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Picture Bible Prophecy Codes
Bible Code
Normally, the phrase
"Where is he" ( |
The phrase, "But
will He be desired?" may also read, "But does He desire her?"
(See Ps. 132:13). The meaning of both readings is clear since the top portion
of the cross is where the actual text reads, "She saw that the fruit was
good to be desired." (Same Hebrew spelling, Genesis 3:6). And
at bottom of cross the actual text reads, "You will desire
your husband..." (A different Hebrew word for desire, Genesis 3:16).
Thus, the Tree of Life is symbolic of the Lord and the code asks the reader if
one day the Lord will be desired as once Eve desired the Tree of Knowledge.
And the code also therefore asks whether Adam will desire Eve as Eve by nature
desired Adam--- and thus in type whether Christ the Lord will desire His
coming bride (i.e., "But does He desire her?"), and likewise whether
she will desire him as is natural for a wife to do, (i.e., "But will He
be desired by her?"). The affirmative answer is implied.
The four corners of the Lord [that is, His two hands and two feet], if we allow the letter yod to represent a hand since that is indeed the meaning of that single letter, (and the two yods do indeed represent each hand!), then the code would ask (2x), "Where is the hand of Alpha located?" The answer is that His hand is nailed to the cross as it wields the sword. Since it repeats this phrase twice it thus implies that both hands will thus be nailed. This, too, is very much in accord with the other cross-code 1290 letters earlier. A second sword also comes out of His mouth toward His lower hand, (Revelation 1:16; 19:15). This sword also reads, "Woe!" (This is not shown here.)
Thus, the sword with which He smites the earth first pierced Himself! |
Another reason to suppose that the two crosses represent Adam and Eve is the following:
Without any forethought whatsoever, the image and document of the male/female crosses and the seven woes were put on internet the same day our leaders here in Canada were passing the same-sex law that legalizes homosexual 'marriage.' Recall that this bible code, the dragon code, and the code about Christ on the cross are all centered around the Genesis passage that records the first marriage in the bible--- a marriage between a man and a women--- Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve are a type of Christ and His bride for whom Jesus died. This is why Satan (the dragon) seeks to destroy marriage as ordained by God.
Woe to our leaders who forced this legislation through! Woe to the earth, who will soon follow suite! Woe to all those that practice fornication of any type, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Also see the "Three Circles" completed this same day of June 28, 2005, which likewise speaks against fornication.)
{Update: June 29, 2005, California moves in the direction of same-sex marriage.
June 30, 2005, Spain also passes same-sex marriage!
"The Netherlands and Belgium are the only other two countries that recognize gay marriage nationwide. Canada’s House of Commons passed legislation Tuesday that would legalize gay marriage by the end of July as long as the Senate also passes the bill, which it is expected to do. “We were not the first, but I am sure we will not be the last. After us will come many other countries, driven, ladies and gentlemen, by two unstoppable forces: freedom and equality,” Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told the chamber before the vote."
Compare this to what the Spirit moved me to say yesterday (June 29, 2005), i.e., "Woe to the earth who will soon follow suite!" (End of update.)
Further update: Good news! On July 1, 2005, an American Supreme Court judge surprisingly announced she was stepping down. She likely will be replaced with a conservative judge that should swing the balance of power toward opposing same-sex marriage in future court battles! Let us pray, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood...! (End of update.) Also see the sign of Deep Impact Bible Code.}
Bible-Code Numeric
Is it a coincidence that the very letter where
five of the seven 'woes' end as they are spelt represents the year 775 BC,
which is 1290 to when Isaac was born, who was born just after Sodom and Gomorrah
were destroyed by the two angels? (Genesis 18-21.) (Also see 490 x 6 in the mirror.)
