Meaning-of-Names Bible Code
from Adam to Jesus

(Part 3 --- Details)


Click here for first part: Bible-Names Code "Part One"


Detailed notes on each name


"Genealogical Names Code" on YouTube (Part 1) (Short version)

 "Names Acrostic" on YouTube (Part 2)


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This article was first written with the intention of only exploring the names found in the first three genealogies in the bible and was basically meant to be a supplement to an article on an amazing acrostic found in these same first three genealogies. However, afterward it was decided to see if the remaining names down to Christ also would continue to make sense, adding name to name with their meanings so as to tell a story, and to my surprise the names in fact read better than before, and with no discrepancies as to their meaning from Abraham onward! A Strong's concordance and a basic understanding of Hebrew was all it took. (This was also cross-checked with a number of other resources.) I used the genealogy of Matthew (chapter one) which spans 40 names from Abraham to Jesus. Not one name in this list is in serious doubt as to its meaning. The very fact that the bible tells us the meaning of the first five names in this genealogy from Abraham is more than a clue that they and the rest of the names are meant to be sewn together into one consecutive line of meanings to tell the story of Messiah, Jesus, who Himself is the last name on the list and is also its climax. 


Note: Some of these names are uncertain in meaning and can differ depending upon the root from which they are judged to be taken. Lamech, for instance, is difficult. Some suggest it means "strength," "youth," others "grief." It seems that "grief" is the more logical (if any of them are correct) since both the godly and ungodly Lamech's "lament" over their fallen state. Recall that each of the names appear to reflect what they are or what their parent wanted them to be. Abel, for instance, means meaninglessness, and so his premature death at the hands of his brother denotes this meaninglessness. Methuselah means, "His death shall bring." It could also mean, "A man shall bring," or, "A man of the dart." But of these three the first makes the most sense since Methuselah, who lived the longest of anyone in the bible, died in the year of the flood so that "his death" was a sign of ("brought on") the flood. Thus, what the individuals did in their lives help decipher their names when their meaning is ambiguous. Moreover, sometimes either meaning is significant. Thus, this code is more reliable than what critics imply. Moreover, the two genealogies mean much the same and this helps sort out their true meanings by cross-checking the lists with each other. In some ways, then, the acrostic is superior over this names-code in that we are certain of the letters upon which the acrostic is based but we are not always completely certain as to the meaning of every name. But I think we can safely know the thrust of what the names mean when strung together.

The second list of names and their meanings {from Adam to Noah} were discovered by someone else, but I don't know who. I have made a few slight corrections to bring out the truth that "the appointed man, the man of sorrow" is Jesus rather than mankind in general. (Isaiah 53:3).

The names from Abraham onwards to Jesus are certain and the list follows the genealogy found in the gospel of Matthew (chapter one), (For Boaz, see 1Kings 7:21.) I have not put all the names in table form yet.

Rules of literal rendering:

The favored nuance of a meaning is chosen. The meaning of the names are here freely connected by the definite article "the", or by "and," "is", or "but" since names in Hebrew are definite already and since a list of names obviously require "and" or "is" at times to connect them! No one names their child, "And-Frank"! or "Is-Jack"! We have limited ourselves to the Hebrew "vav" with its normal usages in Hebrew. Prepositions such as "in" "to" "like" "from," etc., must be part of the name itself to be in bold otherwise it is put in brackets as something implied but not directly part of the name.  Keep in mind that even a Hebrew translation of a normal sentence sometimes requires the translator to supply words to give the proper sense. Also, word order can be tricky since in Hebrew an adjective comes after a noun but is the other way around in English, or a preposition must be translated as a verb to read smoothly in English, etc. Some latitude is surely required in the translation for the simply reason that this is a bible code of sorts and thus tends to be more ridged than normal speech. The question we should be asking is, "What is the meaning that is being communicated?" Not, "Is this perfect Hebrew?"! At the very least, the names in these lists demonstrate the hopes and longings of the people who named their child at any given period of time. However, it seems evident that we have more than just that, --- it appears that we have a code pieced together by God using names. While we certainly should not build any theology on these collective meanings, nonetheless, it seems that we tentatively have yet another Divine evidence for the Bible!





Cain's Line:

The following is the composite list of the meaning of the 8 names in the genealogy from Adam to Jabal along Cain's line.

(Note the similarity between these names and the first 10 names along the godly line of Seth's in above chart. The similarity suggests that the ungodly line was mimicking the godly line. It also suggests that the list is selective, perhaps implying a hidden message.) Keep in mind that this is the ungodly line. It appears that the death of Messiah to them brings about the deepest of sorrow.

Rev. 1:7 "Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they that pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn over him. Even so, Amen."


(Genesis 4)


English Meaning


(A Mighty One of)

The God- 




(is) brought forth,


a teacher of 


(the) fugitive.


The one smitten of God


is a Man of God-



(Note: adjectives follow nouns in Hebrew.)




(The 3 sons of Lamech who presumably perished in the Flood.)

A river flows forth,

O' offspring of the man brought forth!

(Tubal-Cain also sounds like, "You brought forth Cain", and Cain also means, "brought forth". All three names have the same root meaning, "to bring forth", and are related to the word for the "Flood" as used in the Flood narrative in which these three perished! Gen. 6:17.) The word "Cain" is a synonym, and thus a word-play. "Jabal" and "Jubal" are also related to the word for "Jubilee", which suggests the end of an age, as does the narrative's use of multiples of seven, Gen. 4:24. (A jubilee occurred at the end of 7 x 7 years.)

