The blue triangle at center represents the tabernacle. The 10½-sections across
the center blue triangle is the area of the draping that would be used in
the tabernacle and is shown as it would look if laid out flat on the ground.
Thus this bible code contains the correct dimensions of the area of the
tabernacle and its drapes.
Each line of code is 30-letters across, and symbolizes one month of 30 days. Thus, there are a total of 42 months, or 1260 days, (cf., Revelation 11:1-3).
In a sense the moth is upon the tabernacle and its covering. The moth seems
to have both a good and bad meaning. Positively speaking, Jesus, the "moth",
is shedding His blood on the tabernacle in order to cleanse it. But negatively
speaking, the moth is eating
("wasting") away at the material for the covering. The goat skin
covering of the tabernacle symbolizes Jesus' flesh, which, then, is being
consumed. Judgment is "flying forth" out from His temple.

Just as the above moth code (at 120-skips) mirrors each other (that is, the tekel-code
is mirroring the moth), in the same way the tabernacle-picture-code
seen below, (except now at 30-letter skips), is mirroring a second tabernacle in the
(Note: The letters located in tiny white
squares on the perimeter of the below image are the actual letters of the "branch"
in the above moth image. They occur every 4th letter across on the sides of the tabernacle because 30 x 4
equals the original 120-letter skips. The moth bible code and the tabernacle
bible code are therefore one and the same bible code, except that they are
laid out at two difference skip sequences, i.e., 120 and 30.)

The above represents the true verses the false pagan temple/tabernacle, as inferred from Daniel 1:2. (This verse is found just letters before this code.) "...the articles of the temple of God. These he carried off
to the temple of his god in Babylonia..." Perhaps this
bible code is also a prophecy that the temple will soon be rebuilt in Jerusalem even with the Muslim Dome of the Rock standing next to it?

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-1- -2- -3- -4- (-5-)
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A Swine Flu!
Another warning or the real thing?
years after the Moth Bible Code
Why the
SARS bible code was taken off internet briefly
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