Significance of Timing of Tsunami
on Dec. 26, 2004
The Tsunami was foretold in the Balance
Bible Code,
along with the day when it occurred.
(Rough copy!)
Page Two, (Part 'b')
(Also see Significance of Tsunami
on Dec. 26, 2004 as it relates to Revelation 11 and 12)
Also see, "The Japan Tsunami of March 11, 2011"
There are three articles in this series...
- The acrostic code and the death of Arafat
- The tsunami dream
Bible Code and timing of the tsunami - The comet of the tsunami
Also see #13 of chart for "1260000" days from exodus, plus 1260 more, to huge tornado outbreak.
are 1260 x 1000 days from
the Passover of the Exodus unto the Tsunami
The four main points summarized are these:
The theme of the Balance Bible Code of 'stilling the sea' and of 'unleashed angelic weapons of judgment' agrees in general terms with the record tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunami, and floods that began to occur just after the bible code was discovered.
The Balance Bible Code was discovered half-a-year ago, which was 1260 x 1000 days (according to the 360 calendar) from when the plagues upon Egypt began. Because the plagues upon Egypt also lasted half-a-year, therefore the tsunami was 1260 x 1000 days from the end of the 10 plagues, that is, from the Passover and Exodus on March 23rd and 24th, 1446 BC, (according to the 360 calendar, which is Julian day #119336 and #119336). (Revelation 12 links the "1260 days" thematically to the exodus from Egypt in 1446 BC, etc., and with Christmas week---the time of the quake.) This important time span is exact to the day and agrees with supporting numeric in that from the day they left Egypt in 1446 BC unto Dec. 27, 2004 are 1260 x 1000 days, and Dec. 27, 2004 symbolizes as 1876 BC, which is when they entered Egypt! (See the day/year grid and the timing of the exodus.
The Balance Bible Code itself encodes the date of the tsunami in a way that when collaborated with the above leaves us without doubt as to its timing. Moreover, I mention this timing in documents put on the Net 5 months prior, though without any thought then of future judgments. This is the same dating method used in the mene-tekel-code.
We will take a second look at Haggai 2, the passage the Lord impressed upon me a couple of weeks before the tsunami. It ties all the lose ends together associated with Dec. 26, 2004, such as the dreams, the comet, Joseph's famine, the exodus, the plagues of Egypt, the throne, the floods, and the earthquake/tsunami.
Fearfully, 250,000 perished
No sooner had I completed the articles on the tsunami and comet of 2004 that the Lord opened up my mind to see what I missed. For this reason, please be patient with the scattered arrangement of information. I write as I discover them.
I left for our long-overdue family trip up north the morning after the tsunami wondering why God had not told me it would happen. He had simply given me this verse on Dec. 7, 2004.
"And the word of Jehovah came the second time unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying, Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother," (Hag. 2:20-22).
And also:
"...according to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, and my Spirit abode among you: fear ye not. For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations; and the precious things of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, saith Jehovah of hosts," (Hag. 2:5-7).
While the above spoke of a shaking of heaven and earth, (for he had just shook the heavens before that), yet I was looking for a clear fulfillment in one of the recent picture bible codes, either the Balance Bible Code or the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Bible code. I knew that both these picture codes warned of numerous coming judgments, but it did not identified a tsunami specifically. However, I reasoned that the codes should have predicted it in some definite manner given how dramatic the quake and ensuing tsunami was. (It was the largest quake in 40 years and perhaps the greatest natural disaster of our modern era. It was also unique in that it affected nearly all nations world since so many were vacationing along the shores of the 12 nations that saw deaths.)
The day the quake occurred symbolized as the year 1877 BC---which is one year before Israel entered Egypt. (Israel stayed in Egypt 430 years unit the exodus in 1446 BC.) (See the day/year grid. I know bible numbers can be complex at first but bear with me!) The year 1877 BC was the year that Jacob's 10 brothers bowed down to him after the first year of the seven-year famine. (The brothers had gone to Egypt to bye food.) At that time they did not recognize that the Lord of Egypt was Joseph, their brother, whom they had slain, just as Israel today does not recognize their Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). I understood that in the same way God will cause every knee to bow and every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord, (Isaiah 45:23). The quake shook nations to their trembling knees just as the famine brought the nations to their knees in the time of Joseph, (and there are more calamites to come). I am perfectly familiar with all the dates and times associated with the seven-year famine of Joseph since this is the theme of the entire bible numbers website put on the net seven years ago. Here is the diagram that summarizes that web site:
Shortly after the tsunami, I was informed about the comet visible in the sky the same general time as the tsunami, and I understood what it meant because of another dream I had 430 days earlier. In that dream, the enemies of Christ were made his very throne, fashioned into the stars of the constellation Pleiades.
