Picture Bible Codes
and Bible NumbersThe following is a copy of the mail out.
You may read the actual article that the Ezine links to on this page.
It is posted at the bottom of this page!
(of Babylon) on top of the old ruins... He inscribed his name on many of the bricks in imitation of Nebuchadnezzar. One frequent inscription reads: "This was built by Saddam Hussein, son of Nebuchadnezzar, to glorify Iraq"... These bricks became sought after as collectors' items after the downfall of Hussein, and the ruins are no longer being restored to their original state. He also installed a huge portrait of himself and Nebuchadnezzar at the entrance to the ruins..."The following is quoted from Wikipedia concerning Saddam who called himself, "The son of Nebuchadnezzar", the same title given to Belshazzar by Daniel at the fall of Babylon and the, "writing on the wall", (Daniel 5:18).
"In 1983, Saddam Hussein started rebuilding the city
Summary:The information in this table was added to this page on May 14, 2008. (And I just realized the timing of
writing this, i.e.,
The bible code within the writing on the wall (i.e., "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uparsin") was revealed to me beginning on two separate days, first the acrostic within the writing on the wall that read "His execution", with the subsequent image of 'the banner with three coins' on it. Then, 126 days later, the image of the "hand" was discovered. Both images are encoded within the Hebrew text of Dan. 5, which is about the writing on the wall.
All this information about how the coins are calculated was put on the internet about 6 years before the death of Saddam, and every event leading up to his death was carefully chronicled on this website as it unfolded. For example, Saddam's sons were slain after the first 1260 days, plus 3.5 days, as contrasted to the "two witnesses" of Rev. 11, who prophecy "1260 days", then rise "3.5 days" later, as seen by the whole world, just as the bodies of the two sons of Saddam were seen. There are numerous other details that could be revisited, but this is the basic numeric pattern:
"MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom..." Could God have given a more clear sign of the antichrist that is still to come, who will be like Saddam, who himself was like Belshazzar? After all, it was Saddam Hussein who dared to rebuild the ancient city of Babylon along with the palace where the original writing on the wall was written by "the finger of God"!
Especially see "20 Compelling Marks of Genuineness".
The following are email correspondence that begin before Saddam's death. |
Sent out Dec. 27, 2006
Important update about the fearful bible-code prophecy about how and when Saddam will die:This is discussed on the bible-prophecy forum. Click here for this article.
Those of you who have read the bible-codes website at length know that the Mene-Tekel Bible Code (the main code of the website) has much to say about the Twin Towers that fell and the subsequent war in Iraq that followed. (Iraq is ancient Babylon.) It also speaks about the subsequent death of Saddam and his sons. As a matter of fact, the very first phase that I decoded in the mene-tekel bible code was the acrostic for mene-mene-tekel-uparsin that reads, "His execution". (When "mene-mene-tekel-peres" was written on the palace wall in Babylon, that very night her king was slain.)
The following is what was written in the previous email. Note that Saddam's appeal was declined the morning of Dec. 26, 2006 and given up to 30 days to live. This is three-and-a-half days before the Dec. 29th date as mentioned in the last email. All the events to do with the code have been happening on a prophetic number either exactly so, or (unerringly) 3.5 days before or 3.5 days after. (This is discussed in detail at the updated article posted on the forum. These articles are posted on the forum in order that people know that they are being predicted ahead of time as per the code --- so that God may be glorified.) The following is a quote from the previous email sent out Nov. 5, 2006:
''Also, documented on the website is how that mene-tekel-peres were three ancient coins that total 1260 + 1260 gerahs that in turn symbolize 1260 + 1260 days --- a prophecy number very familiar to students of bible prophecy. It happens that 1260 + 1260 days after this bible code was discovered (on Feb. 4, 2000) will be Dec. 29, 2006. While this may not be exactly Saddam's date with destiny, yet I am convinced that the timing will in some way be in agreement with the code.''
This is discussed further on the bible-prophecy forum. Click here for this article.
May God be praised!
Dean Coombs (Shekel).
(Bible Prophecy Code)
Saddam to Hang on Schedule(This article was original posted on the forum)
(A link to the updated article written after this code came to pass is located at the bottom of this page.
However, this should be read first to understand the update.)
Update on the bible prophecy code:
(See http://www.christian-forum.net/index.php?a...st=0#entry90542 for background.)