The numbers in the images (left) represent the letter count in the book of Genesis. The letter 'aleph' that forms the 'head' is therefore the 3409th letter in Genesis. Therefore, this letter 'aleph' (that forms the head) represents the dates 895 BC or 490 BC. (4304 BC less 3409 letters = 895 BC, or, 3899 BC less 3409 letters = 490 BC.) (The min. and max. dates are always 405 letters apart as derived from the creation dates of 4304 and 3899 BC. The max. 4304 BC is the main date line and min. 3899 BC is secondary.)
The seven dates along the pole are as follows (from top to bottom) 1255/850, 1135/730, 1015/610, 895/490, 775/370, 655/250, 535/130 BC. (Compare this to the other cross with Christ on it 1290 letters earlier, or, 430 x 3 letter-years.) The underlined dates are especially important in that they represent part of the main stream of numbers that follow the 430 (or half that, 215) cycles that include the entry into Canaan by Abraham in 2091 BC, by Jacob and sons into Egypt in 1876 BC, the exodus from Egypt in 1446 BC and the fall of Jerusalem and exile back to Babylon and Egypt in 586 BC, and Paul's ship-wrecked captivity to Rome in AD 60 (that essentially ends the book of Acts.) We can also add to this 1661 BC of the LXX for the entry into Egypt by Jacob and sons. All these dates fall within cycles of 215 (or x 2 = 430) years apart, and 430 x 3 is 1290 (of Daniel 12 and Ezek. 4). These are literal dates, but there are numerous symbolic dates that fall within these cycles as well, both in AD and BC and in the mirror.
(The symbolic dates are amazing in that they interlock with literal dates so that there are, say, 430 years between two events ending in a 430 day-period, which days represent symbolic years that in turn coincide with the cycles of the 430's! This is especially evident with the dates surrounding the exodus, and those in the book of Ezekiel.)
All of the images are located along this 215 letter/year path, with the only exception being the moth code; yet even the moth code at its center (of 1260 x 1260 letters) equals 2855 BC, and thus also falls along the said path. (2855 BC plus 4300 = AD 1446, the mirror of the exodus in 1446 BC). Thus, it is not merely that the images occur in cycles of 430-letters apart, but also that they are located along the very same 430-year cycles recorded for us in bible prophecy and in biblical history! Hence, the images are located in precise locations so as to interact with all other picture codes, using a numeric that likewise encodes information agreeing with the code.
Also see related
Dragon Bible Code
The great flame in part reads:
"O' the ascending sacrifice! O' the flame! O' the love
-- the love of God for her!..."
Animated message:
Will you go to heaven when you die?
Rough Copy!
Important days surrounding the time of the Exodus
In order to separate whole days from part days, numbers with a '+' sign are days that have just ended with the next day just begun. Hence, one minute before New Year's day is "Day 0," but one minute after is "Day 0+", which is the same as "Day 1."
360-Prophetic Calendar (Exodus 1446-1445 BC) | |||||||||||||||
# 1 | # 3 | # 5 | # 6 | # 7 | # 8 | # 9 | # 10 | # 12 | # 14 | # 15 | # 16 | # 17 | # 19 | # 20 | # 21 |
New year's day |
Leave Egypt |
Mount Sinai |
Cov- enant |
Moses up mount |
Down mount | Up mount again |
Down mount | Finish Taber- nacle |
Leave Sinai |
3-day travel --rest |
Spies sent out |
Spies return |
Feast Trum- pets |
Day of Atone- ment |
Feast Taber- nacles |
Day 0+ |
15 | 60+ | 64 (+7) |
64+ | 104 | 106 | 146 | 361 | 410 | 413 | 450 | 490 | 540+ | 550 | 554 (+7) |
Lunar Calendar | |||||||||||||||
Day 0+ |
15 | 59+ | 63 (+ 7) |
64+ | 103 | 105 | 144 | 356 | 405 | 408 | 443 | 483 | 532+ | 542 | 546 (+7 |
The Exodus occurred in 1446 BC after having spent 430-years in Egypt. They arrived at Mount Sinai on day 60 ending (or day 61) which symbolizes AD 60. 430 days later Israel attempted to enter the promised land after 40 days of spying out the land, but they failed to. That was the 490th day from the inaugural year of 1446 BC, which then symbolized AD 490. (AD 60 + 430 days/years = AD 490). Thus after 430 years in Egypt, they arrive at Mount Sinai, and after 430 days more, they attempt entry to the promised land. Thus 430 years intersects with 430 days (see Ezek. 4) "a day for each year." But more than that, symbolic AD 60 is 3˝ x 430 years from literal 1446 BC, and thus 490 is 4˝ x 430 years. Since Abraham entered the promised land from Babylon 645 years before the exodus in 2091 BC, thus from literal 2091 BC to symbolic AD 490 are 6 x 430, which is also 1290 x 2 years. (Moreover, 490 is the number in Daniel 9.)
