD8 becomes Tropical Storm Ingrid the "evening" of Sept. 13 --- before or after twilight, I do not know.)
What does it all mean?
(What to look for will be things that illustrate
what will happen in the final end-times)(Just to be clear, we are not saying that this is the Tribulation Period,
but that they are little snap-shots for us to learn from and to be warned from.
View them as you would the parables of Jesus.
The parables illustrate something larger than the story itself.
The picture bible codes are also like parables.)The earthquakes and the hurricane on Rosh Hashanah/Tabernacles teach us that the seven-year period of tribulation
will come suddenly and unexpectedly for those who are not watching and looking.
To understanding the meaning of this sign --- of the earthquakes and the hurricane on Rosh Hashanah (Jewish calendar), which is also Tabernacles (on 360 calendar) --- we must remember that these next seven days will be the anniversaries of the first seven days of Creation (from Rosh Hashanah), and also the seven days of Tabernacles. Both of these seven-day periods happen to overlap this year. Both of these symbolize the seven-year tribulation period that the bible says will come upon the earth.
This year is especially important --- both because of the 1150 days as previously explained, but also because Rosh Hashanah is 490 x 5 (or, 49 x 50) years from 444 BC, which is the decree to Nehemiah in partial fulfillment of the prophecy of the 490 years of Dan. 9.
The earthquakes and the hurricane teach us that the seven-year period will come suddenly and unexpectedly for those who are not watching and looking.
The next point of time to watch will be the middle of this seven days, and its end, with the end having an eighth day as well. (Sept. 13-20/21.) However, this pattern may follow an inclusive reckoning, thus running from the evening of Sept. 12 (see earthquakes) to the evening of Sept. 19. Sept. 19 will be Tishri 7th on Jewish calendar, and the 21st on 360 calendar. This would be a special exception to the seven-day rule (after 1150 days), but such exceptions do occur in the numbers, and they have already occurred in the past while observing patterns in hurricanes and other various events, and documented. So to leave this out would be a mistake. But don't despair! There is another rule that God uses in all this: God always strengthens the weak points in the numbers so that we are sure when it happens, (i.e., such as two huge mag. 8 earthquakes at about the same time --- very unusual --- marking the very onset of this seven days.)
I will keep you posted about future events, although our family is taking a flight to Florida on the middle of Tabernacles (on the 360 calendar), and will be returning at the start of Tabernacles (on the regular Jewish calendar). While there, we are visiting the "Holy Land Experience" on the Day of Atonement (on the regular Jewish calendar) in the middle of our 10-day trip. Therefore, we will not be able to give updates during these 10 days. This is the first trip in a plane, or even out of province, for my family ever. So it is well needed.
But what if our simple plane trip is all that marks the middle of this seven days from Sept. 13-20?
Then it will be a sign only for those that read this. (We were to fly the day before but were delayed to early Monday morning, 17th.) Indeed, all the children of God are "for signs and symbols in Israel", says Isaiah the prophet, but each according to the measure of their faith and the nature of their calling. For God is not a God of confusion. (The timing of the trip was chosen because my daughter is staying behind there in Orlando on a six-month missions trip. PLEASE pray for her!)
The next seven days to look at after this one will be Sept. 23-30/Oct. 1, as it is 1150 days from the 430th day that Ezekiel lay on his side. The next important seven-day period will be exactly 30 days after that.
After that will be 1260 days from Ezekiel's 390th, or 110 days after Hurricane Dean was born, or 80 from Sept. 13-20/21. (1150 + 110 = 1260).
Then 30 days after that! And then things become more frequent, like birth pangs.
Remember, too, that a pattern becomes increasingly easy to predict the longer along a pattern one gets. We are only at the start of this new stage in the pattern now. And it will be the same way during the actual future tribulation period, whenever that happens. Things will become increasingly easy to predict as the tribulation waxes on. And this is one of the important lessons to learn in our study of these signs now. That is, that the element of uncertainty decreases as time marches on.
Also see news article about the coming peace talks in Israel in a month (November, December 2007). That article sums up much of what the code is seeking to warn us.
Sept. 13-20/21, 2007 (Tropical Depression TEN)
(Humberto was on Sept. 13, as already discussed)
Dean the following, as posted on this page, about 10-15 days before it happened:
"The 30 days from the week of Hurricane Dean would be Sept. 13-20/21. Sept. 13-20/21 is 1150 days from the end of the Ezekiel's 390 days that he lay on this side, forwarded to the present by 1260 +1335 years."