The sentence of Saddam was upheld exactly 3.5 days before Dec. 29, 2006 --- the date specified earlier in this thread, and which was predicted seven years ago in the Mene Tekel Peres Bible Code http://www.bible-codes.org/bible-prophecy-...ylon-Saddam.htm. The 30 days that he must be hung by represents the 30 days difference between 1260 + 1260 days and 1260 + 1290 days, that is, seven years from the mene-tekel-bible code, which adds up to 1260 + 1260 gerahs as units of money, as published seven years ago when the bible code was put out. (The earlier article that predicted this exact numeric is pasted below towards the end of this post.)
All the events surrounding Saddam and the Iraq war have consistently been either plus or minus 3.5 days in order to symbolize half-a-week of years. For instance, the death of his sons was 1260 + 3.5 days after the mene-tekel-bible-code, therefore unto Dec. 26, 2006 are another 1260 days less 3.5 + 3.5 days, etc. The Great Blackout in America (also predicted in this code) was 1230 days before Dec. 26, 2006, and thus the "30 days to hang" amounts to 1260 days. It is my guess that he will (sadly, but justly) hang on the evening (EST) of Dec. 29 (or +3.5 days after that). But at any rate, it will be about seven years from the code which reads in part, "The One putting him to death is the One that encrypted the words." (Also recall Nebachadnezzar's seven years of madness. Saddam compared himself to Nebachadnezzar.)
"Is it the hand of Jehovah?
He Himself goes to war against Babylon (Iraq).
He will put him to death!"
Thus, Saddam will hang 3.5 years after his sons were hung (as recorded on the Website) and another 3.5 years more after when the Bible Code came to me, which came to me 35 days after the great world-wide New Year's millennial celebration, which, as I said, was a type of Belshazzar's party when Babylon fell and the code first appeared on the palace wall that read, "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uparsin". This palace wall, and Babylon itself, Saddam rebelliously rebuilt! And so he will go the way of his predecessor whom he adored so much, and will himself serve as a sign of the one to come, that is, the antichrist.
And so, Saddam will not make his 70th birthday. (If he had he legally could not be hung.) From the prophecy of Daniel (Dan. 9), Daniel (by the angel) predicted --- (which is the usual interpretation of this prophecy by bible scholars) --- that Christ would come after 70 x 7 years, as from 445 BC. (The last seven years of this prophecy is further broken down into 1260 + 1260 days, or 1260 + 1290 days). And from 445 BC unto now completes five cycles of 70 x 7 years, so that the 70 years of Saddam's life agrees with the last 70 years of this cycle, as does the last seven years, which moreover is 1260 + 1260 days and/or 1260 + 1290 days!!! Etc.
(Also see the symbolic Geneva Peace Treaty www.bible-codes.org/Geneva-peace-tr...nant-Israel.htm of Dec. 1, 2003. It, too, relates to the hand-bible code and the numeric of the last seven years, which has been a sign of the seven-years tribulation period to come.)]
Concerning the 3.5 days from the code, this is what I wrote 3.5 years ago on this sign: The following is a direct quote from the website. It was written 3.5 years ago and is unchanged from then. (Indeed, the entire article is unchanged. http://www.bible-codes.org/bible-prophecy-...on-Saddam-2.htm Remember, the code predicted this before America even went to war against Iraq, and the code began with the prediction of the fall of the Twin Towers as a type of the Tower of Babel.)
" How did God number Saddam's reign?
On Pentecost, 2000, the picture-code of the hand that wrote on the palace wall was discovered. This happened 126 days after the mene-tekel-peres code began to be deciphered back on Feb. 4, 2000.
The number "126" is significant because the value of mene, mene, tekel, uparsin as coins (for they were all ancient coins), also add up to 126 shekels. (Their value as money is key to correctly interpreting this code.) Moreover, another 126 days elapsed from the day when President Bush warned Saddam and sons to flee Babylon (Purim, 2003), until the day they were slain, (Tam. 22). Moreover, from Feb. 4, 2000, until their deaths was 1260 days (i.e., 3½-years of 360-days) + 3½ days, at which time 3½-men (Saddam's grandson was but a lad, i.e., 'half-a-man') were slain in a 3½-hour gun battle (9:50 am to 1:20 pm), which was 3½ months after Iraq/Babylon fell, (April 9, [Nisan 7], 2003). The two bodies were exposed to the whole world for another 3½-days, even as the world rejoiced. (Compare these antithetical events with that of the two witnesses of Revelation 11.)