And there is so much more!
For example, 430 x 2 years after the exodus was the the fall of Jerusalem when Judah went back into exile to Egypt and Babylon. (This means that from the time they entered Egypt in 1876 BC until the time they entered again into Egypt in 586 BC are 430 x 3 years, or 1290 (of Daniel 12). Ezekiel's book surrounds this event of the fall of Jerusalem. He began his symbolic siege of Jerusalem 1290 x 2 years before the literal one fell. (Ezek. 4). He was told to symbolically siege Jerusalem 430 days (390 + 40, compare to the 450th and 490th day of the above chart). Thus, he besieged Jerusalem one-sixth of the 1290 x 2 days (since 1290 x 2 = 430 x 6). The literal siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians (that Ezekiel earlier had acted out) began 800 days before the New Year of 586 BC (430 x 2 years after the inaugural year at the exodus in 1446 BC). (All day counts are according to the 360-year calendar of the prophets.) Ezekiel also dates the temple chapters in Ezekiel 40:1 by this New Year of 586 BC. In a sense, the New Year of 586 BC was therefore also anther inaugural New Year that began a new count of reckoning the years (just as the exodus has been.) Thus, 800 days before the New Year of 586 BC creates the symbolic year of 801 BC. (It is not 800 BC, since there is no such thing as the year zero. Thus between 1 BC and AD 1 are just one year and not two years.) thus, the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians began in the symbolic day/year of 801 BC in the literal year of Dec. of 589 BC. It happens that 801 BC also intersects with the 430-year cycles spoken of earlier! For instance, 801 BC less the symbolic 430 x 2 day/years = AD 60 (the symbolic day/year at the time of the Exodus a literal 430 x 2 years earlier! Or, to AD 490 is 1290 day/years (430 x 3), which is the figurative date as seen in the earlier example (of when they attempted to enter the promised land), but a literal 1290 years earlier was 1876 BC, when they entered Egypt 430 years. Thus the 430 days of the between symbolic AD 60 and AD 490 are again being emphasized by a chiastic numeric. (That is, 430 is being overlapped twice by the intersecting of literal years and days of equal value, that intern run along a symbolic day/year grid that also intersects the same!) All this is complex at first reading, but rather simple after a few days at it. It is important because all this holds the key to both finding and interpreting the picture bible codes.
Ezekiel records the arrival of the first exiled person from Jerusalem to Babylon on a day that was 275 days after the New Year of 586 BC. Thus, that day symbolized as AD 275. The year AD 275 also falls along the 430-year cycles. For example, 430 years after literal 586 BC of the fall of Jerusalem is AD 275--- and so forth.
But what about the date of Ezekiel's 430 day symbolic siege. Surely it would especially bring forth consistent and important dates that follow this pattern so as to show us that this is no mere chance. And so it does!
The 430-days of Ezekiel's siege "a day for each year" began 7 days after his call. For seven days he sat overwhelmed at the revelation of God. This seven days symbolized the next literal seven years that would elapse before the actual fall of Jerusalem. (1290 x 2 days is seven years, or seven years and one month.) (390 days is 360 days with a leap month added, the number in Ezek. 4. Notice that the two creation dates are 4300 and 3900 years before the birth of Christ --- ten times the span of years given us by Moses and Ezekiel.)