Thus, the above reads: (Keep in mind that Cain was sent away as a "fugitive" upon the earth, Gen. 4:14, and that all men today are like Cain, fugitives fleeing God.)

"The God-man is brought forth, a teacher of fugitives. The One smitten by God is a mighty man of God! A river flows forth, O' descendents of the Man brought forth!" (Or, "A river flows forth, O' descendents of Cain!")


Or the names can read slightly different...


English Meaning


A man


(is) brought forth, 
(Gen. 4:1)




a fugitive.
(or, "one running wild.")


Smitten of God,


his death is of God.

(or lit., "{is} a man of God.")




flows forth.



(The Full Code)

There is some uncertainty about the names after the flood to Abraham (in the third genealogy), but after that the meaning of the names are all but certain all the way down to Jesus. In a spiritual sense, Jesus gave birth to the church at Pentecost and so I have capped off the genealogy with the "Church", which literally means, "ones called out". 

It is interesting to compare what the name-code reads as compared to the events that occurred during that portion of the genealogy. Cleary the name-code is meant to interpret those time periods. 

The ungodly line have a total of seven names and the godly have 60 names for a total of 67 names. 
(But see chart about the names code that has been updated since this document was written.)


Paraphrased Rendering
of Meaning-of-Names from Adam to Christ

(This begins by including the line of Cain, who perished in Noah's flood)


(The first three lines are the acrostic.)

"I will choose a circumcised people (i.e., Jews), even many peoples for myself (i.e., Gentiles)."

"I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving those made from the dust a second time." 

("Where will he lead the people of Goshen?")


(The first paragraph is Cain's line.)

"The God-man is born, a teacher of fugitives! The One smitten by God will be a mighty man of God! A river flows, O' offspring of the man born!"


The God-Man is appointed, a mortal man of sorrow is born! The Glory of God shall come down from heaven and teach men that by means of His death He shall comfort those who mourn.

The fame of the stronghold of Babylon, and sorrow, extend their borders like a plant beyond the place of division (at the Tower of Babel). -- But I will make Babylon fade away!

A friend also branches out, snorting with fury!  

A glorious father, the father of a great multitude laughs as he outwits (his enemy). A righteous prince sees God! A mighty one fights! {He joins himself to an assembly, a glorious people whom he rescued, stranger(s) in a strange land, captives delivered by God!"} See note for bracketed portion.

  One who praises the Lord breaks open a way into a safe place that is surrounded by a high wall.

O' my people who belong to the prince, a prophet clothed with strength and who serves (the Lord), is here! Out of love, this beloved one paid the price for peace in order to set the people free, bringing them into a spacious land.

My Father is the Lord, the healer of him whom the Lord judged and then raised up. The Lord has taken hold of me and the Lord is strong! Mighty is the Lord! My strength and help are in the Lord! The Lord is perfect! I took hold of the strength of the Lord and it made me forget my misery. Truly, (I am) the Master Builder whom the Lord God healed, whom the Lord raised up, whom the Lord upholds, did uphold and will uphold! 

I have asked God about the ransomed of the Lord --- those exiled in Babylon. My Father is awesome! God will raise up a helper, the Just One will the Lord raise up! God is my praise! God is the One who helps. May the Gift of Jacob increase in greatness, for God is with us --- the Messiah and Savior of those called out (of Babylon).


Click here for detailed chart on each name
of the Names Bible Code, and the methodology

Slide1. Meaning of Names Bible Code. Adam to Noah.

Slide2. Meaning of Names Bible Code. Shem to Terah.

Slide3. Meaning of Names Bible Code. Abraham to Jacob. Also to Moses' grandson.

Slide4. Meaning of Names Bible Code. Judah to Rehoboam (King Solomon's son).

Slide5. Meaning of Names Bible Code. King Abijah to King Manasseh,

Slide6. Meaning of Names Bible Code. King Amon to Zerubbabel.

Slide7. Meaning of Names Bible Code. Abiud to Jesus Christ and His Church.


Detailed notes on each name


Jacob's 12 Sons
 in the Order in Which They Were Born

The bible tells us the meaning of each son born to Judah, (Gen. 29-35). All 12 were named by their mothers. (Jacob had four wives.) When the 12 are put together in the order in which they were born we arrive at a composite of the struggle of the four wives and 12 sons. Instead of four women and 12 sons we instead see one women and one son. It is obvious to me that they represents Mary and Jesus. (Mary, in turn, appears to represent the plight of all mothers generally, from Eve to now.) Thus, whereas the genealogy from Adam to Christ proclaims the story of redemption from the Father and the Son's perspective, here we have it told from the perspective of a wife (and mother)! 


Paraphrased Rendering

"Behold a Son from the One who has heard my cry! The fruit of this union will be praised! God judged my great struggle and has rewarded me with blessing and prosperity. Moreover, He has added to this the prize of a place of honor with my Son at the right hand side of His Father, --- my Son who before was the Son of my sorrow!"

Literal Rendering

"Behold a Son from the One who has heard. (This) (son-bearing) union will be praised! He judged my great struggle with good- fortune, prosperity as a reward. The prize of a dwelling of honor will also be added, Oh Son of my sorrow, Oh Son at the right hand!" 

(Note: "The prize of a dwelling of honor" is located "at the right hand" of God! The bride of Christ sits with Him in heavenly places!

"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory," (Col. 3:1-4).



Detailed notes on each name

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