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(Quoted from NewScientist.com news service and only placed on our website just in case their page address changes.)

Hurricane Charley's sharp turn baffles scientists

15:48 16 August 04
NewScientist.com news service


"A last-minute swerve to the right by Hurricane Charley which devastated the coastal Florida town of Punta Gorda over the weekend, has baffled experts.

The 258 km/hour hurricane that flattened the US town on Friday afternoon, killing at least 20 people and injuring many others, was predicted to hit land 70 miles further north, but changed direction within minutes of the coast.

“There was a sudden intensification and a veering to the right of track, and we’re all trying to work out why,” said Mark Saunders, a tropical storm expert from Benfield Hazard Centre at University College London, UK."

(Please note: The hurricane is more a sign of what's to come
 then it is a fulfillment of the code.
 An economic depression is what is mainly being forewarned by this code.

God is merciful and will use this for good in the lives of those devastated.)

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