Dean also suggested that his vacation to Orlando for ten days (Sept. 13-23) would also serve as a sign in some way. The timing of the ten days intersected the middle of the week from both the 390 and 430 mark. Moreover, it was planned that during the middle of this ten days that the "Holy Land (Experience)" replica in Orlando, Florida, be visited on the regular Jewish Day of Atonement, (Sept. 17).
(A year ago God gave a powerful sign also on the Jewish Day of Atonement that I hope to explain later. The sign concerned the coming Day of Judgment and the battle of Armageddon.)
Dean also said that Sept. 19 and 20th might be notable too because Sept. 19th and 20th both are the last day of the week of tabernacles on the 360 calendar (not the regular Jewish calendar).
So then, what happened, if anything?
First, we should remind ourselves of the purpose of this pattern in the Atlantic storms. They are intended to highlight symbolic seven-day periods that are symbolic of the coming seven-years tribulation that will come upon the earth in the future like as storm, as predicted in the bible. Moreover, this ongoing pattern also proves that God alone, and not false gods, or man, can predict the day of storms years in advance, as revealed in the Balance Bible Code and the KJV Bible Code.
We will show that the pattern continues as it did two and three years ago. However, there is one very important difference between what is happening this year (so far) and two years ago. Two years ago the storms that followed the pattern were all record-breaking storms in some way. However, aside from Hurricane Dean, Felix, and Humberto, the storms this year are very average and are not at all noteworthy. And yet they are occurring on the correct days (so far). I gather from this that the Lord God, while following this pattern for the sake of His word, nevertheless does not desire to draw much attention. For this reason, after sharing these next few thoughts, hereafter I do not intend on investing much time documenting these things because it does not appear to be something the Lord wants to draw attention too, otherwise the hurricanes and storms would be more dramatic and memorable.
(Nevertheless, see the sign of the Volcano in the Red Sea. While not an Atlantic Storm, nevertheless it is a remarkable natural catastrophe as a sign that occurred on the correct day, Sept. 30/ Oct. 1, and is remarkably in agreement with the KJV Bible Code.)
So then, what happened on Sept. 20-21, 23, and 30 (or Oct. 1) as related to the Atlantic storms? (And we will try to keep it brief.)
We already showed how that the first hurricane to hit US soil in two years formed and made landfall on Sept. 13th as foretold/suggested by the pattern. (It was the fastest forming hurricane on record.) However, what happened 7 and 8 days after Sept. 13th (as suggested by the ongoing pattern)?
What happened was more subtle than Hurricane Humberto on Sept. 13th, (and Hurricane Dean 30 days before that).
"Tropical Depression 10"
Tropical Depression 10 made landfall just as the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was commencing Sept. 21, which is the 10th day of the New Year. The Day of Atonement completes what is called "The Ten Days of Awe", when, according to tradition, it is decided by God whether an individual will be allowed to live another year. Hence, for this storm to happen to be called "Tropical Depression TEN" accords well with it making landfall just as the TENth day was beginning! (Also, the word "ten" is an important part of the KJV Bible Code.)
Also, this year was 50 jubilees (50 x 49), or 490 x 5 years from 444 BC, the year Nehemiah rebuilt the walls in fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel in Daniel 9, which specified 490 years from then to the coming of Christ. (Hence, the importance of 490 x 5 years.)
We will not detail this here, but the Day of Atonement has much to do with the prophecy in Daniel 9, as does the 24th of that same month. This is when the Israelites, along with Nehemiah, wept as if it were the Day of Atonement. (See notes in NIVSB for Nehemiah 9:1.) And it happens that the Day of Atonement this year was also was the 24th of the same month, except on the 360 Calendar of Bible Prophecy. This was an important overlap of days, that is, of Tishri 10 and 24.
Moreover, God had arranged it that I happened to be at the " Holy Land Experience" in Florida that same day, (located in Orlando). At that place there was a replica of Jerusalem and of the tabernacle. Both the rebuilding of the walls of Nehemiah and the Day of Atonement were "coincidentally" explained to the public as I stood in front of the east gate of the temple in the large model of the city. And so I knew it was the Lord bringing the importance of the day to my attention for it was not my idea to visit this place, but my wife's. God, in effect, was saying to me that He has not overlooked what that day meant. He still intends to fulfill Daniel 9:24-27 in full.
