Blood-Moon Prophecy 4 Israel. (Lunar-Eclipse Tetrads on Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles)

 Yeshua Bible Code Pictograph





(To 3a)



We began this lesson by examining identity of Two Witnesses, starting with the Book of Zechariah. They were the governor, Zerubbabel, and High Priest, Joshua. Therefore, adding to these the two names from Rev. 11, "Moses" and "Elijah", we now total four names as relating to the topic of the Two Witnesses and our Bible code, (i.e. Zerubbabel, Joshua, Elijah, and Moses). Moreover, we note that two of these names are the same as our Bible code  [i.e. Joshua (a variant of Yeshua), and Elijah]. These two names form the most obvious direct link with our bible code. However, what about the remaining two names?

Concerning the other two names, we observe that the call of Moses (which is one of these four names) is the direct subject of the passage from which our bible code is taken out. Moreover, Joshua (a variant of "Yeshua") son of Nun, is the one who extended Moses' labor by leading the Israelites into the Promised Land in his stead. Moses being disqualified, died early at the age of 120 years. Joshua extended and completed Moses labor. Hence, Joshua, in a way, is a type of Moses by extension.

Therefore, in conclusion, perhaps the two Yeshua's (of our bible code) stand for Joshua, "Moses helper", and Joshua the high priest of Zech. 3. Together, they in turn are then symbolic of "Yeshua" Messiah.

By the way, this means that the two "Yeshua's" of the bible code have a slightly dual meaning, for in lesson one I said that they represent the first and second Persons of the Trinity. The difference being that this first interpretation emphasizes the Deity of Messiah whereas the second, His humanity. {Notice, that the scriptural basis for each of them are also derived from the very same theme of the Two Witnesses, for in the previous lesson we quoted from John the Baptist's (i.e. "Elijah") confession that, "He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me" (John 1:16 N.A.S.). It was quoted in order to show the Deity of Messiah.}

Lastly, we should look at Zerubbabel. He is one of the four essential names listed as belonging to the individuals directly to do with the identity of the "Two Witnesses". Though his name does not bear directly on our bible code, yet the meaning of his name and who he is, does. Zerubbabel is very similar to that of Moses in significance. Zerubbabel is a type of Prince and Judge like Moses (Ex. 2:14). Both were born in a foreign land (like Messiah) and both lead the people out from captivity or "Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified" (Rev. 11:8). [The names of Moses , (meaning; "to give birth", or, "to draw out," see Isa. 63:11) and Zerubbabel ,("born in Babylon") bear striking similarity as well.]

The sum of all four of these names is Messiah Yeshua, the Lord. He is Prophet, Priest and King forever. Therefore, the bible code at the burning bush passage is a prophetic code foretelling who is the Messiah and when "the Messiah the Prince" (Dan. 9:25) would come. The "who" we have answered. Next, we will discuss the "when".


(See Lesson 3; The Two Witnesses.)



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