At the time of that dream there were other great heavenly signs, such as the greatest solar flare on record.
Jesus said:
(Luke 21:24-28) "And they (Israel) shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led captive into all the nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the billows; men fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on the world: for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken." (Also see Arafat the Bull.)
Moreover, I already noted in other documents related to the Balance Bible Code and Lion Bible Code that the record tornadoes and hurricanes that hit America, and the shattering of the record for the number of hurricanes to hit Japan, were part of those judgments proclaimed in these codes. But although I wrote about these things, I had forgotten much that I wrote.
Getting to the Point!
There are 1260 x 1000 days from the Passover of the exodus unto the tsunami
Also see, The tsunami dream and Significance of Tsunami on Dec. 26, 2004 as it relates to Revelation 11 and 12
It was necessary for me to first give you this background information so that you can appreciate what I am about to say!
This morning, the Lord brought back to my memory what the river in the Balance Bible Code reads. (The "river" is the very first phrase revealed to me in this code. I noticed this phrase half-a-year before the tsunami, 182 days to be exact.) The phrase seemed strange to me at the time in that the words, "Bow down," were elsewhere used in the bible to refer to the stilling and abating of ferocious seas.
I will not repeat all that the river says since I have two large documents about it already on the Net. In the image to the right we have a tree by a river. The tree is also a balance of justice and a lampstand with seven lights. (Compare to Revelation 11.) The lower handle bridges the flooding Jordan river. The image is embedded into the Hebrew text of Isaiah 46:1-6, (although the bible code enlarges to include both text before and after it.)
Part of this text reads: "By myself have I sworn, the word is gone forth from my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear..," (Isa 45:23, quoted in Rom 14:11).
The text of Isaiah 46:1-6 is about God delivering Israel from Babylonian exile and making the gods of the nations to bow before Him in the process. By predicting the future, God demonstrates, as in an Olympic contest, that He alone is God. The text is saturated with "I am the Lord" and, "I am He" declarations. This is important since the center of the river, and key phrase of the whole code, declares: "I am Jesus."
"The river reads: "Bow low; Be still before me! I AM Jesus! Bow low; then you will shine like a river!" (All cal verbs. "From everlasting, my name is the Lord" interweaves with "I am Jesus" and, "The blood concerning my salvation," so as to denote depth to the river at middle.) (Click here for "A Closer Look at the River.")"
Compare the bible codes theme of 'bowing down' with the actual text, and with that of the narrative of Joseph. Joseph's brothers bowed down to him, and as said, the tsunami occurred on Dec. 26, 2004, the day that symbolized the year of that same event. (The next day of Dec. 27, 2004, therefore, symbolizes as 1876 BC, and so forth. See the day/year grid.)
However, the words "bow low," also mean to go down low as do waters when they recede after a flood, or winds in a great storm. Thus, there is a tie in between "bowing down," and "waves receding." The word is used twice in the narrative about the great Flood where it says that the waters "abated," (Genesis 8:1,3). (It is likewise used twice here in this line of code too.)
Moreover, the phrase in the bible code, "Be quite before me!" is used in my Hebrew New Testament bible to refer to the stilling of the storm by Jesus, and also the word for "abate" refers to the "abating" of the stormy sea. The line of code that forms the river is clearly patterned after the flood narrative and of the two stilling-of-the-storm narratives in the New Testament. This is important since this shows that the words addressed in the bible code are actually addressed to the sea, which in turn is a type of the nations. (I had overlooked this important fact before in my analysis of the code, but in view of the tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunami, and west-coast flooding/mudslides, it takes on new importance.) As we shall see, it is the timing of the tornadoes, hurricanes, but especially the tsunami that makes this interpretation absolutely certain beyond reasonable doubt. For the date of tsunami was encoded in the Balance bible code itself in several clear ways---ways that I had already discussed and documented concerning this same code, but promptly forgot!