Ezekiel was called of God (seven days before he began his 430-day/year siege) 2425 days before the New Year of 586 BC. Thus that year symbolized as 2426 BC. This date is a mirror number. That is, 2426 in AD rather than BC falls along the 430 year cycles. For example, 1876 BC (when Israel entered Egypt 430 years) plus 4300 years equals AD 2425. Thus, the 430-days that Ezekiel lay on his side symbolically besieging Jerusalem also intersects with these numbers, but in a way more amazing then first meets the eye! They were in Egypt 430 years. Moses sought to deliver them 40 years earlier when they had been 390 years in Egypt. Moses failed and himself went into exile 40 years until his call at the burning bush in the autumn of 1447 BC. This is the same numeric pattern found in the dates at the exodus as seen in the above chart and it is also the pattern that Ezekiel gives us (of 390 + 40 = 430 days and years). It is also the pattern, as said, at creation, of 3900 and 4300 years to Christ. Here is how it all works!
The symbolic date at the call of Ezekiel, we are told, was 2425 days before the inaugural New Year in 586 BC. That day, as said, therefore symbolizes as 2426 BC. However, by now the astute reader should be asking two questions. What about the leap month that occurs every 6 years or so (see, and what about the other dating method Ezekiel uses throughout his book, namely as from the year of his own personal Exile to Babylon that occurred 11 year earlier so that the New Year of 597 BC is also an inaugural year?
God is awesome!
First we answer the first point!
It is true that the year of Ezekiel's call can be seen as 2426 BC or 30 days more (due to the leap month) as 2456 BC. But this is perfect in every way!
For example, we saw that 2426 BC plus 4300 years = the mirror of 1876 BC, when they entered Egypt. However, 2456 BC plus the said 3900 years = the mirror of 1446 BC, when they left Egypt at the exodus! Or, if you would, the 2456 BC, less the 430 days of Ezekiel's siege equals 2026 BC. This less 3900, therefore, equals the mirror of 1876 BC ---when they entered Egypt. And so forth. It is even more complex than this but that is enough for now. (In passing, we are concentrating on the 430-year cycles, but what of the 490 cycles of Daniel 9? 2426 BC plus 490 x 2 = 1446 BC, the exodus! and therefore see to Christ at birth and at 30 years of age when He began His ministry. We have 5 x 490, or 50 Jubilees, etc.)
Now onto the second problem! (And there is a third, namely, the seven days before the 430 days of Ezekiel's siege.)
We said showed quickly that Ezekiel dates his prophecies by both the New Year of spring of 597 and 586 BC, which are 11 years apart. This means that whatever dates we have shown so far for Ezekiel can also be forward 11 years of years. There are 4020 days in an 11 year period. (11 x 360 = 3960, plus the two leap months that occur during such a span = 4020 days. This means that the dates of 2426 (2456) BC and plus the 430 days of Ezekiel's' siege, 1996 (2026) BC, can be forwarded by 4020 day/years. So let us do that!
(His call) 2426 (2456) BC plus the said 4020 day/years = AD 1595 (1565).
(His siege) 1996 (2026) BC plus the said 4020 day/years = AD 2025 (1995).
The first thing you should notice is that the siege dates repeat themselves in each others mirror!!! (Note color code.) Also, all four dates underlined fall along the 430 year cycles. The one day/year difference is intentional since this allows an exact 3900 years from 1876 BC to AD 2025, or 1290 x 3 (430 x 9) to 1876 BC from AD 1995.