Now, as said, the evening before that day, Tropical Depression TEN made landfall in Florida at the very minute the Day of Atonement was beginning, the tenth day of the year according to the regular Jewish calendar. (On the Jewish calendar, a new day begins in the evening prior.) Thus it was the tenth storm on the tenth day.
Now, it also just happened that the day before this, the same storm passed over the Orlando area where I was staying. We were forecast to get a lot of rain that day (and did during the night before), however during the day the storm split in half and part went north and part went south of us so that heavy rain fell just north of us, (8 inches on one place). Thus the storm passed overhead on the very day that the pattern suggested, "seven days" after Sept. 13 (i.e., Sept. 20), and then, just as the 8th day from Sept. 13th was ending and the Day of Atonement was commencing, that storm made landfall as TD10. (I had said that the pattern pointed to seven and eight days from Sept. 13th, that is, Sept. 20th and 21st.)
Thus the storm passed by/near where I was, and then made landfall elsewhere in Florida on the very two days that I spoke of. I also mentioned on this web page a week before we went on our trip that our trip would likely serve as a sign to these things. (For that is part of my prophetic calling.) And so it was. I was watching the weather reports while in Florida to see if a storm would form on this day and pass over us, and so it did, although I thought that the storm would be of more obvious significance.
I was following the weather reports and the weathermen were wondering if the storm system would develop into a tropical storm. However, the storm formed as "TD10" and then remained only a tropical depression. Of all 13 storms so far this season, this is the only storm to remain a number, and that number happened to be "10". Upon reflection, I realized that this only made the sign more compelling, not less. A regular name would not be as obvious a connection to the Day of Atonement as the number "TD 10", because the Day of Atonement is also called "the tenth day". The tenth day and the tenth storm, to the very minute! An hour later would have made it nine days from Sept. 13, and thus too late. An hour earlier would not have been the Day of Atonement. And so God timed the landfall of TD10 perfectly so that we might me sure that it was His handiwork. And the storm turned out to be a blessing. For it brought badly needed water to many parts. Hence, TD10 was an act of mercy, yet serving its purpose to symbolize the coming seven years of tribulation that will also end with Christ refreshing the earth, and this sign also once again vindicates the ongoing pattern as being from God.
So then, the storm passed overhead where I was staying on the 7th day (from Sept. 13th), and made landfall just as the 8th day was ending and the Day of Atonement was just beginning --- therefore, on the very two days I said the pattern indicated, (that is, "Sept. 20-21").
Subtropical Storm ANDREA
Tropical Storm BARRY
Tropical Storm CHANTAL
Hurricane DEAN
Tropical Storm ERIN
Hurricane FELIX
Tropical Storm GABRIELLE
Tropical Storm INGRID
Hurricane HUMBERTO
Tropical Depression TEN
Tropical Storm JERRY
Tropical Storm KAREN
Hurricane LORENZO
Tropical Storm MelissaAs said, the middle of the seven days (Sept. 13-20) is when we took off for Orlando, but because we unwittingly stayed exactly 10 days we returned in the middle of the next week that I also referred to, that of Sept. 23-30. (I believe that both early-morning flights are symbolic of the rapture of the Church, although I am not saying that it will necessarily occur in the middle of the seven-years tribulation period, for Sept. 27th was also the beginning of the seven days of tabernacles when we returned home, which seven days is also symbolic of the coming seven- years tribulation period.
Thus, both flights symbolized the middle of one week; however, the flight home was also the beginning of another week, (i.e., Tabernacles)! Thus the flight was both the beginning and middle of a week that is symbolic of the coming seven-years tribulation. I have seen this sort of pattern literally dozens of times.
Why is this?
I believe that God is hiding from our eyes, (or at least my eyes), the precise timing of the rapture. As far as I can tell, it may be pre, mid, or post tribulation.
I do not apologize for suggesting that our humble trip was symbolic in some way, for such is my prophetic calling. God uses the mundane things of life to speak to us if we let Him. If God is not Lord of both big and small, then He is not Lord at all.
So then, the timing of this uneventful tropical depression, its number, and where I was during the time (the day before) all lead me to believe that this fulfilled the pattern that I was looking for as spoken off 10 days before I took the trip as recorded on this page on the internet. However, the sign was so subtle I doubt whether many picked up on it who were watching with me.