Why the repetition of '3½'?
The repetition of '3½' symbolizes the cutting short of a complete span of seven, (cf. Daniel 9:24-27. "Seven" is the number of 'completion' in the bible, and half-of-seven is also common in the bible). This also agrees with the interpretation given to Daniel: "Peres:" Your kingdom is divided (in half)."
And so Saddam's reign ended; it was "cut short." For, rather than lasting 70 full years, instead, it was "cut short" and divided in half, that is, it was cut short to 35 years (and a day)! Jeremiah the prophet declared:
"And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, (i.e., 'Belshazzar', about whom the code initially speaks)," (Jer. 25:12, cf., Daniel 9).
Saddam's younger son Qusay is a type of Belshazzar in that Saddam considered himself as another Nebachadnezzar thus making Saddam's son another 'Belshazzar' since Belshazzar was the son of Nebachadnezzar. Saddam's son is therefore a fitting candidate for a modern-day repeat fulfillment of this bible-code prophecy initially about Belshazzar. However, Qusay never made it to sole power, for the regimes' 70-year reign was 'cut short'. The regime began its reign of terror in July (Tammuz 21) of 1968, and ended Tammuz 22 (July 22), 2003, with the death of Saddam's son and would-be successor Qusay. (Interestingly, "1968" is 1260 x 2 years after the first year of the reign of Belshazzar in 553 BC; cf., Daniel 7). As we shall see, all these numbers (and much more) are intrinsic to the numerical aspect of this code because 126 shekels (the value of all four coins) equates to 1260 x 2 gerahs! (There are 20 gerahs to a shekel, Ex. 30:13, Lev. 27:25, etc.) And, 1260 x 2 days is the same as 3½ x 2 years, that is, 7 years.
Other numeric notations will be mentioned later. The numbers, the codes, and the pictures they produce, compose a tri-part language---three witnesses that this is "truly, truly" the hand of God! Recall Daniel's original prophecy:
MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom...
TEKEL; thou art weighed (tested) in the balances...
PERES; thy kingdom is divided... (Daniel 5:26-27).
Hence, the bible codes fitting emphasis throughout on numbering, testing, and dividing. If this 'code' were mere chance phenomena, there would not be this consistent theme woven throughout its lengthy discourse, nor could it predict the future."
The following is the original post in this series to show you that the 3.5 was fully expected. I say these things that God might receive the glory due Him. (See http://www.christian-forum.net/index.php?a...st=0#entry90542 .)
QUOTEThe following is what is on the homepage of my website for the past several years. The bible code was found before the war. I have been patiently waiting its fulfillment, unsure if it was (in full) fulfilled by the death of Saddams sons --- but reasonably confident that it should include Saddam himself since he is the focus of much of the rest of the code.
Mene-Tekel Bible-Prophecy Code
Bible Prophecy Encoded
about Saddam
In part, it reads...
"The One putting him to death
is the One that encrypted the words."
"Is it the hand of Jehovah?
He Himself goes to war against Babylon (Iraq).
He will put him to death!"
This code is a contrast between Saddam (a type of antichrist) and Jesus Christ. Unless one understands this one will not understand the code.
The code also hinted that the execution would be by hanging --- like Haman of old --- and like Christ in the sense that "cursed is he that hangeth upon a tree."
(Note: Iraq is ancient Babylon and Saddam likened himself to the ancient king of Babylon)
A small part of the hand (that wrote on the wall in Babylon) bible code reads:
Is it the hand of Jehovah?
He Himself goes to war. He put him to death!
Jehovah goes to war against her (i.e., 'Babylon'),
and the arrogant one! (or, 'succulent one')
Jehovah goes to war against her,
and the rebellious one!
Jehovah goes to war against her,
and the one being removed!"
There is no joy in his death, but there is a satisfaction that every detail of this astounding code has come to pass ---- and there were dozens of particulars to this prophecy, --- death by hanging being but one.
It also looks like he will hang at the time expected, that is, 3.5 years after the death of his son, which was 3.5 years after the writing-on-the-wall mene-code was found. (Feb. 4, 2000, which was just after the world-wide millennial celebrations ---Belshazzar's party if you would!)