The dates, on occasion, can be put back 30 more day/years, but that is infrequent in the leap-month calendar system. The years 594 and 588 BC were both leap-month years with 390 days in those years. See And see the Bible Prophecy Numbers Website for other information on bible numbers. However, the flexibility comes when these dates are projected forward so that in another year these same anniversary dates will be the same or yield one of the said variations. The dates in brackets are as they would have been with the leap month cycles during that period. Likewise, the start of the Babylonian siege at the said symbolic 801 BC [at that time] would have actually been 831 BC, being put back a month since a leap month fell in 588 BC. But in most years it would have been 801 BC. The said symbolic AD 275 of the first exile remains unchanged. The flexibility is inbuilt as seen in the biblical use of 1290 days as simply 1260 with a leap month added, and 430 compared to the round 400. All the dates at the time of the exodus as shown in the chart are the same either way. I have observed that God will often highlight both positions by some event if two dates/days are possible, so as to remove ambiguity.
What about the seven days between the call of Ezekiel to when he began his 430-day siege?
When all the main dates (and most of the lesser ones in Ezekiel) are studied, one sees a pattern. They are all dated between the 5th and 12th day of one of the months of the year. Of note are, The call of Ezekiel, 4th month 5-12th day in literal 593 BC; the vision of the destroying weapons 6th month, 5th day in literal 592 BC; next major vision of Israel's wanderings, 5th month 10th day in literal 591 BC; the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem, 10th month 10th day in literal 589 BC; the fall of city, 4th month 9th day in literal 586 BC; fall of temple, 5th month, 7th and 10th day (9th by tradition) in literal 586 BC; arrival of first refugee, 10th month, 5th day in literal 586 BC; Ezekiel's great vision of the future temple, 1st month, 10th day in literal 573 BC.
A close study of these dates show that what is happening here is that the initial seven days of Ezekiel's call in which he sat "overwhelmed" symbolized the next seven years until the fall of Jerusalem --- "a day for a year." This seven days is being carried forward between each major event so that there remains this week of time. The week of time is divided in two ways. One way is that it is being divided in half, and this is why the seven-day call of Ezekiel climaxes seven-years later at the end of the Babylonian siege---That is, seven years and 3˝ days till the fall of Jerusalem from his call, or seven years less 3˝ days from when he began his own symbolic siege. Thus days are intersecting years. (the total of Ezekiel's siege and the literal one were also 3˝ years (390 + 900 inclusive = 1290 days inclusive, plus another 40 days for Judah, etc., etc.! Hence, the period of time in-between sieges are about 3˝ years also.)
The other breakdown of the seven years that the week of Ezekiel's call as compared to the other dates within those same days in the months is that the week (and hence seven-years) are being broken up into a 2 and 5 or 5 and 2 year patterns. This agrees with the seven years of Joseph's famine which was 2 and 5 years long. (The famine began in 1878 BC, two years later they entered Egypt, and the famine lasted another 5 years for a total of seven.) Ezekiel lays out this pattern in years as well. See the "major vision of Israel's wanderings, 5th month 10th day in 591 BC." This uses the breakdown of 5 days and 2 days (between the said days of the 5th to the 12th.) This puts this vision exactly 5 years before the fall of the temple to the day, and two years after Ezekiel's call. Hence we have the 2 and 5 and 5 and 2 day and year pattern coupled together.
This breakdown will become very important once one studies these dates as symbolic years, for they interweave with actual events connecting with precision like grooves on a key.
For this reason, when studying the dates of Ezekiel, one should observe this week in motion. That is, the week should be bracketed around each event. Thus, the first refugee was in symbolic AD 275 during the week of AD 275 to 282. The beginning of the siege in symbolic 801 (or 831) BC is during the week of 806 to 799 BC (since the siege began in the 10th day of the week of the 5th to 12th); the fall of Jerusalem was in as symbolic AD 99 (being the 99th day of the year in literal AD 586), with the week of the 5th to 12th falling as AD 95 to 102; the fall of the temple is one month later and climaxes the pattern since it is either on the 7th day or 9th day (2 + 5 or 5+ 2 pattern) or on the 9th according to Jewish tradition (the middle of the week pattern). Thus we have symbolic AD 125 to 132 (with AD 127, 129, and 130 highlighted).
