Hurricane Jeanne
(Sept. 16, 2004)
This is to be read in conjunction with...
Axe to The Root Hurricane Charley
Stairway to Hell Hurricane IvanHurricane-Jeanne Bible Code is below
(Also see, Summary of Hurricanes of notoriety and timeline)
Why this is written?
The purpose of these series of articles that detail the rhyme and reason for when these events (including events surrounding Saddam Hussein from the time that the Twin Towers fell) is to demonstrate that God has everything timed. It is to prove that God alone can predict things like a storm years in advance. He alone is God!
Dan 9:26 "And after the sixty-two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, and shall have nothing; and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with an overflow (flood), and unto the end, war, --the desolations determined."
We are not saying that this is the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Instead, what we are saying is that God is now revealing the kind of numeric patterns that He uses when He "determines" world events. These numeric patterns can be studied and learned from in order to prepare the yet future generation to come who will actually see the final and culminated fulfillment of all things in a future period often referred to as "The Great Tribulation Period". This work is to prepare that future generation. The only claim that I am personally making is that the work in the Picture Bible Codes and numbers is a partial fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel:
Dan 12:4, 9 And thou, Daniel, close the words, and seal the book, till the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. ... And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for these words are closed and sealed till the time of the end.
Dan 12:10-13 Many shall be purified, and be made white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the continual sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand, two hundred, and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days!}
God began revealing these things to me since 1991. Each revelation is also timed, using the numeric revealed in the above prophecy of the 1260/1290 and 1335 days/years. These revelations were accompanied by a steady stream of personal signs that goaded me to further study. Beyond this I make no other claim. (Also see "How my Prophetic Calling Works".)
Update, Sept. 23, 2004. (The Day of Atonement on the 360 prophetic calendar.) This bible code will be elaborated on shortly. In brief, the code is read along the squares much the same as in the mene-tekel bible code. The squares are read in alternating directions. It is first read descending then ascending the nine squares.
"I Will Save!"
Short version along axe only, and spiraling into the center.
("I am Jesus (Yeshua) the Savior!")
"I will look with favor! I will save! He will lift up the heap of ruins and I will forgive. But to whom can He be compared and what is His likeness? I will save and I will forgive and they will be circumcised and I will forgive."
Full code along axe and beyond, with axe head centered.
("I am Jesus the Savior!")
"He (i.e., Israel) will grieve. I will look with favor. I will save! He will lift up a heap of ruins and I will forgive. But to whom can His likeness be compared so that they are the same? A Son will perish. (But) He will shine! He will prosper! A Son will be declared innocent. He rendered the verdict among them! And so they took their measurements and were circumcised (in heart), and so I forgave. I saved by my fire offering! Lift up O' Moth! Now O' Lord!"
(Encoded within Isaiah 46:4-5, where the surface text reads much the same thing!!!)
"My Moth is Jesus"
Hosea 5:12 reads: "Therefore am I unto Ephraim as a moth, and to the house of Judah as rottenness." The irony is that Jesus became a curse for us when He died on the cross/tree. "He became sin for us," (2Cor. 5:21). He became a moth, figuratively speaking. (See Endnote.)
The phrase, "Lift up (forgive!), O' Moth!" sounds strange indeed, unless the Moth Bible Code is read first. [It happens that it was on the Day of Atonement two years ago that I first discovered the Moth Code.]
"Lift up, O' Moth!" infers cherubim wheels and wings, Ezek. 9-10. It is similar to the symbolism of when the fiery snake (an unclean animal) was lifted up on the pole in the wilderness, or the escape goat on the Day of Atonement, (Lev. 16).
As said before, the picture codes build upon one another so that interpreting them is not difficult. Iniquity is symbolically being carried away by the sin-bearing moth---(one lives, one dies)---straight into the light of the flame. (See Zechariah 5:5-11). [The Moth Bible Code mirrors another code below it and for this reason is upside down.])
This is to be read in conjunction with...