Below are some of the details about Tropical Depression Ten that verify what I have said.
But first, two other small notes:
The night before TD10 made landfall, I had a dream that the depression was named "Josie" or "Jose". I am not sure which spelling, but it is interesting that the letter was correct -- a "J", and that "Josie" was the name of a hurricane in 1997, and "Jose" is on the roster of names every 6 years in the Atlantic ocean. The last time it was used was the name before Katrina in 2005. So I will be watching for Jose in 2011, although I cannot say for certainty whether it was just a natural or God-given dream. The name Jose means, "He will add", and perhaps God is saying that 'He will add' another storm in the future far more potent by the name of Jose? But I am not sure.
Also, on the same days --- Sept. 20-21 --- a powerful storm hit the Bay of Bengal and "1200 fisherman went missing from 100 trawlers". That number is very interesting because of the KJV bible code is about a storm and fisherman, which code is found at essentially 12000-letter skips, which in turn symbolizes the 12 disciples of Jesus in the boat in the storm. (Note: 1200 fishermen from 100 trawlers means that there averaged 12 fishermen per trawler, an interesting coincidence. Most of these fishermen were later found, but not all.)
(Also see signs given on last years Day of Atonement: "Pluto and Apophis: King of hell!")
The other storm, hurricane Lorenzo, is like hurricane Felix as far as the rational for their timings. Both take their timing from the day-year symbolism that I have not discussed on this page but that is discussed in length on many other web pages. Lorenzo has to do with the siege of Christ on the cross as compared to siege of a city. But the reasoning for this cannot be explained here due to the desire to keep things brief.
Tropical Depression TEN
(made landfall about 7:10 PM, Sept. 21)Tropical Depression 10 made landfall just as the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was commencing Sept. 21, which is the 10th day of the New Year completing what is called "The Ten Days of Awe", when, according to tradition, it is decided by God whether an individual will be allowed to live another year. Hence, for this storm to happen to be called "Tropical Depression TEN" accords well with it making landfall just as the TENth day was beginning! Atlantic storms to Sept. 27, 2007(Note that TD10 is the only storm so far that just remained a number in the history books, thereby emphasizing the connection with Tishri 10th, the Day of Atonement)Subtropical Storm ANDREA Tropical Storm BARRY Tropical Storm CHANTAL Hurricane DEAN Tropical Storm ERIN Hurricane FELIX Tropical Storm GABRIELLE Tropical Storm INGRID Hurricane HUMBERTO Tropical Depression TEN Tropical Storm JERRY Tropical Storm KAREN Hurricane LORENZO Tropical Storm MelissaPensacola (Fort Walton), Florida
Sept. 21, 2007
Twi A: 5:13am
Sunrise: 6:34am
Sunset: 6:46pm
Twilight: 7:10pm
(Yom Kippur begins)
Moonrise: 3:34pm
Moonset: 12:49am"BULLETIN
700 PM CDT FRI SEP 21 2007
Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea ---------------------------------------
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Arthur
Wilma Alberto
Concerning the next predicted seven-day (eight-day) period
(Sept. 23 to Sept. 30/Oct. 1)
Interestingly, while TD10 did not become tropical storm Jerry as forecasters expected, yet Jerry did form somewhere else 2 days later on Sept. 23, the day I had mentioned that begins the 1150 days from the 430th day (rather than the 390 days).
Also, tropical storm Karen dissipated on Sept. 30, seven days after Jerry formed. Both dates are correct, although, as said earlier, both storms are unimportant and are not at all noteworthy in and of themselves.
(Also see Tropical Storm Melissa. It became a remnant low on Sept. 30, and is forecast to dissipate completely by Oct. 2. For our purposes, storms at landfall, or if no landfall, when they dissipate at sea, represent the "death" of the storm. This is the rule followed in 2005. Thus, according to this rule, Melissa appears to be at least one day late in fully "dying". NHC's last report for Melissa, issued Sept. 30th begins by reading: "500 PM EDT SUN SEP 30 2007. AS WAS THE CASE WITH INGRID...AND KAREN...WESTERLY SHEAR HAS CAUSED ANOTHER TROPICAL CYCLONE IN THE ATLANTIC TO WEAKEN.")