This is why, then, the 390 + 40 (= 430) days of Ezekiel's siege ends on the 12th day of the 5th month since it began on the 12th day of the 4th month a year earlier (and plus another 40 days), but also it too has its seven days forwarded. The 5th to the 12th equals as 2066 to 2059 BC (with the Ezekiel's siege on symbolic AD 2059). (Note, Isaac was literally born in 2066 BC.) Forty days later equals as 2026 to 2019 BC, (though here as the 15th to the 22nd of the 6th month, but the principle is the same.) (It should be noted that Passover and Tabernacles fall between the 15th and the 21/22nd of the 1st and 7th months respectively.)
The lesser dates recorded in the book of Ezekiel essential create a half pattern. That is, half of 1290, 1260, 1150, 430, 390 from the various lesser prophecies to the fall of Jerusalem and the temple. the half pattern, speaks of the mirror that completes the other half so that 645 becomes 1290, etc. The number 2300 is also present as from as 2026 BC (end of Ezekiel's siege), plus 2300 days = as AD 275 (the arrival of the first refugee.) The 2300 plus the 430 of the siege = 2730 days, which is exactly 7˝ years.
(The ancient Greek version of the Hebrew)For the sake of completeness, there is one more pattern worth mentioning. It is clearly a secondary pattern since the LXX is inferior to the Hebrew. Though the Hebrew is the original, still the effect of the LXX is worth mentioning since the LXX was well used by many New Testament writers. The LXX reads 150 days rather than the 390, for a total of 190 days instead of the 430, (Ezek. 4). This, too, is intentional in the providence of God. (This is consistent with the use of the LXX elsewhere in the bible. The 405 gap between the 3900 and 4300 creation calendars is itself divided up as 215 [half 430] and 190 [60 + 130].)
Let us write it out!
Hebrew text:
(His call) 2426 (2456) BC
(His siege) + 390 day/years = 2036 (2066), and + 40 = 1996 (2026) BC
LXX text:
(His call) 2426 (2456) BC
(His siege) + 390 = 2276 (2306) BC, and + 40 = 2236 (2266) BC
The first thing to note is that 2306 BC of the LXX is part of the mainstream of 430's also, and it is 4300 to AD 1995 (and see 1290's too).
But what is more amazing is that all the above dates for the end of the 390 + 40 days siege of Ezekiel using the Hebrew and the LXX ---all eight dates crisscross themselves in the mirror! (See the color code again. Each are 4300 years back to itself in the mirror.)
The LXX is also significant in that it is 2300 to 5 BC, AD 25, AD 35 and AD 65 (i.e., AD 65-72). These are all important dates to do with Christ and with the fall of Jerusalem in AD 66 to 70. (See AD 65 in the chart at bottom as well.) (Note also AD 65 to 72 less 1260 x 2).
Here is the chart of the important days surrounding the time of the Exodus.
See bible numbers website for details.In order to separate whole days from part days, numbers with a '+' sign are days that have just ended with the next day just begun. Hence, one minute before New Year's day is "Day 0," but one minute after is "Day 0+", which is the same as "Day 1."
360-Prophetic Calendar (Exodus 1446-1445 BC) | |||||||||||||||
# 1 | # 3 | # 5 | # 6 | # 7 | # 8 | # 9 | # 10 | # 12 | # 14 | # 15 | # 16 | # 17 | # 19 | # 20 | # 21 |
New year's day |
Leave Egypt |
Mount Sinai |
Cov- enant |
Moses up mount |
Down mount | Up mount again |
Down mount | Finish Taber- nacle |
Leave Sinai |
3-day travel --rest |
Spies sent out |
Spies return |
Feast Trum- pets |
Day of Atone- ment |
Feast Taber- nacles |
Day 0+ |
15 | 60+ | 64/65 (+7) |
64+ | 104 | 106 | 146 | 361 | 410 | 413 | 450 | 490 | 540+ | 550 | 554 (+7) |
Also see, Homosexuality and the Tree of LifeMarch 10, 2020
Also see "Hurricane Dennis"