Code of "The Scroll"
at the Burning-Bush Passage!
A complex bible-code word-puzzle that self-interprets
"I AM that I AM"
the name of God as revealed at the burning bush!
DNA and The Book of Life!

1. The four names at the bush code
2. These four names zippered by two more!
3. The Bible Code is self-interpreted!, by going around the bible code!
4. This self-interpretation makes use of complex acrostics as word dividers!
5. Bible-Code picture of "The Scroll-of-the-Lamb" emerges, beside the seven-branched menorah!
6. The handles of the Scroll
7. "I AM that I AM," as self-interpreted by this bible code at the burning bush!
Burning Menorah:
The following expands upon the above
code, (also in 7 parts):
menorah at the burning mountain
continues and compliments the above code. In the bible, all three images
(the scroll, the mountain, and the menorah) are used to symbolize divine
revelation. They are the 'what' (scroll), 'where' (mountain), and 'how' (light of the Lamp), of divine revelation.
The following code emphasizes God's love for his "bride".
"The Burning Menorah"
(In seven parts)
The great flame in part reads:
"O' the ascending sacrifice! O' the flame! O' the love
-- the love of God for her! ..."
Menorah at Mount (in seven parts)
Also see, Mount
Carmel Hanukah Forest Fire

see update: "DNA: "The Book/Scroll of Life!"
Here is another bible code that I believe is genuine, but was discovered
by someone other than myself. However, I have added to this code what I consider is the most important part,
namely, Yeshua!
The bible code itself address the question of what is the
correct spelling of the Hebrew name, "Yeshua" (Jesus)!
"Names Bible Code"
is now a
movie on YouTube

"Names Acrostic" on
Exodus text where this bible code is found, along with some
gematria information
"The Burning Menorah"
(In seven parts)
Bible Codes: "Lesson" (1a):
Yeshua code at the bush:
An introduction into this bible code at Ex. 3, 4
Why this Yeshua bible code is special
1b: Two or Three Witnesses:
A comparison of the encoded words "Yeshua" and "Elijah" with the gospel of John
Bible codes and numbers: (2a):
A day can equal a year:
A look at the Biblical concept that a day can symbolize one year
Part 2b: Three-and-one-half year:
The meaning of "3½ years" in the Bible
Bible codes: (3a):
The Two Witnesses:
The bible prophecy about the "Two Witnesses" (of Rev. 11) concurs with this bible code.
Part 3b: Summary
Bible codes: (4a): Significant Words
The significance of the words where the bible code lands
Parts, 4a, 4b, 4c
Bible numbers: (5a): "Scrolling," and "How long is a
Parts, 5a 5b 5c 5d
Bible prophecy numbers (6a):
Updated to this document, "The BC/AD Mirror,"
(also, "The Sign of the Comet of 1997")
The dates in the BC side of time reflect in the AD side. Two examples using the Jewish dates are given.
Bible codes and bible prophecy numbers: (7a):
Numerical patterns within the bible code:
Part 7b: The bible code viewed on a times-ten ratio
7b#1, 7b#2, 7b#3, 7b#4, 7b#5
Part 7c: Bible code at 1200-letter skips
The difficult question of, "What about variant manuscripts?" is