(Mark 4:37-41) "And there ariseth a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the boat, insomuch that the boat was now filling. And he himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion: and they awake him, and say unto him, Teacher, carest thou not that we perish? And he awoke, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. ("stilled," same Hebrew word as in code) And the wind ceased ("abated," , and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye fearful? have ye not yet faith? And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?
(Mathew 14:23-33) "And after he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain apart to pray: and when even was come, he was there alone. But the boat was now in the midst of the sea, distressed by the waves; for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night he came unto them, walking upon the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a ghost; and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. (I.e., compare this to, "I am Jesus," at center of the code.)
And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto the upon the waters. And he said, Come. And Peter went down from the boat, and walked upon the waters to come to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and took hold of him, and saith unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
And when they were gone up into the boat, the wind ceased ("abated," , And they that were in the boat worshipped him (Lit. "bowed to worship"), saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God."
Jesus said...
"And as were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall be the coming of the Son of man," (Matthew 24:37-39).
By comparing the line of code that forms the river with the above passages we see that they are essentially the same. Just as Jesus spoke to and calmed the sea, so He speaks again in the midst of the tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and floods: "Be calm! Be still before me! I AM Jesus! Be calm and then you will shine like a river!" ("Forever my name is the Lord!")
God is saying that if we will bow before Jesus as did the disciples in the boat, and as did the brothers of Joseph, then you too will have peace like a river in the midst of the storm; yes, he might even remove you from the storm itself, as He did Noah. But you must repent of your sins and make Jesus your Lord and Savior. (The name "Jesus" means, "The Lord saves.")
Moreover, Jesus is likened unto the Light of the world and unto a great tree just previously in the Mark passage (about the stilling of the storm). And thus it is in the picture bible code: Jesus is the Light of the Word, He is the Tree of Life (sustainer of life like Joseph was,) and He is made both Lord and Judge as Moses was. (The Balance depicts justice and judgment, the Lamp depicts light and revelation, and the tree depicts sustenance and food. Yeshua is all these things and He stands arms outstretched as in the image to carry you across the flooding Jordan river, having been weighed in the balances for you on the tree (cross)---the Light of the world snuffed out for our sakes! He paid your dept of sins so that if you believe on Him then you will have everlasting life. You will have crossed over from death unto life. This is the meaning of the Balance Bible Code. And the tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquake/tsunami, and floods are signs that His coming is near. All that reject Him will be swept away in Jordan's swellings. (The river Jordan means, "The river of the Judge.")
The Timing of the Tsunami
are 1260 x 1000 days from
the Passover of the exodus unto the tsunami
God has foretold the timing of the tsunami (as well as the hurricanes etc.) in the codes as to make proof of the bible-code prophecy. Jesus did certain miracles in His day in such a way that the timing of it was a sign to others that it was Him, and not chance, (John 4:52-53). He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I will quote some of the work I did on the Balance Bible Code some months ago in order to validate what I am about to say now. I will leave these excerpts for you to study on your own since to explain them here would mean to rewrite the original documents all over again! Therefore, if you desire to understand exactly what was said then simply use the hyperlinks.
The four main points summarized are these:
The theme of the Balance Bible Code of 'stilling the sea' and of 'unleashed angelic weapons of judgment' agrees in general terms with the record tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunami, and floods that began to occur just after the code was discovered.
The Balance Bible Code was discovered half-a-year ago, which was 1260 x 1000 days (according to the 360 calendar) from when the plagues upon Egypt began. Since the plagues upon Egypt also lasted half-a-year, therefore the tsunami was 1260 x 1000 days from the end of the 10 plagues, that is, from the Passover/Exodus on March 24, 1446 BC, on the 360 calendar, (which is when Israel left Egypt, {Gregorian}, Julian day #1193366). (Revelation 12 links the "1260 days" thematically to the exodus from Egypt in 1446 BC, etc., and with Christmas week---the time of the quake.) This important time span is exact to the day and agrees with supporting numeric in that from the day they left Egypt in 1446 BC unto Dec. 27, 2004 are 1260 x 1000 days, and Dec. 27, 2004 symbolizes as 1876 BC, which is when they entered Egypt! (See the day/year grid, and note that 1260 or 1290 day/years more [we will explain later] comes to 586 BC, the fall of Jerusalem. Thus, the numeric pattern is flawless and pregnant with meaning. (Also see the the timing of the exodus for further details.)