Volcano Erupts on "Bird Mountain"
(Click on any image to enlarge.)
Also, the following very interesting event occurred on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, the two days predicted by the pattern. We will compare this to the KJV Bible Code.
A few weeks before this eruption began, I put out a lengthy document explaining the bird-mountain aspect of the KJV Bible Code. (Click here for that article and the many similar images like that shown here on the right and left.)
The image at right is the fishing boat that Jesus was in, but also represents the Ark of Noah. There is a mountain in the background, and it represents mount Ararat. However, it can also represent any mountain. The mountain is being reflected in the water. (However, the diamond shape also represents an aerial view of the mountain. This can be proven, but would take too long to do so right now. It is actually the chief of one of seven mountains.) At the right and left sides of the mountain, the two small yellow images represents Jesus walking past the boat, walking on the water. All this is explained in detail, including the awesome numeric, at the above mentioned page. The middle of the mountain is encoded to the year of the flood, and the exact days when the raven and dove were released from the ark that had landed on the mountain, (Genesis 8).
The image at left is the same except the horizon has been turned 90 degrees. Here we see two birds overlapping each other at the head, as well as the mountain peak. The larger bird is scooping/rescuing someone from the water.
Also, in the background there is a face of someone watching all this happening. The watcher represents a prophet/seer or prophetess. The glasses used to sea read: "RE-SEE RED", "SEER", and "REED", and is a play on words for the Red Sea. (For a discussion about the Red Sea verses the Reed Sea, see article by a Rabbi called {of all things!} "SEA-ING RED"! {I had entitled the bible codes image, "Seeing Red"!} The Red Sea brings to mind the last great event of judgment God brought upon Egypt {a type of the world} before the Israelites were finally delivered. Thus, the image in the bible code points to the judgment to come at the end of the age.)
Previously, we discussed how the KJV Bible Code implied a fiery judgment as suggested by the image (see right) and what it said. (See "Olympic Greece Fires".) The volcanic eruption on Sept. 30, and the recovery of the two survivors the next day, both match the exact two days suggested on this page a few weeks ago for an event related to the Atlantic storms, or some other event related to the Bible Code.
Moreover, the bible-code image of the boat at the mountain (at left) suggested a volcanic mountain at top. The top reads "NOE" (KJV for Noah) as do the two figures walking on the water. The NOE's represent Jesus as the sacrifice for man's sins, as it were, upon the top of a volcanic mountain, just as Noe sacrificed doves upon an altar of fire when he left the ark on the mountain top.
Having said all that, read the article on what happened, and compare to all what has just been said concerning the Mountain/Bird bible code as put out a few weeks before this happened. Also note that this event happened on the exact days suggested by the pattern, as said here on this webpage also a few weeks before this happened. (And see the ongoing events along the pattern suggested by bible prophecy numbers that we have been following for the past three years.)
(The only event not accounted for is the sinking of the fishing boat when the image is turned 90 degrees. However, the sinking of fishing boats occurred 10 and 40 days earlier somewhere else in the world (with those days predicted). These two two days, ten days apart, are meant to be viewed in overlap because both represent the end of a specific seven-day period as explained before these events even happened.) All of this, in turn, is warning of the coming seven-year period of tribulation that will soon come upon the face of the earth as foretold repeatedly in the bible.)
A volcanic eruption occurred on an island in the Red Sea on Sunday evening around 7 p.m., Sept. 30th. (This was 6 p.m. in Israel.) The next day, as the volcano was still spewing, two survivors were rescued, (that is on Oct. 1, 2007).
Note everything from the timing to the name of the volcano, "Bird Mountain", to the number of those rescued, to the name of the Sea where the eruption took place, to the ultimate destination of the ships, to the shape of the island from a birds-view, to the name of the ship that rescued the first victim, "The Toronto", which is named after my own city, and hence a personally reminder to me to man my post and be faithful as a watcher --- as we all should be who are called to watch. It would be hard to put together a more perfect sign that symbolized all that the code is seeking to warn us.
Red Sea volcano rescue
The Volcano "Jebel at Tair" ("Bird's Mountain") erupted on Sept. 30, 2007, in the Red Sea about 7 p.m. local time, (6 p.m. in Israel). Part of the island disappeared/collapsed and the rest was ablaze with flowing lava that lighted the skies brilliantly at evening twilight and then through the night.