Axe to The Root Hurricane Charley
Hurricane Ivan Stairway to HellWhen we speak of temporal "judgments," we mean that
the hedge of protection is being removed from America, and her enemies (demonic and human) are increasingly being allowed to buffet her.
This code was discovered Sept. 21, 2004, just after I thought the bible codes were complete on this subject of the hurricanes. Today is Sept. 23, 2004.
(Briefly for now), the wheel ("ayin" meaning, an "eye" or a "fountain,") as it turns out, is intersecting another wheel. They both belong to each other. A wheel intersecting a wheel, (Ezek. 1-4, 8-12). Thus, the second one also symbolizes a hurricane. It is named "Jeanne." (The other was named Ivan. See the hurricane Ivan Bible Code.) Jeanne became a hurricane on Rosh Hashanah the same day that Ivan hit the costal United States, and 'died.' The two hurricanes belong to each other in this sense also: the names of the hurricanes are both a variation of the name John.
The "eye' of Jeanne is below the cloud, and largely encompasses it. The main horizontal line at center within the 'eye' is the key phrase that governs the whole code and verifies that the image of the 'eye' is indeed there. It reads: "There is a fountain of God." Or it says, "There is a mighty fountain," or, "There is a mighty eye," (as in the eye of a hurricane.)
The two "ayin's" (eye/fountain) together read:
"He brought me forth (birthed me), O my people!" "From a fountain, He drew (me) out!"
The second eye/fountain by itself reads:
"It concerns my justice, O' my people. O' sea, a weak eye (or, fountain)!
The 'spokes' read:
(Horizontal line)
"There is a mighty eye."
(Or, doubling the "ayin" letter)
"Salvation is a mighty fountain."
(Vertical line)
"And my coming fire/lightning."
(Diagonal line---left to right, starting at the center/'axle')
"He (that is, Ivan) will be content. It will not happen---(though) it will happen!
(Other diagonal line---right to left, also starting at the center/'axle')
"He (Ivan) will be content, (but) not Jeanne!"
Or, "He is resolved (to do it), (but) not Jeanne!"
(First, a review of the related Hurricane Ivan bible code already explained.)
The track for hurricane Ivan reads:
"It will happen! You are numbered! Woe! They will wither before me! A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival." (I.e., Rosh Hashanah.)
The cloud reads:
"Where is wondering (hurricane) Ivan, O' waters? It is clouding over! Ivan is eyeing! The cloud looks on! The cloud is appearing! Where is it over-clouding, O' blood? Where is the guilt of the wonderer, O' waters?
And where is the witness of the waters? He will wipe away guilt/Ivan (like a cloud) for their sake.
After rejoicing, the cloud appeared!"
(The above was already explained in the Ivan Bible Code.)
The Jeanne code is in riddle form, and is meant to be studied with the rest of the picture-codes associated with this cluster. Especially read, Axe to The Root, Hurricane Ivan, and Stairway to Hell.
A 'wheel' ('eye') always suggests movement. The 'cloud' and 'lightning' and the 'eye' inform us that the eye (in this instance) is intended to signify the 'eye' of a hurricane moving over the "sea." Jeanne is both a weak eye and a strong eye. Jeanne is unsatisfied, unlike Ivan, who was content with destroying only the first island in its path. (Because Jeanne is feminine, the masculine phrase, "He is content" must refer to Ivan, and helps decode an otherwise very ambiguous cipher.)
"He (that is, Ivan) will be content. It will not happen---(though) it will happen! Ivan did damage, but not near as much as was expected because it was 'content' to circumvent populous areas after Grenada. The word, "He is content," also means, "He is resolved to do it." I believe this points to the indecisiveness of Jeanne in contrast to Ivan. Ivan held a steady course as it moved in the Atlantic, but not Jeanne. News article:
Once again in the picture bible codes, justice is served, not so much in the temporal affliction of nations, but in that the justice of God was served when Jesus died on the cross. He is salvation. He is the mighty fountain, and the eye of God. He is the pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day! He is the source of life that was burst open for us like a fountain, when He died on the cross.