The Balance Bible Code itself encodes the date of the tsunami in a way that when collaborated with the above leaves us without doubt as to its timing. Moreover, I mention this timing in documents put on the internet 5 months prior, though without any thought then of future judgments. This is the same dating method used in the mene-tekel-code.
We will take a second look at Haggai 2, the passage the Lord impressed upon me a couple of weeks before the tsunami. It ties all the lose ends together associated with Dec. 26, 2004, such as the dreams, the comet, Joseph's famine, the exodus, the plagues of Egypt, the throne, the floods, and the earthquake/tsunami.
Moreover, not just does symbolic 1877/1876 BC (that is, literal Dec. 26, 27, 2004) align back to the Exodus of 1446 BC, but when we forward the rest of the dates that surround the time of the Exodus we see a perfect pattern of unimaginable precision. See the following two articles for more details about the 430-day pattern: "430 Days Aligns with 430 years", and "1290000 Days to the Names Code".
The following is quote from the article concerning "Important Dates Surrounding the Time of the Exodus".
Most astoundingly, this pattern (of the 430 days intersecting years of same value) repeats itself again except this time corresponding to the 390 years from the entry into Egypt unto Moses' fleeing at 40-years of age, and the Exodus 40-years later, and then the 40-year desert wandering, plus the seven-year conquest of Canaan, (1406-1399 BC). (Thus, 390 + 40 + 40 days corresponds to the same in years.) This pattern only appears when using the additional dates supplied by the prophet Ezekiel. (See note in Column #17.)
The precision of these dates is mind-bending! The bible says that Israel was in Egypt exactly "to the day", 430 years unto Passover of 1446 BC. Ezekiel simply counts, not from just the first day of Passover, but from the whole week of Passover, and then counts 430 days from this week unto when the spies went out to spy the land for 40 days. Because of their unbelief, Israel was sentenced to wander in the desert "a day for each of the 40 days they spied the land". Thus, they entered the Promised Land in 1406 BC. Therefore, this means that the 40-days of spying out the land exactly corresponds to the 40 years of the wilderness wandering.
430 years "to the day" from the Entry into Egypt (1876 BC) unto the Passover of the Exodus (1446 BC), plus 40 years unto the Promised Land (1406 BC).
Corresponds to...
430 days + 40 days from the above Passover week (1446 BC) unto the 40 days that the spies spied out the land (1445 BC, Av. 5-12).
{The following is a little complex: Ponder the 1,260,000 days from the Exodus. (1260 x 1000 days is 3500 years without leap months inculcated. "3500 years" has to do with the culmination of 70 jubilees calculated without leap months that forms a pattern every 490-years of 360 days, plus 70 more years of missing Jubilee Sabbaths. Compare with document of Jubilees. We will not elaborate now). All symbolic dates align with literal dates when the dates of Ezekiel are forwarded by the bible-prophecy time frame of 1260 + 1335 years. The great tsunami that killed 250,000 on Dec. 26, 2004 was 1,260,000 days (Rev. 12) from Nisan 14 (360 calendar) of the Passover of the Exodus (March 23, 1446 BC), which was the eve of the 10th (last) plague upon Egypt on March 24, 1446 BC. Click here for more on that, and count the symbolic day-years of 430 + 40 days from the week of the tsunami, etc. The symbolic day-years are (Entry to Egypt) 1877/1876 to 1870/1869 BC, plus 430 day-years unto (Exodus) 1447/1446 to 1440/1439 BC, plus 40 days-years unto (Conquest of Canaan) 1407/1406 to 1400/1399 BC. For symbolic dates to overlap literal dates with such precision, both on the level of years and days, is impossible to be chance. Moreover, the day was marked by one of the worst natural disasters (i.e., the tsunami) ever recorded.}
(Next, The Sign of the Comet)
There are three articles in this series...
