Picture Bible Code Prophecy
Hurricane Ivan
(Sept. 16, 2004)Also see "Hurricane Dennis"
"It will happen! You will be numbered! Woe! They will wither before me! A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival."
A closer look at the hurricane line of code:
I rarely approach the bible codes this way,
but I decided to look for the word "hurricane," near the text
where the rest of the Balance
Bible Code is found (Isaiah 46). The word occurred once, (transliterated).
It occurs at 23-letter skips. (It spans 644
[23 x 28] letters.) (The word is spelt without mother vowels. This does not change the
reading. Much of the Bible is written this way.) Fearfully, it is found descending
close to where the Sheol
Bible Code descends.
The Sheol Bible Code is part of the Balance Bible Code. See below images. Both the Sheol-code and this hurricane-snippet of code are found below the picture code of the 'tree/balance.'
The 'code' reads poetically for emphasis, (as does the text in which it is encoded!):
"It will happen! You will be numbered! Woe! They will wither before me! A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival."
Importantly, the key phrase, "A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival." begins its reading in Isaiah 46:9, which says:
"Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me." Declaring the end from the beginning..." (See also Isaiah 44:21-23.)
This tiny snippet of code contains five distinct
1. A hurricane.
2. A great hurricane.
3. Sent by God.
4. It will kill.
5. On a festival day.
Also implied...
5. The festival day of remembrance, (Isaiah 46:9), ("Rosh Hashanah").
6. It speaks about Jesus (Yeshua), as every line of code in the bible does!
7. The code ties hurricane Ivan in with hurricane Charley, and the other hurricanes. (See Endnote.)
The phrase, "They will wither before me," suggests a still future fulfillment of this bible code. I believe God is warning of coming economic collapse (famine).
"My Great Hurricane":
The hurricane is called "my great hurricane," and this is in agreement with the rest of the bible code as discussed and put out on the net one month earlier, during Hurricane Charley. Hurricane Ivan was one of the most powerful Hurricanes ever recorded in the Atlantic. God is ultimately in control of these judgments, (Ezekiel 9). But this is tempered by the fact that Jesus is the divine substitute for all who will bow the knee before Him. The current series of hurricanes striking America are warnings, not the full-blown judgments. This is why God wondrously spared Jamaica, Cuba, and New Orleans---all worthy of wrath. God mercifully restrains Himself!
"The Feast of Trumpets," (Rosh Hashanah):
"It will happen...A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival."
Hurricane Ivan hit on "The Feast of Trumpets," (Rosh Hashanah), (Lev. 23:23-25).
Lev 23:2 "Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, The set feasts of Jehovah, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my set feasts..."
Lev 23:23-25 "And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, shall be a solemn rest unto you, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. Ye shall do no servile work; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto Jehovah."
Rosh Hashanah is all about...
- Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah literally is “Head or beginning of the year.”)
- God’s Royalty (Coronation Day)
- Day of Judgment
- Remembrance (Yom Ha-Zikaron, the day of remembrance)
- Birthday of the world
(See http://biblicalholidays.com/roshhashana/
rosh-Hashana-overview.htm for details.)
And so, hurricane Ivan made itself known even as darkness fell upon the gulf coast (Sept. 15, 2004). This was the very hour of the Jewish New Year.
"It will happen...A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival."
Numeric and Messiah: (Please note: the numeric of this code has been expanded as the code was expanded. The code actually spans 644 letters, or 645 inclusive, which is half-1290, (Daniel 12). The below numeric is still accurate, though incomplete. The second portion of the code that reads "A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival" does span 483 letters.)
The bible code can read: "A hurricane will kill My Great One on the Feast." (That is, the Feast of Passover.)
Moreover, the code is at 23-letter skips, which brings to mind the 2300 of Daniel 8:14. The 2300 is divided in half as 1150 x 2. It happens that it was exactly 1150 x 3 years ago to the very day that the plagues of Moses commenced upon Egypt! (See 1260 days Bible Prophecy Website. Bible code spans 483 [23 x 21] letters in total. See Daniel 9:24-27.) The half-year of plagues ended with the Passover and exodus out of Egypt. In the New Testament, Passover is repeatedly identified as simply, "The Feast." (The code also calls it, "The Feast".) Jesus (Yeshua), God's one and only Son, the substitute Passover Lamb, was also crucified on Passover.
This is the reason why the code implies that the hurricane will kill 'like he was killed.' For, the bible code can also read, (beginning from the word, "like me.")
"A hurricane will kill My Great One (Jesus) on the Feast." (That is, the Feast of Passover.)