A NATO Fleet of six ships on the way to the Mediterranean sea observed the eruption and was requested by the Yemen Government to assist in search and rescue operations for military personal stationed on the island. Eight military personal were announced missing.
During the search, two people were snatched from the sea, one by the Canadian ship "The Toronto", and the other by a US ship. Six personal were found floating dead and badly burned.
The ships found the two survivors in the shark invested superheated waters just as they were about to give up hope, about 20 hours after the eruption the next day on Oct. 1, 2007.
Here is a typical article that covered the story:
Navy aids Red Sea volcano rescue
"The destroyer Bainbridge and five other ships from a NATO maritime group are aiding rescue efforts off the coast of the tiny island of Jabal al-Tair, where a volcano erupted over the weekend.
The island sits in the Red Sea about 70 miles off the coast of Yemen. It has a small military base but is otherwise uninhabited. The Yemeni coast guard and navy evacuated 21 of the 29 personnel on the island, but eight were found to be missing.
Rear Adm. Michael Mahon, who commands NATO Maritime Task Group 1, told Navy Times Monday that the Yemeni government requested the help of the six-ship fleet which was steaming toward the Suez Canal when the volcano occurred.
Initially, sailors onboard the Bainbridge, the task group’s flagship, spotted two bodies in the water, while the Canadian frigate Toronto picked up another body, Mahon said
Two soldiers were rescued, while four others were found dead. The search for the two other missing soldiers is ongoing, Mahon noted.
A Canadian Navy spokesman who was onboard the Toronto called the volcanic eruption “catastrophic,” the Associated Press reported.
Jabal al-Tair, or “Bird Mountain,” is one of a number of volcanic islands in the Red Sea between Yemen and Sudan.
Mahon praised the efforts of the NATO-tasked sailors in the rescue effort and said the task group will continue the search as long as it is deemed necessary."
Why did the volcano erupt on the south end rather than the north end of the Red Sea?
eruption occurred at the opposite end of the Red Sea from where Israel crossed
when they fled Egypt. For why, see the article put out on the net several
years ago about 'the flipping around of
the tongue of the Red Sea', (i.e., "The
Dragon Bible Code").
The mouth of the red dragon numerically overlaps the mouth of the prophet/prophetess in this KJV Bible Code. I hope to explain this later. (See image at left.)
The code is multifaceted and is meant to be viewed in several ways and directions. When the dragon image is inserted at the place numerically encoded for it, then the composite image (in part) depicts the false prophet spoken of in the book of Revelation, who, 'looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon'.
And it represents the dragon spewing a river, and it represents the dragon about to swallow "the man child", Jesus, as soon as He is born. But it also represents the false messiah arising out of the sea, up from Sheol. (The head of the dragon in Hebrew reads, "Sheol".)
All these events are found in the book of Revelation. The position of the dragon as seen here overlapping the other images is not in any way contrived. The numeric producing the image was put on the net in several documents two years before the KJV Picture Bible Code was even deciphered!
About w-hoo-m does the code speak?
A great horned owl called "ROME", who claims to be the dove of "EDEN", but is a "WHORE" decked in jewels, plots "WAR" and is on the way to "HELL"! She sits upon many waters and rides a dragon/beast composed of seven hills. The dragon stirs up the sea. And there is a large mountain made from these seven smaller hills, (which partly excludes the seventh hill). All this overlaps the face of a prophetess. The bible code is encoded using bible prophecy numbers, 666, 1260, and 144,000.
For those familiar with the book of Revelation, the meaning is obvious, because the imagery closely resembles Rev. 11-18. But I cannot take time to explain it here.
For more information about the Bible Code images, see the following:
The KJV Bible Code
Hurricane Dean and the other Storms when the English code was put out
Numeric of Jesus-walking- on-the- water picture bible code
"Red Sea Volcano"
(as separate document)
1150 days from 430th (plus the extra month) (Oct. 23-30/31. Gulf storm kills 18, Oct. 30/31, the next tropical storm/hurricane ("Noel") hits Haiti and Cuba, greatest loss of life on those days so far in the season.)
articles to do with the English
Bible Code:
Hurricane Dean and the other Storms when the English code was put outNumeric of Jesus-walking- on-the- water picture bible code
"Red Sea Volcano"
(as separate document)
Bible Code Predictions
(My rant against false predictions that some people make,
who cast doubt on those truly led of God!)