The top bible code that created the squares that move along the 'axe' is also related to this code about the hurricanes. It emphasized the mercy of God. Recall that the axe to the root was the code that signaled the beginning of the current series of hurricanes to strike America. See Axe to The Root, and Hurricane Charley. These hurricanes are a sign of a still greater judgment to come---economic famine... ('A dry spring', 'a withered tree', and 'an empty balance' are clues.) Even this judgment is simply a token warning-sign to the living of the great coming judgment of God Almighty that awaits all that reject Jesus as Messiah. The judgment that I am warning of is the terrible judgment of Hell.)
When we speak of temporal "judgments," we mean that the hedge of protection is being removed from America, and her enemies (demonic and human) are increasingly being allowed to buffet her.
This was meant to be read in conjunction with...
Axe to The Root Hurricane Charley
Hurricane Ivan Stairway to Hell
News Update about Jeanne as it relates to the bible code. The purpose of giving this bad news is simply to show that the personality of Jeanne matches the code:
"As a tropical storm, Jeanne soaked Haiti last weekend with torrential rains that triggered flooding and mudslides, killing 1,150 people and leaving 1,200 missing. It also killed two people in the U.S. Caribbean territory of Puerto Rico and 11 in the Dominican Republic.
The storm meandered in the Atlantic for a few days and strengthened as it looped around in a circle before fixing a course for storm-stunned Florida.
The state is still struggling to pick up the pieces from Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Ivan, which killed 85 people in Florida in the past five weeks. Insured damage was estimated at $7.4 billion for Charley, $4.4 billion for Frances and between $3 billion and $6 billion for Ivan.
The remains of another deadly storm, Hurricane Ivan, were weakening on Friday morning over southeastern Texas after buffeting the Louisiana coast on Thursday night with heavy rains and gusty winds as it moved in from the Gulf of Mexico.
Ivan, now a tropical depression, had maximum sustained winds near 30 mph, much diminished from the ferocious storm that earlier killed more than 100 people."
=====================Also, here is an interesting quote from the National Hurricane Center:
From the National Geographic: "There have been other oddities during this season, including long-lasting hurricanes and an unusual number of tornadoes spun off from the storms. And Hurricane Ivan was an especially odd storm. After it made landfall and broke apart, part of it looped back into the Gulf of Mexico, reformed as a tropical storm, and struck Texas." (Note: Ivan finally dissipated on the Day of Atonement.)
Also note that Japan has had a record number of Hurricanes (i.e., Typhoons) this year as well. Also, August (2004) saw a record number of 8 tropical cyclones form in the Pacific ocean. Over land, the US experienced a record number of tornadoes (for August)---173 tornadoes. (227 for Sept. so far.) "The most active time for tornadoes was August 12-14 when Tropical Storm Bonnie moved from the Florida panhandle northeastward along a weak frontal boundary into the Carolinas. Hurricane Charley immediately followed, which caused extensive damage near Ft. Myers northeastward across Florida into the Carolinas," McCarthy said.
See Washington Post article for other record weather facts around world.
World Trade Center Bible Code
was a Sign of the 2008 Collapse of World Trade
Hosea 5:12 reads: "Therefore am I unto Ephraim as a moth, and to the house of Judah as rottenness." The irony is that Jesus became a curse for us when He died on the cross/tree. He became sin for us, (2Cor. 5:21). He became a moth, figuratively speaking. The very same words, "as rottenness," is found the next square down. It is unclear whether the next square (the 10th square) should be added. It fits in with Hosea 5:12 (in parallel with the moth), but the code becomes too disjointed to be included with confidence.
"He (i.e., Israel) will grieve. I will look with favor. I will save! He will lift up a heap of ruins and I will forgive. But to whom can His likeness be compared so that they are the same? A Son will perish---Blood! (But) He will shine! He will prosper! Mount up! It will happen to you like rottenness! A Son will be declared innocent. He rendered the verdict among them! And so they took their measurements and were circumcised (in heart), and so I forgave. I saved! Lift up O' Moth! Now O' Lord!"