- The acrostic code and the death of Arafat
- The tsunami dream
Bible Code and timing of the tsunami - The comet of the tsunami
- See #13 of chart for "1260000" days from exodus, plus 1260 more, to huge tornado outbreak
Also see Significance of Tsunami
on Dec. 26, 2004 as it relates to Revelation 11 and 12
Excerpts from earlier work
on the Balance Bible Code
I wrote several months ago (before the tsunami) the following (The same image was beside it as seen here):
"Also note the 1260 letters of the Sheol code, and the 1260,000 days from the fall of 1447 BC, when the plagues began upon Egypt just before the release of the Israelites from 430-years in Egypt. Both 1260,000 and 720,000 are 1000 times 1260 and 720. The purpose of the '1000-times' numeric is to strengthen the code and its message---namely, that the 1000-year reign of Messiah will soon begin, and Satan will be bound. (But this 1000-years must first be preceded by a 1260, or 1260 x 2-day trial upon the earth, known as the Great Tribulation.)"
"The river is cut off at the point of crossing at the lower handle of the balance, (in large image). According to the book of Joshua, the Israelites were circumcised the very next day after Israel crossed the Jordan river. Thus we have the theme-agreement of a "river-crossing" with "circumcision." (Moreover, the name 'Joshua' is simply a variant of the name 'Jesus'.)
The letters that form the two rods (or rod and axe) are at 7 x 5-letter skips (= 35). Since the bible code is on a ten-times basis, therefore these '35' letters convert to 3.5 years, or half-seven. The number "3.5" is the number of "cutting off," (i.e., seven-years cut short), and hence agree with what the words themselves saying, "They cut off (circumcised) Jesus." It should be noted that the ministry of Jesus lasted 3.5 years, and then He was "cut off," (Daniel 9:24-27. See also Revelation 12).
Importantly, the said 3.5 letter-years within the text of Isaiah (35-letters total) corresponds to the dates of spring (Nisan) of AD 423 to fall (Tishri) of AD 426, which is not only 430 years back to Jesus' birth (and circumcision, see Ezek 4), but is also 2300 back to the first half-of-the-seven years of the famine of Joseph---to the very month, (Genesis 41). (See Daniel 8:14 for reference to the 2300 days in prophecy.
Importantly, half the 2300 equals the fall of the house of Israel in 725-722 BC.)
The spot in the code where the line (rod) crosses the river corresponds precisely to the spring of AD 425, which is exactly 2300 letter-years (also to the month!) back to when the house of Israel (Jacob) descended into Egypt to escape this seven-year famine, where they remained exactly 430 years until the exodus, (1876-1446 BC). ("AD 425" also corresponds to Pentecost morning, (i.e., 360 + 65 days = 425). Pentecost is the anniversary of the giving of the law to Moses (1446 BC), and of the baptism of the Holy Spirit (AD 30) wherein 3000 were baptized by fire and water that very same day, (Acts 1-2). "AD 425" (this symbolic date represents Pentecost of 1445 BC) is also the date (Pentecost of 1446 BC) of when God intended Israel to Passover the Jordan, as explained in a document put on the net several years ago. Hence, the numeric of the code is exact to the letter of all the letters in the book of Isaiah so as to signify the crossing/baptism in the river by both water and fire. This agrees with the prophet Isaiah, (as recorded a little before the place where the actual picture-code is embedded [Isaiah 46:1-6])."
(Next, The Sign of the Comet)
There are three articles in this series...
Also see Significance of Tsunami |
Update: What
happened 1260 days after the tsunami, |
Movie showing path of comet. (Takes a while to download with just a phone modem!)
(See also Acrostic Bible Code)
Iran Earthquake of Feb. 22,
and President Bush's visit to Europe
A sign of the
coming war of Russia and Iran with Israel
Update: Comet Pojmanski
The next comet after the one during the tsunami was Comet Pojmanski. (It was seen in late February of 2006 with the naked eye, and was closest to the sun on March 5, 2006.) Comet Pojmanski was about 430 days after the time of the Tsunami and as far as I know there were no naked-eye comets in between that time. That comet peaked on Jan. 7, 2005. This means that those two comets very roughly span the 430 days between the symbolic dates of 1876 and 1446 BC as discussed earlier, and both were visible to the naked eye on those symbolic day-year dates.
Forum Discussion on Comet Holmes