This is what I wrote several years ago about Saddam's sons. I was therefore expecting that the death of Saddam would likely occur between Dec. 2006 to Feb. 2007, with Jan. 28, 2007 as my first choice and Dec. 29, 2006 my second choice, being 1260 to the death of Saddam's sons, and 1260 more (or 1290, Dan. 12) to Saddam's death in his 70th year. (1260 + 1260/1290 days are seven years on the 360 calendar.) This numeric pattern, based in the book of Revelation, has to do with the fall of Babylon and her king and the antichrist system. Remember that Babylon fell the night the hand first wrote on the wall back in 539 BC, and that very night the king of Babylon was slain. The book of Revelation much alludes to this event.
The following is a quote from my website. It was written about 3.5 years ago.
The following is quoted from Wikipedia concerning Saddam who called himself, "The son of Nebuchadnezzar", the same title given to Belshazzar by Daniel at the fall of Babylon and the, "writing on the wall", (Daniel 5:18).
"In 1983, Saddam Hussein started rebuilding the city (of Babylon) on top of the old ruins... He inscribed his name on many of the bricks in imitation of Nebuchadnezzar. One frequent inscription reads: "This was built by Saddam Hussein, son of Nebuchadnezzar, to glorify Iraq"... These bricks became sought after as collectors' items after the downfall of Hussein, and the ruins are no longer being restored to their original state. He also installed a huge portrait of himself and Nebuchadnezzar at the entrance to the ruins..."
"For He is risen and is taking revenge!"
[They (Saddam's sons) died exactly 1260 plus 3½ days from the day when this very bible code first began to be revealed. These numbers are symbolic of Christ's 3½-year ministry (1260 days), and 3(½) days in tomb. When Jesus rose, his enemies fell! These same timeframes also have to do with the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, (who, in turn, are patterned ultimately after Christ). Saddam's sons are the very antithesis of the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11. (Just as the Twin Towers were.) Just like the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, Saddam's "two" sons also "spread terror;" and when they were "killed," likewise the "whole world" "gazed upon their dead bodies"; moreover, they likewise did this for "3½-days"! And this 3½-days followed upon "1260 days" of "prophesying," (the same period that the Spirit of Christ by this "oracle"/code prophesied, starting back in Feb. 4, 2000)! And what is more, the world "rejoiced at their deaths." Moreover, in 'Babylon' (Iraq) there was even "the giving of gifts"---just as it again says in Revelation 11!
In contrast to the godly Two Witnesses, the code pronounced the deaths of Saddam's two sons as final. "Mene, mene: Their days were numbers! The code elsewhere refers to their deaths as "warning signs" to all others that would wickedly walk in their footsteps of rebellion.
As for this being Saddam's 70th year of his life, it is interesting that Jeremiah the prophet declared:
"And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon," (Jer. 25:12, cf., Daniel 9).
The date of Saddam's sentencing on Nov. 5, 2006, and when it was appealed 29 days later
The date that Saddam was sentenced (Nov. 5, 2006) was equally exact and meaningful. It, too, had a 30-day period . (Saddam's lawyers had 30-days to appeal the sentence. They appealed it 29 days later.) This was exactly 6.5 years from the Writing-on-the-Wall Hand-Bible-Code, ("65" is the number of shattering, Isa. 7:8, and is also 390 x 6 of Ezek. 4), and it was also 430 + 430 days after the Balance Bible Code that also mentions Saddam by name; see Ezek. 4).
Both 390 and 430 are found in Ezek. 4, which passage relates to the theme of the Balance Bible Code, and 390 and 430 days also directly relate to the length of the siege by Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar against Jerusalem in 586 BC. (Iraq is ancient Babylon, and Saddam fancied himself as another Nebuchadnezzar with equal hatred against Israel.)
The Hand-Code was discovered on Pentecost, 2000. Pentecost is the 65th day of the Jewish religious year, and thus 6.5 years later was the sentencing on Nov. 5, 2006. The 30 days is simply a leap month. (2340 + 30 days = 2370, which is 6.5 years on the 360 calendar. ( http://www.360calendar.com ). Also, Saddam's trial began 3.5 days after the Balance Bible Code was discovered, --- also on a very significant day prophetically.
Saddam hangs on day predicted by Mene-Tekel Bible Code
(Response to an email. A fuller version is coming soon.)
(Dec. 30, 2006)
Also see Tekel/Moth Bible-Prophecy Code
and the Death of Saddam Hussein
Picture Bible Code
1260 days, 1290 days, Bible Prophecy Patterns
Bible Prophecy Numbers
360-days Bible-Prophecy Calendar