Thus the code is applied to both Hurricane Ivan and to Jesus, with Ivan simply a symbol of His own death. King Jesus was slain by God's storm of wrath upon the cross for us on our behalf---when noon became as night. The is the central message of the Balance-Lamp Bible Code. All codes ultimately point to Jesus, for without Him all is vain.
"A Year of Time."
Negatively speaking, the sheol (hell) aspect of the Balance Bible Code (with which this hurricane snippet is aligned, also speaks about the repeat of a "year of time." This agrees with the idea of the "New Year" of the hurricane-code, since New Years day is a day to "remember" the past year. (The letter-years also bring this out.)
Those that reject Jesus as Messiah and King will perish and go to hell, as recorded in Ezekiel 9. This does not mean that all who died in the hurricane went to hell. Those that perish in hurricanes, (or anything else), but who have made Jesus their king ascend to heaven. They have crossed the river from death to life on God's Balances of Light.
Another hurricane (Jeannie) was birthed on Rosh Hashanah. Will God again spare multitudes as He did in the other hurricanes? We pray so. One thing for sure, God is warning that a day of reckoning is coming when He will remove His hand of protection from North America and bring down upon her the full fury of His wrath. It is time to place oneself on the Lord's side!
Quoted form the very last verses of the mene-tekel bible-code riddle:
"He was angry---
She mourned His Lamp,
a terrifying symbol---
His Lamp melted!
Terrifying wrath whirled around...!
And the Light weighed them (in the balances)."
(Update: Hurricane Jeannie kills
about 2000 people in Haiti.)
Endnote: (Please note: the numeric of this code has been expanded as the code was expanded. The code actually spans 644 letters, or 645 inclusive, which is half-1290, (Daniel 12). The below numeric is still accurate, though incomplete. The second portion of the code that reads "A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival" does span 483 letters.)
The code is 483 letters long (23 x 21---for 483, see Daniel 9:24-27 and Revelation 12). I have left this part of the code to the last since many (especially non-Jews) would find this odd phrase baffling, and thus too time consuming to explain. The full snippet of code read:
"It will happen! (Lament!) You will be numbered! Woe! They will wither before me!
A hurricane will kill; my great (hurricane) on the festival."(Thus, the code backs up to the picture-code of the 'Balance/Lamp' by 8 more spaces than what is shown in the first image. This brings it to the bottom of the 'river'.)
This phrase, "They will wither before me!" can also read as, "They circumcised me!" This phrase links the hurricane-code to the "Axe-to-the-root" code that similarly reads: "And they circumcised Jesus!" That code was found a day before Hurricane Charley hit, and back then was applied to hurricane Charley and to Christ. Please read the article for yourself to see the connection; however, here is a quote from that article to give you an idea of what we mean:
"The two rods of the code, (or rod and axe) read, "And they circumcised Jesus," and in this context obviously infer the cutting off of Jesus by death (like a tree cut down). The word can also mean, "They dried up Jesus." Hence, the axe is pictured here as cutting down Jesus on our behalf. (Similarly, Jesus is portrayed in the image of the balance as having been weighed in the balances for us---as our substitute.)"
Thus compare, "They will circumcise Jesus!" with "They will circumcised me!" Clearly the two codes go together, especially since it is on the record that I applied the first phrase ("The will circumcised Jesus!") to hurricane Charley already.
The axe handle reads in a circle, "And so He was circumcised/cut off," with the length of the axe reading, "A Savior." Thus, together it reads, "The Savior (Jesus) was circumcised/cut off." However, it may also read as, "They will circumcise me," (using the blade of the axe to spell "me"). This rendering agrees exactly to the spelling in the hurricane code.
(I take its tense as prophetic.) Even the center of the first rod, reading around in a circle, also reads: "He/They will circumcise me!" spelt
. This, along with the incredible numeric, makes the connection between the two lines of code reasonably certain.
Moreover, I wrote in that article that Jesus was "cut off," as in Daniel 9:24-27. There it speaks about the 483 + 3.5 + 3.5. It happens that the hurricane-code spans 483 letters, and the axe-code spanned 3.5 (x 10) letters, while the sheol-code spanned 1260, which is 3.5 years, with another 3.5 years (1260) overlapped. (The letter-years [as AD 430 - 478] clarify this even further.) The point is that the two codes agree numerically in every detail.)
Hurricane Francis struck Florida the day Ivan was birthed as a hurricane. That day was 70 days after I first discovered the Balance bible code, and that very day on the 360 calendar was 1260 +1335 years after Ezekiel completed laying on his side 430 days to bear the sins of the house of Judah and Israel, (Ezek. 4). (Read Isaiah 46:1-6 of the surface text of the balance-bible-code to understand the connection of "bearing up".)
Also see "Hurricane Dennis"
(Click here for first article)
Summary of hurricanes of notoriety and timeline